Two Approaches Supported for Physical/Cycle Count
The goal of this application is to make the physical/cycle count process paperless. To do this the application needs to be able to generate the count records for a physical or cycle count so that they can be viewed as a “to-do” list for the warehouse personnel. This is done through the Print Cycle Count Worksheet application. When the user wants to perform either a physical or cycle count, he/she will print this report to generate the zero count records in the IMCNTITM table. If performing a full physical count for a location, run the report answering ALL to all the prompts. Once the report has finished running, the warehouse personnel can access the count records through I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Review. This application will show a list of all the generated count records in bin order. They can enter a starting bin number if they were assigned to a certain area of the warehouse. Drilling down will show all the count records for the selected bin. From this screen they can press Enter to begin scanning the bin.
The other approach to counting is to just scan without generating count records. This approach is supported as well. The warehouse personnel can scan to create count records through the I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Scan application. Records created through this application can be reviewed via the Review application or through the Edit List. The goal of this method is fast data entry. This is achieved by allowing multiple users to collect data without having to use specific tag numbers while counting. This significantly speeds up the counting process.
Cycle Count Worksheet
A new option has been added to the Cycle Count Worksheet. If the Warehouse Management System is in use, option 4. Update Phys Count Scan File? is available. Answering Yes to this prompt will create zero count records in the IMCNTITM table and they will be available for processing in the Review application - I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Review.
Note: Answering Yes to this prompt will default the 5. Print Zero or Negative On-Hand to No.
Physical Count Scan Review This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Review.
- Location – User enters the location he/she wants to review.
- Starting Bin No – The bin number the user wants the program to use to begin showing the count records.
- Showing – The current value of the toggle (filter used) to display the data.
- No. Tags – The number of tags on file for the bin.
- Counted Qty – The number of items that have been counted for that bin.
- Zero Cnt Tags – The number of tags that have a zero quantity counted.
- Date – The latest date that a count record was accessed for the bin.
- Time – The latest time that a count record was accessed for the bin.
- User – The last user to modify a count record for the bin.
- Totals – Totals of the No. Tags, Qty Counted, and Zero Cnt Tags columns.
Enter=Detail – Hitting the Enter key will take the user to the Scan Detail View screen.
F4=Toggle All/Zero/Part/Full – Pressing the F4 key will change the filter on the data that is displayed. All shows all records with no filter. Zero shows bins where all of the count records have a zero quantity counted. Part shows bins that have been partially counted (a mix of counted tags with zero count tags). Full shows bins where all of the quantity counted is > zero.
Note: The data shown in the full view is not necessarily fully counted but is showing that they have been at least partially processed. Bins that are partially finished could technically be fully counted if there is a legitimate zero count record for the bin. This toggle is meant to act as a suggested place for the warehouse personnel to begin working.
Physical Count Scan Detail
This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Review after drilling down on a specific bin.
- Location – Warehouse location the user chose to view.
- Bin No – The bin number the user is drilling down to from the Review screen.
- Item No. – Item number for the count record.
- Qty Counted – The number of items that have been counted for that item in the chosen bin.
- Date – The latest date that a count record was accessed for the item.
- Time – The latest time that a count record was accessed for the item.
- Last Access – The last user to modify/create a count record for the item.
Enter=Scan – Hitting the Enter key will take the user to the Scan application where he/she can process the count record. The location and bin number is passed to Scan application and the user is placed directly on the item number field so he/she can begin scanning.
Physical Count Scanned Items
This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Scan or from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> Review after drilling down on a specific bin and item.
- Location – Warehouse location being counted.
- Bin No – Bin number being counted.
- Item Number – Item Number being counted. User can also scan the UPC number or the manufacturer’s item number.
- Serial Number (if using Scan Single Item/Serial mode) – Serial number for the item that was scanned. The last serial number will be left on the screen if scanning serial numbers in this mode.
- Quantity – Quantity counted.
- Last Input – Last information entered in the item number field.
- Last Item Counted - Last item scanned and counted
- Total Count For Item – After an item is counted this field will be updated. The quantity shown here corresponds to the Last Item Counted.
Scanning Modes
There are three different modes for data entry in this application. Press the F5 key to change the scanning mode. The application stores the last Scanning Mode in the registry and will default to the last mode chosen on that workstation.
Scan & Enter Qty – When using this mode, the user will enter/scan the Location, Bin No, Item Number and Quantity. If the Item is serialized, once the quantity is entered the application will go to the Serial Number Entry screen where the user can scan serial numbers. The mode should also be considered as the “Change Mode” for the application. For example, if the user previously scanned 10 of an item but he/she needs to reduce the quantity to 8, the user would bring up the count in this mode, change the quantity to 8, and if the item is serialized the user will be asked to remove 2 of the serial numbers from the list.
Scan Single Item/Serial – This is a single entry mode where the user scans the item number and then the serial number. After the serial number scan the user is taken back to the item number field. The item number/serial number combination is entered one at a time and the user does not go through the separate Serial Number Entry screen. Each scanned pair updates the quantity counted by one.
Scanning Mode - When using this mode, the user will enter/scan the Location, Bin No, Item Number. If the item is not serialized, the user can just continue scanning the items and the increment the quantity. If the Item is serialized, the application will go to the Serial Number Entry screen where the user can scan serial numbers. Once the user is finished scanning the serial numbers, the total number of serial numbers scanned is returned as the quantity counted for that item. If the item is accessed in the future using this mode and more serial numbers are scanned, they will be added to this same count. The user will see the previously scanned serial numbers on the screen and he/she can continue to add to the list.
Serial Number Error Checking
The WMS Scan application performs several checks when scanning serial numbers in the Single Item/Serial or via the serial number entry screen.
- When in scanning serial numbers, the program checks if a UPC code was scanned. If it was, the user will receive a DONE window and the scan is not accepted.
- If the user scans a serial number that has already been counted in either another bin for the same location or at a different location, they will receive a DONE window and the scan is not accepted. The window will tell them what bin, location, date and time when the serial number was previously scanned.
- If they scan a serial number that belongs to a different item number, they will receive a DONE window and the scan is not accepted. This should prevent them from scanned serial numbers and forgetting to change the item number.
- If the user scans a serial number and it belongs to the item but currently resides in a different warehouse location, the user will receive a message asking if this is OK. If they answer Yes, it will accept the scan. If they answer No or abort, it will not accept the scan. The entry defaults to space so they cannot scan past the entry.
- If they scan a serial number that is not on file for any item, the user will receive a message asking if this is OK. If they answer Yes, it will accept the scan. If they answer No or abort, it will not accept the scan. The entry defaults to space so they cannot scan past the entry. This could happen if the user has a bad scan, scans a bar code that is not the serial number or the UPC code, etc.
Physical Count Scan Edit List
This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> WMS Processing -> Processing-> Physical/Cycle Count-> List. This is an edit list of the scanned count records on file.
- Starting/Ending Location – Warehouse location.
- Starting/Ending Bin – Bin number range for the report.
- Starting/Ending Item – Item number range for the report.
- Stating/Ending User – Range of users who created the count records.
- Sort By – L = by location, B = by bin, I = by item, U = by user who last modified the count record.
- Show Counted – A = all records, Z = records with zero counted, N = records with a quantity counted.
WMS Cycle Count By Bin
If running the Multi-Bin Enhancement, the user will have a new report that runs against the WMS scans. This report will serve as a variance report that compares the WMS scans to the bin inventory and the serial/lot master (if using) and reports any discrepancies before the WMS scans are interfaced to the tag file. The user can also post the scans. That will NOT update inventory quantities but will only update the last date counted in the Bin Master file. This is to be used for internal integrity checks to verify that the inventory count in a specific bin is correct. This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> Physical Count Processing -> Utility-> WMS Cycle Count By Bin. This menu item provides two options – a Verify option that lists all of the count records for each bin and the Post application that will delete the WMS scans and update the last counted date in the Bin Master file.
NOTE: If you want to interface the scans to the Tag File, DO NOT run the post function of this application.
- If you choose the Post Menu option, answer Y to the "Do You Want To Post At This Time" prompt.
- Location – Enter the warehouse location to post. Press F7 to search for a location or press Enter for All.
- Starting/Ending Bin – Enter the bin range you would like to post or press Enter for All.
Purge Zero Count WMS Scans
If you do not want zero count WMS scans to be interfaced to the tag file, use this application to delete the scans.
- Starting/Ending Location – Warehouse location.
- Starting/Ending Bin – Bin number range for the report.
- Starting/Ending Item – Item number range for the report.
Interface WMS Scans
This application can be accessed from I/M-> Processing -> Physical Count Processing -> Utility-> Interface WMS Scans. This menu item provides two options – an Update Edit List that lists all of the count records that will be posted to the IMTAGFIL/IMTAGSER tables and the Post application. Once the WMS scans have been posted to the Tag File, proceed with normal Physical Count Processing procedures, such as generating the tag work file and evaluating the variance reports.
- Answer Y to the "Do You Want To Post At This Time" prompt if you want to interface the WMS scans to the Physical/Cycle Count Tag File.
- Location – Enter the warehouse location to post. Press F7 to search for a location or press Enter for All.
- Starting/Ending Bin – Enter the bin range you would like to post or press Enter for All.
- Interface Zero Count Scan – Answer Yes to interface zero count scans. This will create a zero count tag.
- Starting Tag No – First tag number to use when posting WMS scans to the IMTAGFIL. This field will automatically default to the next available tag number on file.