What's the Difference Between Lead Time & Planning Lead Time?
Q - We're in the process of using ATP and noticed on the Item File that there are two fields: one is Lead Time and the other is Planning Lead Time. We checked the documentation and it looks like Planning Lead Time is used in any MRP generation, but is that the only difference between the two? The client asked and we realized we weren't exactly sure what each field was specifically used for, so can you please explain?
A - Typically, we suggest that you keep Lead Time and Planning Lead Time as the same value. Here is the difference between these two fields:
(A) Field # 84 Planning Lead Time is used to:
- Support ATP / MRP Generation. Please be aware that MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is a legacy manufacturing module to be replaced by the ATP (Available to Promise) feature.
- Production Work Order – Based on Planning Lead to calculate “Starting Date” from “Due Date” as it is entered by the user.
(B) Field # 45 Lead Time is used as:
- Factor in “Recalculate Reorder Field” processing. The system needs to reserve a higher Reorder Level for a longer lead time item.
- Lead time showing on Reordering Advised Report.
(C) The system will suggest setting Lead Time and Planning Lead Time as the same in normal situations. The system will issue the message “Would You Like to Update Planning Lead Time Too?” as soon as you update “Lead Time.” See sample screen below:
Also, see the following related Knowledge Base article:
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