Release Date: 9/21/2021
Version: 8.6 and higher
PDF PostOffice is a feature that allows Elliott users to email selected documents (like Invoices, Statements, Quotes, etc.) directly to the customer as they are produced. PDF PostOffice has been available since Elliott v8.2. Here are some Knowledge Base articles that explain Elliott PDF PostOffice processing in detail:
In Elliott
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v8.6, we introduced Report Desk, which also provides some PDF PostOffice capability. Currently, the only documents available for PDF PostOffice processing in Report Desk are A/R Statements.
Using PDF PostOffice for A/R Statements
When you select Accounts Receivable \ Processing \ Print Statements, you will see a list that contains the Report Desk version of A/R Statements:
Select the highlighted line above to launch Report Desk for A/R Statements. You will see the following parameter input screen:
After making your selections, press the OK button to bring up the ReportOutput dialog:
After you select the PostOffice checkbox, the To: address defaults to @@SYCONTCT_EMAIL_ADDR@@. This variable is replaced by the email address for each contact for each statement before it is sent. You can add CC: and BCC: email addresses, add attachments, change the body of the text, etc., before pressing the Go button to begin the process.
Processing proceeds as follows:
- First, your input parameters are used to select the potential customers to receive statements.
- Then, each of these customers' accounts is aged to make sure balances are up to date.
- Then, statements are prepared for the subset of the original customers still eligible to receive a statement, based on your input parameters.
- Finally, the statements are emailed to the designated recipient contacts.
- At this time, the statements that are emailed are not automatically saved to a Spooled Reports folder -- you must specify Disk output in the ReportOutput dialog if you want them saved for future reference.
- The example above was run in test mode, so that the emails that would have been sent to the customer contacts instead are sent to the email specified by the tester.
Running in Test Mode
If you are logged in as SUPERVISOR or if you have permission to modify Report Desk reports, and select the PostOffice checkbox, you will have the ability to specify test mode by selecting the Test checkbox, in red below
Selecting the Test checkbox does two things:
- It allows you to specify an email recipient other than the customer contact.
- It will send all emails to the To: email address you specify.
This makes it easy for the tester to verify the potential emails and the attached A/R Statements.
Using Variables in the Email
Several variables are available for inserting in the email. Where you would like to insert a variable, right-click and select from the following:
- Collector: The collector code from the Customer record.
- CollectorEmail: The email address of the Collector.
- CollectorName: The Name of the Collector.
- CollectorPhone: The phone number of the Collector
Company Variables
- CompanyAddr1: Address line 1 for the Company.
- CompanyAddr2:
Address line 2 for the Company.
- CompanyAddr3:
Address line 3 for the Company.
- CompanyName: Your Company name.
- CompanyPhone: Your Company's phone number.
- ContactEmail: The addressee's email address.
- ContactFax: The addressee's fax number.
- ContactHomePhone: The addressee's home phone number.
- ContactMobilePhone: The addressee's mobile phone number.
- ContactName: The addressee's name.
- ContactPhone: The addressee's phone number.
Customer Variables
- CustAddr1: Line 1 of the Customer's address.
- CustAddr2: Line 2 of the Customer's address.
- CustCity: The Customer's city.
- CustContact: The Customer's contact.
- CustCountry: The Customer's country.
- CustName: The Customer's business name.
- CustNo: The Customer's customer number.
- CustSt: The Customer's city.
- CustTerms: The terms code for the Customer.
- CustZip: The Customer's zip code.
Parameter Variables
- ParamComment1: The first comment line on the statement.
- ParamComment2: The second comment line on the statement.
- ParamStartDate: The period start date for the statement.
- ParamStopDate: The period end date for the statement.
Sample A/R Statement