'Released 01/03/2017
PDF PostOffice Logs and Events
PostOffice Log Files
Elliott provides PDF PostOffice log files for
investigation purposes.
The log files
will be created under the Elliott LOG folder by company. This log file is in CSV format with the
following naming convention:
TaskNames are as follows:
- CPINVPRT - normal invoices
- CPINVPRH - duplicate invoices from history
- CPINVPRP - pickup invoices
- POINVPRT - purchase orders
- ARSTMNTS - A/R statements
- CPORDPRT - order acknowledgements
- CPQUOPRT - order quotes
- CPRMAPRT - RMA acknowledgements
So. for example, for normal invoice printing, company 01, on 12/01/2016, Elliott would create a
log file named M:\Elliott7\Log\01\PDFPostOffice-CPINVPRT161201.CSV.
If the file is busy when logging occurs, a timestamp
will be added for a new filename, such as M:\Elliott7\Log\01\PDFPostOffice-CPINVPRT16120-130504.CSV.
So, the log records for a specific day will be in all the
files that contain the date, with or without a timestamp added.
The CSV File has the following columns:
- Date: MM/DD/YY
- Time: HHMMSS
- User: Elliott User ID
- Workstation: Elliott Workstation ID
- Email: Y, N or blank. Y means email successfully sent (whether or not it reached its destination); N means there was a problem sending the email; blank means no email address to send to.
- Fax: Y, N or blank. Same as above.
- Print: Y, N or blank. Same as above.
- Disk: Y, N or blank. Same as above.
- Customer Number: or Vendor Number.
- Customer Name: or Vendor Name.
- Document Number: The order number. With PO printing, the purchase order number. With A/R statement, blank.
- Invoice Number: Blank if not printing invoices.
- Email Address: The contact's email address or fax server address when emailed. Blank otherwise.
- Error: Error message if there is some kind of failure.
PostOffice Events
Whenever a PDF PostOffice document is emailed, faxed or printed, it will trigger an event which can be subscribed to. There are two types of PostOffice events, depending on what kind of recipient receives the event:
- POTOCUST: PDF sent to Customer
- POTOVEND: PDF sent to Vendor
These are management events which you can subscribe by going to Global Setup or Company Setup. Each event has the following fields:
- Record No: Always 01
- Customer No: Or vendor number
- Customer Name: Or vendor name
- Order No: For A/R statements, blank
- Invoice No: Blank if no invoice number
- Email/Fax/Print: E for email, F for fax or P for print
- Success: Y or N to indicate successfully sent. The Administrator may want to subscribe to failures only.
- Email Address: Or fax server address
- Error Message: If there is an error.
For example, you can subscribe to the event when "Success" = "N". That allows you to email to an administrator an error notification whenever the system failed to send a PDF PostOffice document.
Programs: V8.2