Remote Desktop Workstation Name

Remote Desktop Workstation Name

Release Date: 6/19/17

Q - This is related to the Remote Desktop Configuration. I see that the system wants to set up a workstation ID for each user (local or remote). When the same user might work both from local and remote workstations, should the name of the workstation remain the same or be different? Should I have different user IDs and passwords when the same user is logged in from either remote or local workstations?

I suppose printing is the issue, but there may be a number of other settings I'm not aware of.

A - You are correct that printing is the issue.  The principle is when the same user logs on from different desktops, the workstation ID should be different and unique because the available printers from different desktops will vary.  We don't recommend that you have different user IDs and passwords for the same user when he or she is logged in remotely or locally. Instead, we ask that you ensure they have different workstation IDs in Elliott.  Our general rule for the workstation ID naming convention is = MachineName + UserID.  

For example, I have a remote desktop server name of TS4.  My Windows user ID is EMK.  When I login to this remote desktop server, I enter my Elliott Workstation ID as TS4EMK.  Keep in mind that the workstation ID is only 10 digits long.  Therefore, you may need to abbreviate your machine name or user ID.  For example, if your machine name is "Terminal-Server," then you can shorten it to "TS" to make the workstation ID unique but still recognizable.

The key is that you don't want to use the same workstation ID (such as the user ID "EMK") for different desktops that the user (in this example, EMK) may use to logon.  Different desktops will have different lists of printers available. Using the same workstation ID name will certainly cause you printing problems down the road.  See the following Knowledge Base article on the same subject: