Q - I have a user that comes into the office and uses Elliott from her desktop. That same user also uses Elliott from home using the remote desktop to the Elliott server. The user has Adobe Acrobat on her local desktop to generate and edit PDF files. On the server I have installed CutePDF software so remote desktop users can generate PDFs while using Elliott in this way.
The problem has been when the user comes into the office and tries to print to Acrobat within Elliott, she gets an error message saying CutePDF is not available. The CutePDF printer is in the list of printers in Elliott but is "greyed" out because she is not actively connected to it. When this problem comes up the only way around issue is to remove the "greyed" out CutePDF printer from the list of Elliott printer configurations. When she connects remotely into the server she has to re-add the CutePDF configuration.
A - Does this user have the same workstation ID when working on the remote desktop, vs. on a local workstation? If yes, then it is a problem. The primary function of a workstation ID is to control the printer list and set defaults in the Elliott Print Option window. The printer list on a local workstation will be different from that on a remote desktop. As a result, the workstation ID for a remote desktop and a local workstation should be different.
Screen 1 below shows you how to identify workstation ID. My convention is to use Machine Name + Windows User Name as workstation ID. In my case, my Windows User Name is “EMK.” My remote desktop server name is “TS4,” so my Elliott workstation ID is TS4EMK. The maximum length for a workstation ID is 10 digits, so you may need to abbreviate if you want to adopt my scheme.
To change workstation ID, you can bring up “Setup/Preference” from the tool bar and go to “Printer etc.” tab. You must login as “SUPERVISOR” to make this change. Otherwise, this field will be greyed out. See sample screen 2.
See related KB article below: