Quick Installation Guide for Audit Master

Quick Installation Guide for Audit Master

Release Date: 09/12/2018

Audit Master is an invaluable tool to diagnose problems with Elliott Business Software -- the types of problems that can happen due to users' mistakes or Elliott software bugs.  While Elliott does provide auditing for the changes of certain tables, Audit Master is a comprehensive tool that can audit all data, if necessary, in Elliott. This tool resolves any mysteries surrounding problems and provides guidance on how to resolve issues.

Download Audit Master from Actian website:
From the top navigation bar, choose "Products" -> "Pervasive PSQL." This will bring you to the following page:
In this page, find "Audit Master" on the left under "Products." This will bring you to the following page:
In this page, you have the choice to download the following Audit Master versions:
  • Audit Master 13 - Works with PSQL 13
  • Audit Master 12 - Works with PSQL 12
  • Audit Master 8 - Works with PSQL 11
Depending the version of your PSQL, download the corresponding Audit Master.  Once you download the EXE.  Run it on your PSQL server console.  Use the default settings to install.

Create Schema by Importing Elliott DDF
Startup AM Schema Maintenance Wizard. Choose Import Wizard and use the following information:

Enter the following information in the dialog window "Specify the Product Information":

Enter the version that matches your current Elliott version.  Please be aware that there is a bug that exists where if you enter the "Version" field as "V8.2," then the AM advanced search feature won't work. You need to enter the lower case "v8.2" or simply "8.2" to avoid this problem.

Next, you need to identify where the Elliott DDF resides.  Browse to your Elliott folder as follows:
Click Next to create the Schema.

Configure Audit Master
After successfully importing Elliott’s schema, start up Audit Master Viewer. Expand the server node, and enter the “Admin” user.  Since this document is intended for admin users only, you need to call Netcellent for the password. Once you've logged in, choose menu item “Admin” -> “Audit Configuration.”  Right click “Elliott Business Software” and choose “New Configuration.”  Then choose the drive where you have Elliott installed, and “8.2” for the version. See sample screen below:

Click "Add Group" and enter the Group Name to match your company folder -- like "DATA," "DATA_02," "Tutorial"...etc.

In the “Available Files” area, browse to your corresponding data folder, select the files you want to monitor, and add to the “Files to Be Monitored” list. See sample screen below:

Since Audit Master creates a lot of auditing data, you don't want to monitor every single table in Elliott. See the following KB articles for a suggested list of files that you should monitor:

Now close it and you will receive the message “Please close AuditMaster and restart all PSQL services for the changes to take effect.”  

But before you do that, you should also make the following changes by going to “Admin” -> “Server Settings.”  Since Audit Master takes a lot of data, we recommend that you to go to “Archives To Keep" and change it from “-1” to “10.” Keep in mind that, by default, Audit Master stores auditing data on your C: drive.  You may change this to a larger number if you have enough disk space.  Also, in the Automated Archiving, change the threshold from 75MB to 1024MB. Then click “OK” and confirm the changes.  This implies that the system can use a maximum of (10 + 1) x 1024 MB, which is 11 GB of disk space for storing Audit Master data.

Stop and Start PSQL Services
Now stop both PSQL Relational and Transaction Engine Services and restart them. This will allow the changes you just did in Audit Master setup to take effect.  Your system is now ready to capture data in Audit Master for future auditing purposes.

Using Audit Master Viewer
For a quick user guide on how to use Audit Master Viewer to explore the captured data, please see the following KB article:


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