Last Revised on 7/2/2019
Audit Master is an invaluable tool for the PSQL database. It helps to answer the question "what happened to my data?" For example, during day-to-day operation, if someone delete a sales order, you want to know who did it so you can find out why. Fortunately, Elliott as a Sales Order Line Item to help you. You can assume the person who deleted the line item is the same person who deleted the order.
However, Elliott does not provide an audit trail for everything. Therefore, when a record, like Notes, is deleted, we have no way of knowing who deleted it and when. This is where Audit Master will come in handy. Audit Master will also help Netcellent debug many hard-to-find and how-to-diagnose scenarios. It is an invaluable tool that helps Netcellent support you.
One of the challenges with Audit Master is that it will generate large amount of data. Each Audit Mater archive file is limited to 1GB. In a larger Elliott installation, this can take less than 1 day to fill up. To reduce the amount of data created by Audit Master, you should not monitor every single Elliott table. Most of the history data has little value for auditing. For example, there's not much value in auditing invoice-history-related tables since when the records are added to invoice history, there's no user interface to change the record in the invoice history database. The following are examples of tables that we don't need to monitor:
- ARDISFIL, APDISFIL, PRDISFIL, IMDISFIL, BMDISFIL - These are module-level G/L distribution tables. The records in these tables, once created, cannot be changed by the user other than to purge them.
- GLTRXFIL - G/L Trx File. Once created, the user can't change it other than to purge it at year end.
- IMINVTRX - I/M Inventory Trx Audit Trail. Once created, the user can't change it other than to purge it.
- CPINVHDR, CPINVLIN, ...etc - These are invoice history databases. Once created, there's no user interface to change them other than to purge them.
- CPHODHDR, CPHODLIN...etc. - These are order history databases.
Once created, there's no user interface to change them other than to purge them.
- POORDHDR, POORDLIN - These are purchase order databases. Since we provide full revision history for purchase orders, there's not much value in auditing these two tables.
There are more tables that should not be monitored, than there are tables that should be monitored. Therefore, the purpose of this documentation is to give you a recommended list of tables to monitor with Audit Master. You may add additional tables to monitor to suit your own needs.
General Recommendation
The following is a list of tables we recommend that you monitor in most situations:
- APTRXFIL - A/P Trx File
- APTRXDST - A/P Trx Distribution File
- APVENFIL - A/P Vendor File
- ARCUSFIL - A/R Customer File
- CPCUSWLF - COP Customer Wish List File (if you use this feature)
- CPORDHDR - COP Order Header File
- CPORDLIN - COP Order Line Item File (add this for "full" auditing)
- CPORDLS - COP Order Line Item Lot/Serial File
- CPORDPMT - COP Order Payment File
- CPSHPFIL - COP Ship To File
- IMINVLOC - I/M Inventory Location File
- IMITMFIL - I/M Item Master File
- IMLSTRXS - I/M Lot Serial Trx File
- IMTRXFIL - I/M Trx File
- IMTRXSER - I/M Trx Serial File
- NOTE - Notes File
- POWHRECI - PO Warehouse Receiving Item File
- POWHRECS - PO Warehouse Receiving Serial File
- SYATTRIB - System Attribute File
- SYCONTCT - System Contact File
- SYCONREL - System Contact Relationship File
General Recommendation (Optional)
The following is a list of table that's optional depending on your situation:
- AROPNFIL - A/R Open Item File: You may want to monitor this file if you need to monitor the users who have access to A/R -> Maintenance -> A/R Open Item File. It may also be desirable to monitor this file if you use payment window on the COP side and you apply AR payment or credit memo to the order as payment.
- IMTAGFIL - I/M Tag File. Changes are you do not perform physical our cycle count often. Audit physical count related files might be a good investment (without taking a lot of disk space) to find out the discrepancy during physical count processing.
- IMTAGSER - I/M Tag Serial File. If you use physical count and serial number.
- IMTGSDIF - I/M Tag Serial Different File
- IMHLTFIL - I/M Hold Trx File. This is a special feature. If you are using it, especially the records get updated through websites, you may choose to audit this file.
- SYEVTACT - System Event Activities File. If you actively using Elliott Event feature and wish to know who add or delete a particular event, you can optionally add this table for monitoring. In our opinion, there's not much value to monitor SYEVTACD (System Event Activities Detail.)
WMS (Warehouse Management System) Users
If you use Elliott WMS and Multi-Bin systems, we recommend that you monitor the following additional tables:
- CPBOXFIL - COP Box FIle (Shipping Verification)
- CPBOXSER - COP Box Serial File (Shipping Verification)
- CPBOXSHP - COP Box Ship Item File (Shipping Verification)
- CPSTGBAT - COP Staging Batch File
- CPSTGDTL - COP Staging Detail File
- CPSTGORD - COP Staging Order File
- CPSTGSER - COP Staging Serial File
- CPSTGSUM - COP Staging Summary File
- CPWMSDTL - COP WMS Detail File
- IMBINFIL - I/M Bin Master File
- IMBININV - I/M Bin Inventory File
- IMBINREF - I/M Bin Reference File
- IMCNTITM - I/M WMS Physical Count Item File
- IMCNTSER - I/M WMS Physical Count Serial File
- IMEQPFIL - I/M Equipment File
- IMEQPTRX - I/M Equipment Trx File
- IMTSFTRX - I/M Transfer Transaction File
- IMTSFSER - I/M Transfer Transaction Serial File
- IMTSFBAT - I/M Transfer Batch File
ACH (Automatic Clearing House) Users
If you use the Elliott ACH feature, we recommend that you monitor the following additional tables. We includes the Cash Transaction Files especially because they can be updated through the web (Payment Portal):
- SYACHACT - System ACH Account File
- SYACHQUE - System ACH Queue File
- ARCSHTRX - AR Cash Transaction File
- ARCSHAPL - AR Cash Transaction Application File
Pickup Pending Users
If you are using Elliott Pickup Pending feature, we recommend that you monitor the following additional table:
- CPPUDELV - COP Pickup Delivery File
BOMP Users - General Recommendation
If you are using BOMP module, we recommend that you monitor the following additional tables:
- BMPRDSTR - Product Structure File
- BMORDFIL - Production Order File
- BMORDOPT - Production Order Option File
- BMTRXFIL - Production Transaction File
- BMORDTRX - Production Transaction File (for Material Work Order)
- BMTRXMTL - Production Transaction Material File (for Material Work Order)
- BMTRXSER – Production Transaction Serial File (if using serialized items)
- CPORDOPT - COP Order Option File
BOMP Plus Work Order Users
If you are using BOMP plus work orders, we recommend that you add the following tables to monitoring:
- BMRTGHDR - Routing Header File
- BMRTGFIL - Routing Detail File
- BMORDRTG - Production Order Routing File
- BMPTXFIL - Plus Work Order Production Transaction File
- BMPTXCST - Plus Work Order Production Cost Detail File
- BMACTHDR - Plus Work Order Production Activity Header File
- BMACTDTL - Plus Work Order Production Activity Detail File
- BMPRDHDR - Plus Work Order Production Header File
- BMPRDDTL - Plus Work Order Production Detail File
- CPORDMTL - COP Order Material File
- CPORDRTG - COP Order Routing File
- SYTIMCLK - System Time Clock Header File
- SYTIMDTL - System Time Clock Detail File