Presales Warehouse Receiving

Presales Warehouse Receiving

Release Date: 3/1/24
Revised: 10/16/24
Version: 8.6 and Above

PO Warehouse Receiving Add Mode
If running the Presales Interface, the application will show the first vessel number attached to a purchase order when searching for a purchase order.

The validation between receiving and presales is done on a batch basis, instead of an interactive basis. If a vendor EDI profile has 856 enabled, warehouse receiving will do the following:
    1. Warehouse Receiving Edit List will match receiving transactions against Presales pending. The warning will be printed immediately after each receiving transaction if necessary. In addition, the application prints the total number of warnings at the grand total area.
    2. The checking logic for Warehouse Receiving Posting Journal is same as Edit List. 

If the number of items received does not match the quantity from the Presales pending transaction, the vessel must be updated to allow partial receiving. When posting a full receiving or a partial receiving, the serial numbers entered in PO Warehouse Receiving must also match the serial numbers in the Presales Pending Serial Number file. Error messages will print on both the Warehouse Receiving Edit List and the Warehouse Receiving Posting Journal if there is a mismatch. 
This situation will also trigger a new event:

Type: PSMISMAT (i.e. Presales Mismatch)
Description: Presales Mismatch
Var 1: Item Number
Var 2: Item Description 1
Var 3: Item Description 2
Var 4: Qty Received
Var 5: Presales Qty
Var 6: Location: This refers to the regular warehouse location
Var 7: Presales Vessel ID
Var 8: PO Number
Var 9: Estimated Arrival Date
Var 10: Mismatch Message – the message can be “Over Receive”,  “Under Receive”,  “No Presales Found”, “Serial Number Mismatch” or "Realignment Error Encountered"

This issue must be resolved before the transaction will post. If processing a partial receiving, the vessel must be updated to allow partial receiving posting. Otherwise, Pending Presales transactions can be adjusted by processing a Presales transaction against the vessel. Process either a negative transaction to reduce the quantity in the pending vessel or a positive amount to increase the amount in the pending vessel.

See Presales Negative Transactions for more information on processing a transaction against a pending Presales transaction.

Once the issue is resolved, post the warehouse receiving transaction. Posting the transaction will move the quantity from the Presales warehouse location to the regular inventory location. Customer Order Processing orders that are on file at the Presales location for the items received will be added to Fill Presales table. If an incomplete Presales Order Entry order is found and cannot be filled, an event is triggered.

Type: WRFILPSI      
Description: WH Recv Fill Presales By Item  
Var 1: Item Number
Var 2: Item Description 1 + Item Description 2
Var 3: Order No.
Var 4: New Order No. (always zeroes)
Var 5: Salesman No.
Var 6: Presales Order Date
Var 7: Qty Filled (always zeroes)
Var 8: Presales Location
Var 9: Customer No.
Var 10: Presales Cust PO#

An event is also triggered when the Presales pending quantities are updated. This happens during Presales Transaction Posting and Warehouse Receiving Posting.

Description: Pending Item
Var 1: Item Number
Var 2: Item Description 1
Var 3: Item Description 2
Var 4: PO No.
Var 5: Qty Received
Var 6: Location

Filling the order requires a second step. See Fill Presales Orders for more information.


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