Revised: 3/28/24
Version: 8.6 and Above
A new application, Fill Presales, is available from the Warehouse Receiving menu. When posting a warehouse receiving for a vessel with pending Presales transaction, the system checks for any Order Entry orders for the items received at the Presales location. This information is recorded in the Presales Fill file. The list of orders to be filled can been printed from Purchase Order & Receiving-> Processing-> Warehouse Receiving-> Fill Presales.
The list option prints all of the Order Entry orders ready to be filled. The report parameters include:
Presales Location - Enter the Presales location to be printed. A value must be entered. F7 search is available.
Starting Vendor No - Enter the starting vendor number. Enter spaces for All. F7/F8 search is available.
Ending Vendor No - Enter the ending vendor.
Starting P.O. - Enter the starting purchase order number.
Ending P.O. - Enter the ending purchase order number.
The report shows the Order Entry orders to be filled by purchase order.
Upon performing the Fill Presales Posting application, Elliott will automatically create new orders for P & G locations based on the existing order in Presales locations. As the line item is moved from the Presales location to the regular warehouse, that line item will be deleted from the original Presales Order Entry order. The quantity in Presales location will be de-allocated and the Presales ATP will be removed. This is done on a first-in and first-out basis. If all line items of a sales order in the Presales location are deleted, the order header will be deleted. This methodology allows partial fulfillment of Presales Order Entry orders.
Presales Location - Enter the Presales location to be printed. A value must be entered. F7 search is available.
The application will check for record locks before and during posting. If a record lock or an error is encountered filling the presales order, an event is triggered:
Description: Fill Presales Error
Var 1: Item Number
Var 2: Item Description 1 + Item Description 2
Var 3: Presales Order No.
Var 4: New Order No
Var 5: Salesman No.
Var 6: Qty To Fill
Var 7: Presales Location
Var 8: Customer No.
Var 9: Presales Cust PO#
Var 10: Error Message
An event by item is triggered when an order is filled.
Description: WH Recv Fill Presales By Item
Var 1: Item Number
Var 2: Item Description 1 + Item Description 2
Var 3: Order No.
Var 4: New Order No.
Var 5: Salesman No.
Var 6: Presales Order Date
Var 7: Qty Filled
Var 8: Presales Location
Var 9: Customer No.
Var 10: Presales Cust PO#
An event by salesman is triggered when an order is filled.
Description: WH Recv Fill Presales By Slm
Var 1: Salesman No.
Var 2: Item Number
Var 3: Item Description 1 + Item Description 2
Var 4: Order No.
Var 5: New Order No.
Var 6: Presales Order Date
Var 7: Qty Filled
Var 8: Presales Location
Var 9: Customer No.
Var 10: Presales Cust PO#
Note: If an order has a status of Incomplete when the Fill Presales Posting takes place, the WRFILPSI and WRFILPSS events will be triggered but the New Order Number will be "000000" and the Qty Filled will be zero.
A standard credit check is performed when the new order is created. An event is triggered if the order is placed on hold.
Description: Order Is Held
Var 1: Customer No.
Var 2: Order No.
Var 3: Ship-to No.
Var 4: Bill To Name
Var 5: Ship-to Name
Var 6: Cust PO No.
Var 7: Salesman No.
Var 8: Held Reason