The A/R Cash Receipt Detail Interface utility now supports a column entitled "Disc Amt-Optional(I-K=Amt Paid)" and a column entitled “L. Reference – Optional Field.” See sample screen below:
K. Disc Amt-Optional(I-K=Amt Paid): Provide a numeric value between -999,999.99 and 999,999.99. Blank is treated as zero. The following are possible warning and error conditions that are validated during the interface:
L. Reference -Optional Field: Optionally provide a reference for the invoice being paid. A maximum of 30 characters will be imported. Blanks are allowed. If the invoice amount is negative and the apply-to is not on file, the transaction is considered to be a charge-back. In this case, the invoice number and reason code can be provided as part of the reference field.
The reference column can be used to optionally provide values for Original Inv# and Reason Code.
Inv#:XXXXXX Reason:XXX XXXXXXX (Providing invoice, reason, and 7 characters of reference)
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Providing up to 30 characters of reference)
Inv#:XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Providing 6 character invoice and 18 character reference)
Reason:XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (Providing 3 character reason and 18 character reference)
Interface Journal
A discount amount column has been added. If a reference is provided, it will print under the invoice detail. All of the new error and warning conditions are printed in the total error and warnings section. This includes:
In A/R Cash Receipt, we allow users to apply a negative amount as a charge-back. A negative amount entry will be posted as a debit memo and will be visible on the A/R aging report. If there's no existing credit memo, or a future credit memo to be applied to this debit memo, then the debit memo will be outstanding on the aging report and past due. This is an important mechanism to prevent customers from abusing charge-backs. In this enhancement, we now support importing of a negative entry from the CSV file just as you can in a manual cash receipt.
But keep in mind that we do support discount amounts with negative entries (charge-backs), even though you could put discount amounts in a CSV file for negative entries. But when it is imported, the discount amount will be consolidated to the amount paid field when the cash application is created. For example, say the following data exists in a CSV file:
313996 | -156.8 | -3.14 | Shortage Claim 313996 |
Amt-Paid Discount Allowance
Total-Credit Reference
313996 153.66-
.00 153.66- Shortage Claim 313996
When running the Cash Receipts Detail Import and multiple transactions are imported for the same invoice number, the amounts are accumulated into one cash application record. For example, if there are two payments for invoice 123456 -- one for 100 and one for 200 -- one cash application record is written for a total of 300. A message is printed on the report stating "Cash Application Adjusted Due To Duplicate Invoice" to indicate that the records were combined.
Ideally, users should avoid using a duplicate apply-to for a negative amount. If a unique invoice number is provided, then the application will create a debit memo. That is more traceable.
Also, if you do use a negative entry with a discount amount in a CSV import, we suggest that you put the positive amount entry before the negative. The reason is explained below. In the following example, the negative amount is placed before the positive, which is not advised:
313996 | -156.8 | -3.14 | Shortage Claim 313996 |
| |
313996 | 1125.62 | 22.51 | Cust# 123456 Check# 555337 |
The reason is that when we encounter the first entry for 313996, we consolidate -156.8 and -3.14 and write the amt-paid as -153.66 without discount. At this moment, we write the following record in cash application:
Apply-To Amt-Paid Discount Allowance
Total-Credit Reference
.00 153.66- Shortage Claim 313996
Then we process the second entry with the invoice amount of 1125.62 and the discount of 22.51. Amt-paid = 1125.62 – 22.51 = 1103.11. The discount stays as 22.51. So we write the following record:
Apply-To Amt-Paid Discount Allowance
Total-Credit Reference
.00 1,125.62 Cust# AMAZON Check# 555337
But since this is a duplicate entry, we have to consolidate and net adjust it. Hence, here is the result after consolidation:
Apply-To Amt-Paid Discount Allowance
Total-Credit Reference
.00 971.96 Shortage Claim
In the above example, the discount should be 2%. But 22.51/971.96 is not 2%. Ideally, we should have the following entry in cash application:
Apply-To Amt-Paid Discount Allowance
Total-Credit Reference
313996 952.59 19.37 .00 971.96 Shortage Claim
19.37/971.96 = 2%. Still, in one way or the other, the total credit is still correct so this is not a critical issue. But if you like to retain the correct discount amount, then you can sort the CSV file in a spreadsheet first to make the positive amount show up before the negative, in which case the above discount amount will be consolidated correctly.
Please see KB article: for an example.
If the credit memo should exit in A/R already, system could automatically re-apply the credit memo to the charge back and save user effort. For more details, please see the following KB article: