Then, during the posting of the cash receipt, the application will attempt to look up the charge-back apply-to number in Invoice History. If the document is found in Invoice History and it is a credit memo, then the application will look up the credit memo in the AR Open Item file (by using the primary key of AR Open Item). If it is found with an apply-to of zero (open)
and it is not allocated, then the application will reapply that credit
memo amount. This saves the user from needing to re-apply the credit memo.
If the credit memo amount is greater than the debit memo amount, the application will only reapply the debit memo amount, and the balance will be left as
an open credit. If the credit memo amount is less than or equal to the debit memo, then the application will reapply the entire credit memo amount.
If the reapply occurs during Cash Receipts Posting, a note is printed on the journal similar to the following:
*** Note Credit Memo 510193 Was Automatically Applied To Debit Memo 005532 ***
If the credit memo amount does not match the debit memo amount, a warning is printed on the journal similar to the following:
*** Warning: Credit Memo and Debit Memo Amounts Do Not Match. ***
Programs Modified: ARCSHJNL