Feature - Shipment Acknowledgement Email for Academy Drop Ship

Feature - Shipment Acknowledgement Email for Academy Drop Ship

Release Date: 5/19/2023
Version: 8.5 & Up

Academy Drop Ship program require a specialized shipment acknowledgement email contains consumer and other information. For the detail of this email, please refer to provided sample in the later part of this document. This feature adds the ability to send Shipment Acknowledgement Emails for Academy Drop Ship program. At this moment, this feature is released to a limited group of users. If you need this feature, please contact Netcellent.

Global Setup for Email Subject, Body and Footer
To set up this feature, go to Global Setup -> System -> Comp. Specialized Control -> Gun -> Change.  Go to Screen 6 and enter your choices for 
  1. Subject Line(email subject, 1line);  
  2. Email Body, (first 4 lines of the email body); and 
  3. Email Footer (3 lines after the email detail).

The above is a sample, please replace "(Company)" with your company name.  Please note that <br> is a tag in HtML which means "break" and result in a line advance. Since we implemented this as an HTML email, other HTML tags are also permitted. But be aware the space in Global Setup for setting up email texts are limited. The variable "@@ShipToXRefNo@@" will be replaced by  the ShipTo file XREF-NO field value.

How to Determine Which eContacts Receive The Email?
Next, setup must occur to determine which eContact will receive the email.  This eContact can be attached to the order, ship-to, or customer.  Note there are two ways to determine which eContact should receive this email: Legacy or PDF PostOffice.  Please see the following KB article for more details: https://support.netcellent.com/portal/en/kb/articles/how-to-determine-who-receives-shipping-confirmation-email

In the legacy mode (standard mode), the system will determine the eContacts as followings:
  1. If there are eContacts on the order, then email will be sent to the order eContacts;
  2. If there’s no eContact on the order, then email will be sent to the primary ship-to eContacts if exist.
  3. If there’s no ship-to eContacts, then email will be sent to the primary customer eContacts if exist.
  4. If no eContact email exist for 1 – 3, then no email is sent.
On the other hand, in PDF PostOffice mode, the system will determine the eContacts as followings:
  1. All eContacts of the order will receive email by default, unless it is turned off at in eContact's Email Docs button;
  2. All eContacts of the ship-to will not be sent unless it is turned on in eContact's Email Docs button;
  3. All eContacts of the customer will not be sent unless it is turned on eContact's Email Docs button;
  4. All eContacts of the salesman will not be sent unless it is turned on eContact's Email Docs button;  
Since you can individually decide which eContact to receive the email, so it is much more flexible with the PDF PostOffice mode which we recommend you to use. 

An example of the Ship-To eContact setup follows:

Select the eContacts button and add the eContacts.  In the legacy mode, only the Primary eContact will receive the email.

As you can see in the eContact -> Web tab ->> Email Docs button, the "Shipment/order Confirmation" selection is grey out when it is in legacy mode:

On the other hand, if you go to Global Setup -> System -> eContact Manager -> change flag "13. Send Shipment/Order Confirmation Email to Who?" to "E", then system will behave with PDF PostOffice mode.  The same ship-to eContact, in the Web tab, Email Docs, you will see the "Shipment/Order Confirmation" option is now available:

Sending out Shipment Acknowledgement Emails for Academy Drop Ship
Now you can go to COP -> Processing -> Print Pick/Pack Ticket & Lbls -> Print -> shipment Email.  Choose Order -> shipment ack for Academy drop ship.

Please note that the following fields have been added to the previous screen version of  "shipment ack with Tracking Number" to get the new "shipment ack for Academy drop ship" screen.

1. Starting Customer No
2. Ending Customer No
3. Starting Customer Type
4. Ending Customer Type
10. Send Duplicate Email?

Limit the customer number that equal to Academy Drop Ship Program.  The Starting and Ending customer numbers last used will be remembered to minimize the chance of making an error in the future. The Starting and Ending Order number should be "All" unless you are trying to send an email for a specific order.

It would be a good idea to add this task to "Defer Processing".  If you also run the generic shipment acknowledgement email, we expect you run "Shipment Ack for Academy Drop Ship" first.  That will then update the ORDER_SHIP_ACK_SENT date field.  Then when the generic shipment acknowledgement email is processed next. It won't resend to Academy Drop Ship because the "Send Duplicate Email?" is set to "N". 

You should use the order shipment ack option, not the invoice history shipment ack since we can't implement the "Send Duplicate Email?" logic for invoice history. If you should use the invoice history shipment ack email option, it will include Academy Drop Ship invoices.  It is not terrible issue for Academy Drop Ship to receive two emails, one that conforms to their drop ship requirement, and one from invoice history that is in Elliott standard format.  But you should be aware of this potential issue.

The following is a sample HTML email for Academy drop ship.

The following is a table showing the source of the data for the email:

Table Header

Where to Find Data




SYATTRIB: Filename CPORDLIN, Ref Number LINE-ITEM-KEY,  Attribute _ORDERLINE, field BuyerPartNumber (REFERENCE(2))






SYATTRIB: Filename CPORDHDR, Ref  Number ORDER-HEADER-KEY, Attribute _ORDERHEADER-2 Field CustomerOrderNumber (REFERENCE(2)) 


NOTE:  use CPORDHDR to find Starship F6 note


SYATTRIB: Filename CPORDHDR, Ref Number ORDER-HEADER-KEY,  Attribute _ADDRESS02 Field   AddressName (REFERENCE(4))


SYATTRIB: Filename CPORDHDR, Ref Number ORDER-HEADER-KEY, Attribute _ADDRESS01CT01  Field PrimaryPhone  (REFERENCES(3))





The following are some examples of where to find the data described in the above table:






Note these attribute are created by Elliott SPS Interface. Therefore, if you want to take advantage of the feature "Shipment Acknowledgement Emails for Academy Drop Ship", you also need to implement Elliott SPS Services.

Modified programs: CP02S9H, CP02P9H, CP02P9H2, CP02P9AD (new), CPSHPEAD (new), NSCTLGUN, NSCTLFIL.W98 (new), NSCTLINI, CP0305


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