How to Determine Who Receives Shipping Confirmation Email

How to Determine Who Receives Shipping Confirmation Email

Revision Date: 05/23/23
Version: 8.2 & up

Q - In Customer Order Processing (COP) -> Processing -> Pick/Pack Tickets & Ship Labels -> Print -> Shipment Email, how does Elliott determine which email address receives the shipping confirmation email with the tracking number information? See sample screen below:

A - It is based on the e-mail address in the eContact. The following is more specific information:

Default Mode

By default, Elliott uses eContacts in the order to determine who will receive a shipping confirmation email.  When you enter an order, you could use the eContact button on the tool bar to copy eContacts from the Customer or Ship-To to the order.

The following window will then pop up and allow you to select the eContact in the Customer or Ship-To Salesman tables (left-hand pane) to copy to the sales order (right-hand pane).  See sample screen below:

You could also setup the program to perform the copying automatically by going to Global Setup -> Cop-Func -> Order Header Screen.  Answer accordingly for the following flags:
        2. Copy Customer Primary Contact and Send Email? Y   
        3. Copy Salesman Primary Contact and Send Email? N  
The eContacts that are copied to the order (on the right-hand pane above) will be used to send shipping confirmation emails.  The global setup flag 2 above includes copying both ship-to and customer.  If eContact exists in ship-to, then it won't copy the customer eContact.

Alternative Method (Preferred)

The alternative method is more flexible than the default mode because you can precisely control who shall receive the shipment confirmation email.  Also, you could send shipping confirmation emails based on the eContacts in the Customer or Ship-To table without copying the eContact to order header.  However, the alternative method is not backward compatible with the default mode.  Therefore, to use the alternate method, you will need to go to Global Setup -> System -> eContact Manager.  Answer "E"=Per eContact Designation for the following flag:
       13. Send Shipment Confirmation Email to Who?     E  
See sample screen below:

There can be multiple eContacts for the same Customer and Ship-To. So you will need to go to the Customer and Ship-To record and bring up the eContacts List window and pay attention to the columns "Email Docs":

Keep in mind that an eContact can receive multiple type of email documents.  You can mouse over the Email Docs column and a popup window will show up to indicate the email docs a particular email contact will receive. 

To edit the email documentation a particular eContact will receive, bring up the detail window by clicking on the "View/Edit" button and go to the Web tab as shown below:

Click on the "Email Docs..." buton and the following window will show up:

Once the above Global Setup flag is set to "E", you will see the above radio button for "Shipment Confirmation" enabled. By default, the Shipment Confirmation flag is set to "No" for the Customer and Ship-To eContacts.  You need to specifically assign the eContacts in customers or ship-to file to receive shipment confirmation email.  The alternative method is more flexible than the default method because you have full control on who should receive the shipment confirmation email.  However, if you previously use the default method to send shipping confirmation email and you switch to the alternative method, it is important that you review the customer or ship-to eContacts' setup to make sure those eContact will continue receiving the email. 

In this mode, when an eContact is copied to the order, the Ship Conf flag by default is set to "Yes."  That is to say, the default behavior is to send the shipping confirmation email to all contacts on the order.  If you do not wish certain contacts on the order to receive shipment confirmation email, you could manually override this flag for that contact on that order.

On the other hand, when an eContact is added to the Customer or Ship-To, the Ship Conf flag by default is set to "No."

Under this alternative method mode, the shipping confirmation email will find its eContact from the following three sources in sequence:
  1. Sales Order
  2. Ship-To
  3. Customer
  4. Salesman
The system first finds any eContact in the Sales Order with Shipment Confirmation flag set to "Yes," then it will send shipping confirmation emails accordingly. It will then check the Ship-To and Customer.  If Ship-To is found with the Shipment Confirmation flag set to "Yes", then it will send accordingly. It will also check the Customer. If Customer is found with the Shipment Confirmation flag set to "Yes", then it will send it accordingly. Lastly, it will check if any salesman of the orders want to receive this email or not.  This follows the same logic as Elliott PDF PostOffice.

Our Recommendation for Alternative Method Setup
If you choose to implement this alternative method, we recommend that you not turn on the following two flags in Global Setup -> Cop-Func -> Order Header Screen:
        2. Copy Customer Primary Contact and Send Email? N    
        3. Copy Salesman Primary Contact and Send Email? N      
See sample screen below.

In this scenario, the shipping confirmation program will not find any eContact for the order, so the system will use the Ship-To or Customer eContacts to make the determination.  This scenario might work for, say, 95% of circumstances.  If you need to send a shipping confirmation email to someone other than the default in Customer or Ship-To, then you may manually copy the eContact from Customer/Ship-To to the order. This is to address the 5% of exception cases.


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