Release date: 2/16/2023
Version: 8.6 & Up
Setup for this feature is found in Global Setup ---> cop-Func ----> shipment Email ack. To use the HTML version of the shipment acknowledgement, go to screen 3 and enter "H" in field "10. Shipment Acknowledgement Email Format (8.6+)." Entering "T" will result in the current text version of the email. In prior versions, only the text email format was supported.
Other setup fields of note are found on setup screen 1:
1. For field 1, in the HTML version only, the variable "@@contact@@" may be entered as part of the salutation. The "@@contact@@" will be replaced by the contact name for the contact receiving the email.
2. For field 6, in the HTML version only, the website entered will be included on the email.
On setup screen 2:
Please note the following for field "7. User Definable Text at The End of Shp Ack":
This is the user-definable text at the end of the Shipment Acknowledgement. There are a total of 16 lines that can be entered, each with 70 characters. The HTML version will print 90 characters at a time.
The following is a sample HTML version of the Shipment Acknowledgement.
The company name and address on the top left corner is based on company setup information. This HTML format is hard coded. At this time you can't customize this area.
Please note the placement of the user-definable text, the salesman information, and the website. All are optional and controlled by settings on the setup screens.
All of the note lines are included for those notes set up in System Utilities ---> Notes Processing ---> noteType, field "24. Prt Stage/Pack Slip/BOL" set to "Y."
Determining Who Will Receive a Shipment Acknowledgement Email
In Global Setup ---> System ---> eContact Manager, Field "13. Send Shipment/Order Confirmation Email to Who?" should be set to "P" for the default method used prior to 8.6. Enter "E" to use the alternative method described in detail in the above-referenced KB article.
Sample setup for Email Document Selection when using the alternative method:
See also the following related articles for HTML order, quote and sales desk quote acknowledgements:
Modified programs: CP02P9H.CBL, CP02P9H2.CBL, CPSHPEML.CBL (new), CPSHPHTM.CBL (new), SHPHTMN.PL (new), NSCTLMN5.CBL