How to Access:
Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Maintenance -> Special Operation File
(Figure 25) Special Operation
In Work Order Plus, every action is defined as a 4-digit number so operators can use this number to report their time. This number is a routing operation number for all actions directly related to production. For actions not directly related to production, it is a Special Operation. In the Labor Performance module, this kind of code is called an Indirect Code. So, the operator will enter an ID and password and a special operation number to report a break, but the time reported would never be absorbed into any production.
Field Description
Name | Type and Description |
1. Operation Number | 4 numeric digits. Enter a number for this Special Operation. The Special Operation number should be 9000 or greater since 0 through 8999 are reserved for routing operations. Numbers 9000 through 9499 are reserved for system-defined special operations that are built into the system and cover all the basics, like break (9020), meal break (9040), and end of day log off (9030). You can create new special operations by using numbers 9500 through 9999. |
2. Operation Type | 1 alpha-numeric character. Enter a type for the operation. User-defined operations (from 9500 to 9999) can only use “P” and “N” types. Options P - Productive type. Time an operator contributes to this type of activity will be regarded as productive, ex. machine maintenance. N - Non-Productive type. Time an operator contributes to this type of activity will be regarded as non-productive. L - Logon type. This type of operation logs the operator onto the system. B - Break type. This type of operation represents a payable break. M - Meal Break type. This type of break represents a non-payable break. An operator taking a meal break is regarded as logged off the system, but not left for the day. E - End of Day type. This type of special operation is used when operators are leaving the facilities for the day. The operator will be logged off the system. D - Monitor Department type. This type of special operation allows the operator to change the time reported into shared labor for a specified department. W - Monitor Work Center type. This type of special operation allows the operator to change the time reported into shared labor for a specified work center. |
3. Description | 30 alpha-numeric characters. Enter a description for this special operation. |
4. Obsolete? | “Y” or “N”. Enter the obsolete status of this operation. An obsolete operation will not be an option for the operator to choose. Some of the system-defined special operations can be obsolete. |
5. Prompt for Pre-Comment? | “Y” or “N”. Enter whether to prompt for a comment when the operation is started. For “L” type special operations the system will prompt for a comment when the operator logs on. For “W” and “D” types the system will prompt for a comment when the operator clocks in to a work center or a department. |
6. Prompt for Post-Comment? | “Y” or “N”. Enter whether to prompt for a comment when the operation has ended. For “E” type special operations the system will prompt for a comment when the operator logs off. For “W” and “D” types the system will prompt for a comment when the operator clocks out from a work center or department. |
Addition information about system-defined operations:
Note: The Edit List can print a barcode of the operation number for all selected operations.
How to Access:
Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Process -> Production Work Order Entry -> Process -> Base Work Order
(Figure 26) Base Work Order Entry
Each product can have multiple routings in the Production Routing File, but one bill of material in the Product Structure File. When an order is placed, a routing will need to be selected and all materials assigned to one or more of the operations. Components can be added or removed from the order. Some parent items have more than one set of bill of material because the components can be frequently substituted. Since there is only one set of bill of material in the Product Structure File, the bill of material would need to be frequently changed for each work order. In this case, the Base Work Order can be a solution.
The Base Work Order is a pre-defined work order template that can be used to create a new production work order. Most of the fields in the base work order serve as a default value which can alleviate some of the order entry burden. Each base work order can have its own routing and bill of material, so this could be a solution for parent items with more than one bill of material. Field 7, Base Order Desc, is the description for this base order, which will be displayed in the search screen, and not the default value for another work order.
(Figure 27) Base Work Order Routing
By choosing field 5, the base work order routing will be brought up. You may customize this template in routing or bill of material. In the example above, this routing will issue materials in the first and second steps as designated by the “M” after the operation ID.
Base Work Order is not required, but it can be a solution if the production routing and bill of material of the products are so complicated that Production Routing and Product Structure are insufficient. If the products in the company have only one set of bill of material and/or use only one routing, then base work order is not needed.
All production work orders which use this template can be updated when a value in the base work order routing is changed, similar to the mass update feature in Operation ID and Production Routing. To turn on this feature, change BOMP Global Setup field 50, Mass Change Routing thru Base Order Maint, to “Y” or “A”.
(Figure 28) Prompt for synchronizing all related operations.
The Mass Update Operation feature allows the operator to update and maintain all related operation records at once. When values are changed for an operation ID, Item Routing Operation or Base Order Operation, the system may prompt, “Do You Want To Synchronize All Related Operations?” This can be an efficient way to maintain multiple routings at once. There are 3 ways to mass update operations:
If you confirm to mass update related operations, the system will bring up the mass update interface. Through this interface, you can:
(Figure 29) Mass Update Screen
By default, the system will list all operations related to the base record on the screen. The base record is the record from which the operator brought up this interface. For example, bring up this interface from Operation ID “PKGL” and the system will list all operations which use “PKGL” as an Operation ID. The system will not list operations from plus work orders by default unless the base record is a Base Order Operation since there can be many operations from a plus work order.
On the top of the screen the system will display the basic information of the base record and all related operations in the middle of the screen. Highlighted records will have the detail information of the operation displayed on the bottom of the screen. For each operation, the system will display where this operation from (on the left), brief information about this operation (in the middle) and the order status (on the right) if the operation is from a plus work order.
To mass update the operations, you can use Up Key, Down Key, Page Up Key and Page Down Key to navigate the highlight bar. Press the Enter Key to select one operation. The selected record will have an asterisk on the left. You can use the F1 Key to select all records in the list or the F2 Key to deselect all records. Press the F5 Key to update all selected records.
This interface also provides some features to help select records.
(Figure 30) Select fields to update
Work Order Plus provides a utility to import item routings. The import will add new routings and update values for existing operations. This makes it easy to edit routings in a spreadsheet and import from a CSV format.
How to Access:
Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Maintenance -> Production Routing File -> Import
(Figure 31) Routing Import
There are three menu options for this utility: Pre-Interface, Interface and Layout. Pre-Interface is an edit list for the import. The system will not import any operations, but print each operation in the CSV file. Any warnings and errors will be printed, as well. Interface will import the values into the database, except those that contain an error. Therefore, we recommended you carefully review the Pre-Interface before running the Interface. Layout will display all the fields needed in the CSV file.
Field Description
Name | Type and Description |
1. CSV File Name | 50 alpha-numeric characters. Path and file name of the import CSV file. |
2. Import File with Header Row | “Y” or “N”. Indicate whether the CSV file includes a header row. A “Y” value will begin the import from the second row. |
3. Update Mode | “N”, “U” or “O”. Enter the mode for import. Options N - New Import Mode, to add operations. All operations in the CSV file should not exist in Elliott. U - Update Mode, to change existing operations. All operations in the CSV file should be present in Elliott. O - Override Mode. The import will update existing operations in Elliott and add the ones that do not exist. Defaults to “N”. |
Update If CSV Value Is Blank? | “Y”, “N” or “C”. Indicate whether the system should erase the value in Elliott if the value in the CSV file is blank. This option is available if the Update Mode is ‘U” or “O”. Options Y - Yes to all. N - No to all. C - Customized options. Defaults to “N”. |
C) Routing Description 1 | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Routing Description 1 if column C is blank. |
D) Routing Description 2 | “Y” or “N” Enter “Y” to erase Routing Description 2 if column D is blank. |
G) Operation ID | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Operation ID if column G is blank. |
I) Operation Description 1 | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Operation Description 1 if column I is blank. |
J) Operation Description 2 | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Operation Description 2 if column J is blank. |
Y) Machine No | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Machine No if column Y is blank. |
Z) User Defined Code | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase User Defined Code if column Z is blank. |
AA) Outside Process PO No | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Outside Process PO No if column AA is blank. |
AC) Outside Process Vendor No | “Y” or “N”. Enter “Y” to erase Outside Process Vendor Number if column AC is blank. |
(Figure 32) All fields needed in CSV file
You can export the Item Routing file to a CSV file. This allows the routings to be edited in Microsoft Excel (or compatible software) and imported back into Elliott through Routing Import. This feature has been integrated into the Routing Edit List. You can find this option under Production Routing Maintenance.
Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Maintenance -> Production Routing File -> List
(Figure 33) Routing Edit List w/ Export
If you are migrating from Macola’s manufacturing modules to the new BOMP Work Order Plus, you may want to transfer the routing data from SPR to BOMP. The provided solution is an export program for the SPR routings to a CSV file in a format compatible with the BOMP Routing Import program.
How to Access:
Main Menu -> Manufacturing -> Standard Product Routing -> Processing -> Routing Entry -> Export
(Figure 34) SPR Routing Export
Field Description
Name | Type and Description |
Starting/Ending Product Cat | 3 alpha-numeric characters. Enter the Product Category range of the items to export. |
Starting/Ending Item Number | 15 alpha-numeric characters. Enter the Item Number range to export. |
Starting/Ending Routing No | 5 alpha-numeric characters. Enter a range of Routing Number to export. |
CSV File Name | 50 alpha-numeric characters. Enter the path and file name for the CSV export file. |
Print Detail? | “Y” or “N”. Enter whether to print the detail of each operation on the report. |
The export program has some limitations:
Btrieve Errors can happen after upgrading to Elliott 7.5 due to legacy databases. To rectify these errors, remove the following files from the Elliott data folder:
If you receive a Btrieve Error for any databases other than those listed above, call your reseller or Netcellent for assistance.