Work Order Plus Setup Manual 5

Work Order Plus Setup Manual 5

8.8 Operator ID

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> System File Main -> Maintenance -> Operator File

(Figure 22) Operator Maintenance


An Operator ID in Elliott can represent an individual operator or a crew.  When it is used for a crew, it should have a fixed number of members.  The Operator ID is also identification to log in and out for the Elliott Time Clock system and a unit to evaluate labor performance.  The Operator ID can be used as a security unit in Elliott to control what information the operator can see or what action the operator can take.


Operator Maintenance will list all operators.  The right side of each line shows the operator’s current status, so you can easily monitor your operators.  The top of the screen displays basic information of the highlighted operator.  The top right of the screen displays the highlighted operator’s performance for today.  Several functions are available in this screen:

  • Insert Key – To create a new operator.
  • Delete Key – To remove an existing operator.
  • Enter Key – To change detail for an operator.
  • F1 Function Key – To drill down to the highlighted operator’s time clock detail. This feature will be covered in the Management Manual.
  • F2 Function Key – To copy the highlighted operator’s profile to another.  If you are copying to an existing operator, only security-related information will be copied.  If you are copying to a new operator, the system will create a new operator based on the highlighted data.
  • F3 Function Key – To hide or show terminated operators.
  • F4 Function Key – To show operators in a certain department.

(Figure 23) Operator Detail


The above screen will display while adding or changing an operator’s detail record. Fields 1 through 7 are basic information of an operator, fields 8 through 11 are shift information of the operator, fields 12 through 23 are for management and security control. Security control will be discussed in the next section.


Field Description (Excluding security control)



Type and Description

1. Operator ID

10 alpha-numeric characters.

Enter the ID for an operator.  This ID will be used for the time clock system as well as security.


30 alpha-numeric characters.  Hidden field.  Upper-case only.

Enter password for this operator.  This password will be used for the time clock system, as well as security check.

2. Operator Name

30 alpha-numeric characters.

Enter the name of this operator.  You may view or change the password from this field.


F1    - Change Password.

F2    - View Password.  This option is available if the Elliott User has equivalent permissions as SUPERVISOR.

3. Employee ID

4 numeric digits.

Enter the Employee ID from the Payroll module.  If an operator is linked to an Employee ID, it is possible to link the payroll system to the time clock system, but this feature is not implemented yet.  This field can be blank.


F7    - Search Employee ID by number.

F8    - Search Employee ID by name.

4. Crew

3 numeric digits.

Enter the number of people in this crew.

An operator ID can represent an individual or a crew.  If this field is more than 1, the operator ID is a crew ID.  Labor hours will be calculated by multiplying the time by the number people in this crew.  The example from Figure 21 shows the Operator ID “FELEX” represents 2 people.  If one hour of work was reported for this operator ID, the actual labor hour would be doubled to 2 hours (man-hours).

If the number of people in a crew is dynamic, meaning it can vary one day to another, this may not be the best solution since a manager would need to change this value each day.  In this case, “shared labor” would be a better solution.  This will be described in the Operator Manual.

5. Labor Grade

2 alpha-numeric characters.

Enter the base labor grade for this operator.  The system will use the hourly rate from this labor grade.  If this operator is in a shift with a premium rate, the labor rate can be different from the base rate.


F7    - Search for Labor Grade.

6. Full/Part Time

“F”, “T” or “P”

Enter the working status of this operator.


“F”    - Full-Time

“P”    - Part-Time

“T”    - Terminated.  This operator cannot log into any interfaces.

7. Regular Shift

2 alpha-numeric characters.

Enter the shift ID for this operator.  This field can be blank.

If the shift ID is given, all the shift time and break time will default to that shift record. The system will use the premium rate in the shift record to modify labor rate of this operator.


F7    - Search for Shift ID.

Defaults to BOMP Global Setup.

8. Shift Time

2 numeric digits for the hour and 2 numeric digits for the minute for both starting and ending times.

Enter the starting and ending time for this operator. The system will check if the operator logged in or logged off earlier or later than the value here.

Work Time

9 numeric digits with 2 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

The total work time for this operator.  This is display-only and automatically calculated based on the shift time and meal break time.  The system will check if the operator works over or under the time at the end of the day.

9. 1st Break

2 numeric digits for the hour and 2 numeric digits for the minute for the starting time. 3 numeric digits for the number of minutes.

Enter the starting time of the first payable break and the length in minutes.  The system will check if the operator takes a break earlier or later as well as if the break is longer or shorter.

10. Meal Break

2 numeric digits for the hour and 2 numeric digits for the minute of the starting time. 3 numeric digits for the number of minutes.

Enter the starting time of the meal break and the length in minutes.  Meal break is non-payable.  The system will check if the operator takes a break earlier or later as well as if the break is longer or shorter.

11. 2nd Break

2 numeric digits for the hour and 2 numeric digits for the minute of the starting time. 3 numeric digits for the number of minutes.

Enter the starting time of the second payable break and the length in minutes. The system will check if the operator takes a break earlier or later as well as if the break is longer or shorter.

12. Department

4 alpha-numeric characters.

Enter the department for this operator.  This field can be blank.

If this field is blank, it means the operator does not belong to any department and has no authority over any department.

8.8.1 Operator Security Control



The security controls for operators can restrict functions in Elliott from the operator and define what level of exceptions can be handled.  Security control can be complicated if it needs to be flexible enough for different situations.  The controls facilitate several functions:

  • There are several interfaces for time tracking, like for a foreman to report production or operators who monitor a whole department.  Operators need to enter their ID and password, which can be through scanning a badge, to start tracking time or to end tracking.  These interfaces are similar to time card systems in most companies, but some are specialized for the manufacturing process.  To avoid confusion, the system needs to control which operator can use which time tracking interface.
  • The time clock inquiry for an operator and the interface to monitor the progress of a work order provides plenty of information on the screen.  Some of the information may be sensitive and it may cause problem if anyone had access to it, like the time clock history or performance data of another operator.  Therefore, there are controls to prevent this type of situation.
  • Controls are specific to each operator.  For example, a foreman can change the production from one work center to another based on the shop condition while a low-level operator should not have the authority to do so.
  • When an exception occurs, WO+ provides many solutions to resolve it.  If an operator forgets to logoff, the time record needs to be manually changed.  Or if a work order is cancelled, someone needs to report the cancellation.  Depending on the severity, some situations can be handled by a foreman and some should require a manager’s assistance.



Since security control is a complicated issue, here is our solution:

  • Each time track interface is controlled by one or more flags.
  • Each interface with sensitive data is controlled by one or more flags.
  • Each action related to an interface is controlled by one or more flags.  These actions include common actions, like changing a work center or exception handling.
  • Each exception has a Severity Level, which is a 1 digit numeric field defining how severe it is.  Severity Level can be from 0 to 9.  Level 0 is for the least severe exceptions, like changing a work center.  Level 9 is for the most severe exceptions, like those which may cause data inconsistency.  In order to handle an exception, the operator should have equal or greater authority than the severity level.  This authority is called Exception Handle Level.  Severity levels are based on 4 criteria: 1) if it is information only, 2) if it will cause a data integrity issue, 3) if it will impact many transactions, and 4) if it happens frequently.  The following chart shows the relationship of the criteria and the severity level:




Information Only?

Causes a Data Integrity Issue?

Impacts Many Transactions?






















































Security Fields in the Operator File

All of the security related fields are 13 through 23.  The descriptions are:



Type and Description

13. Severity Handle Level For Self/Department/Others

1 numeric digit.

Enter the highest exception severity level this operator is authorized to handle.  The severity level can be from 0 to 9.  These three fields indicate the levels the operator can handle for exceptions caused by the operator, by an operator in the operator’s department, and by others.  For example, a foreman may have the authority to handle a work order but cannot modify time clock entries for others.  The Severity Handle Level would be “5” for Self, “0” for Department and “0” for Others.  Or a department manager can override any exception within the department, the Severity Level would be “9” for Self, “9” for Department, and “0” for Other.  Please reference the chart above for the proper level.

Department here has two meanings.  It can be the “Department of the Operator” or “Department of the Work Center”.  For example, a department manager can handle production exceptions within the department as well as time clock exceptions of an operator belonging to the department.  In latter case, it could be the operator does not work in that department.

14. Work Center Time Clock

“Y” or “N”.

Determines whether this operator can access the Work Center Time Clock interface. The interface is used to track time and is specialized for operators not reporting for a work order and who stay in one work center, like assembly like workers

15. Department Time Clock

“Y” or “N” 

Determines whether this operator can access the Department Time Clock interface. The interface is used to track time and is specialized for operators not reporting for a work order and who stay in one department, like an operator that monitors machines in a department or a department manager.

16. Work Order Production

“Y” or “N”.

Determines whether this operator can access the Work Order Production interface. The interface is used to track time and production reporting.  It is specialized for operators who report for work orders, like a foreman.

17. Work Center Operation

“Y”, “N”, “I” or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can access the Work Center Operation/Inquiry and related functions.  This interface is used to monitor work center status and provides some functionality to maintain production and labor records in this work center.


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

I       - Allows the operator to inquire data through this interface.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

18. Department Operation

“Y”, “N”, “I” or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can access the Department Operation/Inquiry and related functions.  This interface is used to monitor department status and provide some functionality to maintain records in this department.  The whole shop status can also be monitored. 


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

I       - Allows the operator to inquire data through this interface.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

19. Production Detail

“Y”, “N”, “I” or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can drill down to the production detail screen which contains information like the work order number, reported quantity and lot number.


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

I       - Allows the operator to inquire data through this interface.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

20. Operator Time Clock?

“Y”, “N”, “I” or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can drill down to the Operator Time Clock interface and use related functions.  This interface displays all the activity history of an operator and categorizes these activities into “Direct Labor”, “Shared Labor” and “Special Operation”.


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

I       - Allows the operator to inquire data through this interface.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

21. Production Activity?

“Y”, “N”, “I” or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can drill down to the Production Activity interface and user related functions.  This interface displays all activity history for a production.


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

I       - Allows the operator to inquire data through this interface.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

22. Production Inquiry of WO?

“Y”, “N”, or “C”.

Determines whether this operator can drill down to the Production Inquiry of a Work Order or Operation.  These two interfaces show current production status of one work order or operation.  The labor hours are updated dynamically and the operators working are displayed, while “Work Order Inquiry” only displays the data from the posted transactions.


Y      - Allows the operator to view all fields and fully operate this interface.

N      - Access to this interface is not allowed.

C      - Customized detail options.  More information will be given later.

23. Time Diff to Cause Excp?

“0” or “C”.

The BOMP Global Setup and the Time Clock Global Setup contain flags that control whether a difference in the time reported and the time configured will cause an exception.  This flag indicates if this operator uses the same setting in Global Setup or has a customized setting.  For example, it is possible to not check for a time difference in Global Setup but check it for a specific operator.


Customized options for “Work Center Operation”



Type and Description

Access Current Labor List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to toggle view to “Current Labor List” which shows all operators working in this work center.

Access Suspended Productions

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to toggle view to “Suspended Production List” which shows all suspended productions.

Access Complete Productions

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to toggle view to “Complete Production List” which shows all completed productions.

Access Terminated Productions

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to toggle view to “Terminated Production List” which shows all cancelled productions.

Access Work Center Activity

“Y” or “N” 

Allow to toggle view to “Work Center Activity” which shows all activity history for this work center.

Allow to Change Show Days

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to change the day parameter to determine the records to display in all lists.


Customized options for “Department Operation”



Type and Description

Access Current Labor List

“Y” or “N”.                            

Allow to toggle view to “Current Labor List” which shows all operators working at this work center.

Access Active Work Center List

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow to toggle view to “Active Work Center List” which shows all active work centers in this department.

Access All Work Center List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to toggle view to “All Work Center List” which shows all work centers in this department, active or not.


Customized options for “Production Detail”


Most of the customized options for Production Detail are not only used in this interface, but for other interfaces like Work Order Production.  All production detail maintenance related security flags are placed here.



Type and Description

Allow to Modify Production Detail

“Y” or “N”.

If production has started, allow changing the order number, operation number or planning order before it is finished.

Allow to Modify Transaction Data

“Y” or “N”. 

If production has been reported, allow changing the transaction data, like complete quantity, material issued or serial numbers.

Allow to Cancel Production

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to cancel the production.

Allow to Substitute Work Center

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow substituting a work center for an order operation during the production.  The substitution of a work center is defined in the work center file as Substitution WorkCenter.  This function is available in Work Order Production.

Allow to Change Work Center

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow changing the Work Center to any other for an order operation during the production.  This function is available in Work Order Production.

Allow to Substitute Operation ID

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow substituting the Operation ID for an order operation during the production.  The substitution is defined in the Operation ID file as Substitution Operation ID.  Once the operation ID has been changed, the system will load the values from that Operation ID record to the order operation.  This function is available in Work Order Production.

Allow to Change Operation ID

“Y” or “N”.

Allow changing the Operation ID to any other for an order operation during the production.  Once the operation ID has been changed, the system will load the values from that Operation ID record to the order operation.  This function is available in Work Order Production.

Allow to Modify Operation Detail

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow changing any value in the order operation during the production.  This function is available in Work Order Production.

Allow to Override Post Exception

“Y” or “N”.

If an exception occurs posting a transaction, this operator is allowed to override the exception and post the transaction.


Customized options for “Operator Time Clock”



Type and Description

Access Direct Labor List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Direct Labor List.

Access Shared Labor List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Shared Labor List.

Access Special Operation List

“Y” or “N” 

Allow toggling to Operation List.

Allow to Change Display Days

“Y” or “N”.

Allow changing days to show records.

Allow to Add Time Clock

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to add a time clock record.

Allow to Edit (Split/Merge)

“Y” or “N”.

Allow changing a time clock record by splitting one or merging two.

Allow to Remove Time Clock

“Y” or “N”.

Allow removing a time clock record.

Allow to Reassign Time Clock

“Y” or “N”.

Allow reassigning a time clock detail from one activity to another.


Customized options for “Production Activity”



Type and Description

Access Production Activity

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Production Activity list which displays each activity with the start time, end time and hour information.

Access Activity Detail

“Y” or “N”.

Allows drilling down to activity detail containing a list of operators working in this activity.  This is available only if the previous flag is “Y”.

Access Labor List

“Y” or “N”. 

Allow toggling to Labor List which has summary labor information, one line per operator.

Allow to Add Activity

“Y” or “N”.

Allow adding a production activity.  This flag affects the Work Center Operation interface.

Allow to Edit (Split/Merge)

“Y” or “N”.

Allow editing production activity through splitting one or merging two.  This flag affects the Work Center Operation interface.

Allow to Cancel Activity

“Y” or “N”.

Allow canceling a production activity.

Allow to Reassign Activity

“Y” or “N”.

Allow reassigning production activity to another work order.

Allow to Suspend Production

“Y” or “N”.

Allow suspending a production.

Allow to Resume Production

“Y” or “N”.

Allow to resume a suspended production.

Customized options for “Production Inquiry for WO”



Type and Description

Access Operation List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Operation List which shows the production status of each operation.

Access Labor List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Labor List which shows all labor summaries for one order or operation by operator.

Access Production List

“Y” or “N”.

Allow toggling to Production List which shows all productions of one order or operation.


Customized options for “Time Diff to Cause Excp”



Type and Description

Logon Time Difference

3 numeric digits.

The difference between Shift Start Time in the operator record and the actual log on time in minutes.

End of Day Time Difference

3 numeric digits.

The difference between Shift End Time in the operator record and the actual log off time in minutes.

Total Work Time Difference

3 numeric digits.

The difference between Work Time in the operator record and the actual work time in minutes.

Break Begin Time Difference

3 numeric digits.

The difference between Break Start Time in the operator record and the actual break start time in minutes.  The system will determine if it is the first or second break automatically.

Total Break Time Exceed

3 numeric digits.

The number of minutes the actual break time exceeds that in the operator record.

Meal Begin Time Difference

3 numeric digits. 

The difference between Meal Break in the operator record and the actual meal break start time in minutes.

Total Meal Time Difference

3 numeric digits.

The number of minutes the actual meal break time exceeds that in the operator record.


You can press the F2 key to copy a security profile from one operator to another.


Here are some examples to configure security controls:

  • For a Supervisor, who has maximum authority:
    • Set all three values for field 13 to “9”.
    • Set fields 14 through 22 to “Y”.
  • For a Foreman, who has authority over assigned productions to and is allowed to see all shop status and history:
    • Set field 13 to “5, 0, 0”.
    • Set fields 14 through 16 to “Y”.
    • Set fields 17 through 21 to “I”.
    • Set field 22 to “Y”.
  • For an assembly line worker who works in the same work center each day:
    • Set all three values for field 13 to “0”.
    • Set fields 14 and 15 to “N”.
    • Set field 16 to “Y”.
    • Set fields 17 through 22 to “N”.

8.8.2 Operator ID for Elliott user

(Figure 24) Password Setup


As shown in the previous section, there are plenty of controls over an operator.  Some of the controls are for drilled-down screens and the system can use the operator’s security to control where they can drill down.  But if an operator is attempting to drill down to the work order from the COP sales order, the drill down does not have information about the operator making the request.  An Operator ID has been added to the Elliott User Maintenance so the security settings can be referenced from the ID instead of prompting for the Operator ID and password each time they attempt to access these drill down screens.  The concept is similar to the relationship of the Salesman ID and Elliott User ID.


How to Access:

Main Menu è Util_Setup è Password Setup è Change


Use Password Setup to associate an Operator ID with an Elliott User ID.  You need to have equivalent rights as SUPERVISOR to do this.  After Buyer Code is an additional field, Operator.


In the example above, Elliott User ID “CHK” is related to Operator ID “SAM”.  When CHK logs into Elliott, the system will apply all the rules defined in Operator ID SAM to this user by default.  Some interfaces that require an ID and password, like Work Center Operation, the entered Operator ID overrides this ID.  Supervisors can use this ID to inquiry private information without changing to another Elliott User.  If this field is blank for an Elliott user, the system will allow this user to inquiry everything but not change a record.

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