How to Access:
Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> Global Setup -> Dist -> I/M Setup
Main Menu -> Distribution -> Inventory Management -> Util-Setup -> I/M Setup
(Figure 4) I/M Setup page 1
1. Inventory Cost Method
- The default cost method used by Elliott. If this is set to S as Standard Cost, the system will use the standard cost logic in BOMP.
11. Validate Accounts From I/M Or G/L ?
- The system will use the I/M Account file or G/L Account file based on this setting in BOMP. Make sure all accounts are added to the correct file.
(Figure 5) I/M Setup page 2
29. Default Std Cost Variance Acct
- This was added during the development of WO+. Normally it is set in Material Cost Type/Location File Maintenance, but it provides a default value if none of the Material Cost Type/Location records are set.
How to Access:
Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> Global Setup -> Dist -> BOMP Global Control
(Figure 6) BOMP Global Setup page 1
12. Report Time for Plus Work Order
- Options
- “Y” (Default) – The system will track operator time and production time. Labor Cost and Burden Cost will be calculated based on time information for each production.
- “N” – The system will not track any time information and assumes no Labor and Burden Cost for the production. A simplified interface will be provided for scanning work. The system can still provide the current status in the shop. (Note: this flag cannot set to “N” at this moment.)
13. Outside Process Absorbed Account
- This account needs to be entered if the production routings include an outside process.
14. Default Labor Absorbed Account
- Newly created Department and Work Center entries will default to this value for the labor absorb account. It can be overridden in at Department Level and Work Center Level.
15. Default Burden Absorbed Account
- This account can be overridden at the Department Level and Work Center Level.
16. Def Copy Comp to Which Oper for Plus WO?
- Plus Work Order introduces routings which contain one or more steps to complete parent items. If the material issue point is not specified, the system will pick a step as the default material issue point based on this setting.
- Options
- A (Default) – Attached Operation. If the Attached Operation Number (5. Attaching Operation) is specified in the Product Structure, the system will use a corresponding operation if Operation Number exists in the routing. If Operation does not exist or the Attached Operation Number is blank, the system will use the first operation.
- C – Currently Highlighted Operation. The highlighted operation will be used during data entry, like selecting a routing though Production Routing Maintenance. If there is no user interface, which is the case when a COP order is copied to BOMP, the first operation is used.
- F – Always use the first operation.
- L – Always use the last operation.
18. Prompt for New Operator ID for Each Actv. Scan
- When operators select the Work Order Production function to report their jobs for a production, they will be prompted for an Operator ID and password. If this computer is shared by other operators, the system should prompt for the ID and password each time. Otherwise, the ID and password are only required the first time. This is the default setting for the whole Elliott system, but you can override this.
- Options
- “Y” (Default) – The system always prompts for Operator ID and password.
- “N” – The system only prompts for the Operator ID and password the first time selected.
(Figure 7) BOMP Global Setup page 2
21. Immediately Post For Completed Scan Trx?
- Allows an operator to immediately post the transaction that was reported through Work Order Production. Transactions reported in Production Transaction Processing use another flag to control immediate posting.
- Options
- “Y” (Default) – Allows you to post the transaction immediately.
- “N” – Not allow.
22. Default for Work Order Exact Qty Flag?
- WO+ introduces a new flag for each work order, Exact Qty Flag, where selecting “Y” indicates the quantity completed must match the quantity ordered. This global setup field is the default value for Exact Qty Flag, which appears when a work order is created through Work Order Entry.
- Options
- “N” (Default) – The default value is “N”.
- “Y” – The default value is “Y”.
23. Default for WO Copy from COP Exact Qty Flag?
- This is the default value of Exact Qty Flag when an order is copied from a COP Order.