Work Order Plus Production Manual 6

Work Order Plus Production Manual 6

Production Transaction Import

Manually entering a large number of production transactions can be extremely time consuming.  Elliott provides a utility to import transactions from a CSV spreadsheet.  Transactions can be created with Excel and saved as a CSV file for importing.  Elliott will automatically create records for each transaction.  This application supports reporting for substitute materials and reporting for a parent item’s serial or lot number.


You can find related documentation about this feature, including how to enable this feature, in BOMP Production Transaction Import Global Setup[4].


This import consists of two stages: pre-interface and interface.  Pre-interface will validate the CSV file and print any error messages on the report.  Interface will check each record again before importing it.


What is NOT supported at this time:

  • Disassembly Work Orders, which are work orders with a negative order quantity.
  • Reporting serial numbers for components.


How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Production Transaction Processing -> Process -> Plus Work Order -> Import


(Figure 42) Transaction Import for Plus Work Order


Field Description



Type and Description

1. New Transaction Import Filename:

50 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the CSV file name under the specified directory to import.

Default to Global Setup

2. Import File With Header Row ?

Y or N

Enter Y if the CSV file includes a header row.

Default to Global Setup.


(Figure 43) Transaction Import for Plus Work Order





                 Figure 44. Plus Work Order Transaction Import Detail

Transaction Import Examples

Basic Transactions Import


(Figure 45) Transactions in CSV spreadsheet (some columns are hidden)


Basically, you need to enter the order number, operation number, complete quantity and hours for each transaction.  With enough information, each line will become a transaction record in the system.  If the operation is an outside process, you can give additional purchase order or invoice information. 


Transaction Import with Material

(Figure 46) Transaction with different materials (some columns are hidden)


In the production transaction entry screen, the system will pop up a window for you to confirm the material used in a certain operation.  If the material has not changed in production, it is not necessary to add a line for the component to the CSV file for transaction import and the system will use the default material.  If some materials reported are different to those planned in the work order, you need to add a line for every component of the transaction.  You need to append a line for each component with the order number, operation number, sequence number, and the actual quantity issued.  You can also report a substitute material with a new sequence number not used in the work order.  The system will use these materials instead of the default to create transaction records.

Transaction Import with Serial/Lot Number


(Figure 47) Transactions with Serial Number (some columns are hidden)


The serial/lot number needs to be reported when the last operation in the routing for a serialized/lot parent item is reported.  For lot items, you can simply report the lot number in column T and expiration date in column U.  For serialized items, the serial number is different for each finished item and needs to be reported one by one.  Enter a series of lines with the complete quantity of “1” and the serial number of the item.  The import will consolidate these lines into one transaction.

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