Work Order Plus Production Manual 4

Work Order Plus Production Manual 4

Chapter 5: Report for Production

One way WO+ is superior to Material Work Order is that it will collect labor. Labor hours can be manually entered for each work order, but WO+ provides a time clock system that combines this function with production reporting. Operators can use one interface to clock in, clock out and report production. The system will gather information automatically and calculate the production costs for each work order.

WO+ categorizes labor time into two different types: Direct Labor and Shared Labor. Direct Labor is labor from operators who are directly responsible to the work order. These are usually foremen or group leaders that hold a copy of the Traveler and use it to report the starting and ending of the production. On the other hand, Shared Labor is labor from operators who are not directly in charge of the work order. They may work in a work center or department and perform an assigned task. This may be assembly line workers or a department manager monitoring every machine in a department. They will not report anything about work orders. So, Direct Labor workers will need to enter an order number to report labor, but Shared Labor workers do not.

WO+ provides an interface for each type of labor, so there will be less confusion for an operator about the functionality. These interfaces are:

  • Work Order Production – For direct labor to report time as well as report production.
  • Work Center Time Clock – For shared labor to clock in to or clock out from a work center.
  • Department Time Clock – For shared labor to clock in to or clock out from a department.
  • General Time Clock – For anyone to clock in or clock out from the company. Time gathered from this interface is not related to any production. This can be used for office employees or any other worker.

Work Order Production

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Work Order Production

(Figure 17) Work Order Production, Typing Mode

This is the Time Clock Interface for Work Order Reporting. It is for workers who report when production starts and when production ends. When production ends, the system will ask for the production result of how many pieces are completed. It will collect labor time from these workers and add it to work orders as direct labor. There are only 3 stages in this screen:

  • In the first stage, the operator needs to enter the Operator ID and password, which can be entered by scanning a badge.
  • In the second stage, the operator needs to report the function, like progress on a work order or a special operation like a break.
  • In the third stage, the operator needs to report how many pieces were finished for the production if working on a work order.
  • Based on the BOMP Global Setup, control will return to the first stage or second stage.

The operator always needs to enter the activity. The system will determine if this ends an operation and prompt for additional information if necessary. At the end of the day, the operator needs to “start” a special operation, End of Day, to log off.

First Stage – Sign in

(Figure 18) Work Order Production, Scanning Mode

The operator must first enter an Operator ID and password. To manually type the data, you must enter the Operator ID, press Enter, type the password and press Enter again. On the other hand, you can scan the barcode on a badge. Press the F1 Key to toggle between scanning mode and manual mode. The barcode scanning mode will prompt for a much longer string to allow for both fields. After successfully authenticated, the system will display on the top 3 lines information about the operator and what this operator is currently doing.

The operator can currently log off the system, work on a production, work in a work center, or perform a special operation like a break. The system will display different details for different activities.

On the right side of the third line is a two decimal number (in figure 17 it is 0.89). This is the elapsed time of the current activity in hours.

The system will prompt for the order number after the first stage.

Second Stage – Next Activity

(Figure 19) Work Order Production, After First Stage

In the second stage, the operator can report what to do next. This can be to start a new production, resume a suspended production, report for a current production, start a break, go to a meeting or log off from the system at the end of the day. Each activity is defined as an operation in WO+ and each operation has its own number. These are the numbers that are entered in the second stage. They can be scanned if a barcode is provided for these numbers.

There are two operation types for different activities, Order Operation and Special Operation. Order Operations are those defined in the routing of work orders and are used for production activities. The work order number and order operations must be entered. Special Operations are for activities other than production related. Special Operations can represent a break, a meal break, a log off or other purpose. So to report production related activity, use the Order Operation and the operations listed on the Traveler. Otherwise, use a Special Operation. Figures 18 and 19 show the screens after entering an Order Operation or Special Operation respectively.

(Figure 20) Work Order Production, Start a Work Order

(Figure 21) Work Order Production, Start a Break

Field Description in Stage 2



Type and Description

Order Number

6 numeric digits.

The order number of an ongoing production.  If a special operation will be entered, this field can be blank.

Function Keys

F1    - Start a Batch Production.  A Batch Production allows you to work on multiple work orders at the same time.  Labor and Machine time will be distributed to each work order based on reported quantity.

F3    - Advanced Options.  Options include inquiry of the current status (operator time clock or production status) and changing the interface behavior.

·      Operation Time Clock

·      Current Production Detail

·      Current Production Activity Inquiry

·      Production Inquiry for the Current Work Order

·      Production Inquiry for the Current Operation

·      Change ID Prompt Setting

F4    - Exception Handling.  Exception handling options to change the activity time or change the current activity content.

·      Reassign Current Time Clock Activity

·      Change End Time

F7    - Enter a Production Number.  If the Production Number is known, you can enter it instead of entering the order number and operation number.  Normally, the system will automatically determine the proper production number after the order number and operation number are entered.

Defaults to the current work order number.

Operation Number

4 numeric digits.

The operation number of an ongoing activity.  If the order number is blank, this field can only be a special operation.  Otherwise, it can be both an order operation and special operation.

Function Key

F7    - Search for an order operation, if the order number is not blank.  Search for a special operation, if the order number is blank.

F8    - Search for a special operation, if the order number is not blank.

The system determines the next activity based on the operation number.

·      If the operation number entered is the same as the current activity, this means the operator wants to end the current activity and the next activity has not been assigned.  The system will change the operator’s current activity to “Idle”.

·      If the operation number is for a special operation (from 9000 thru 9999), the system will determine the next activity based on the operation type.

o   For a break, productive and non-productive operation types, the system will change the operator’s current activity status.

o   For a meal break and End Of Day operation types, the system will log the operator off and the activity status.

o   For monitor operation types, like W and D, the system will change the operator’s activity to a work center or department shared labor.

·      If the operation number is an order operation, from 1 thru 8999, the system will try to determine the production number.

o   If the productions for this operation are not yet started, all completed or all worked on by another operator, the system will assume the operator wants to start a new production for this operation.

o   If any production is suspend or active without an operator and the production was previously worked on by the operator, the system will assume the operator wants to resume, continue or report for that production.

o   If the system is unable to determine the production number, a list of productions will be presented for the operator to choose from.

If the operator is going to start a production for an outside process, the system will prompt for PO related information, like vendor number and PO number.  You can enter this information now or when reporting.

Plan Quantity

Standard quantity format.

Enter the planning quantity for a new production.

Function Key

F4    - Change Operation.  If this operation has not been started, you can change the value for this operation.


1 alpha-numeric character.

After entering all information about the next activity, the system will prompt for confirmation.

This confirmation question may vary based on the next activity.  For example, if you want to start a suspended production, the system will prompt “S = Start This Operation, R = Report This Operation”.  The latter option will allow you to directly report for the production without scanning the same operation number again.


Third Stage – Current Production Reporting

(Figure 22) Work Order Production, Third Stage


If the operator’s activity is for a special operation, like a break or meeting, the system will change the status to the next activity.  The operator will not need to report for the current activity, except for a required comment.  Otherwise, the operator will be required to report for the current production before starting the next activity.  This will bring you to the third stage, current production reporting.


In most cases, the only requirement is to enter the quantity of completed pieces.  However, WO+ provides several functions for different situations.

  • Usually, only the completed pieces and the quantity need to be reported.  However, the quantity entered should not be zero.  If this operation is a material issued point, the system will show the list of issued material to confirm. If this operation is the last operation and the product is a serialized item, the system will prompt for a serial number.
  • If the operator wants to stop working on the production, but the production is not completed, a zero can be entered in the Qty Completed field.  This usually means production is suspended, but in some cases, like with a CNC Machine, the production can be continued without an operator.  The literal right of the “End Date/Time” will indicate if the production will be reported, suspended or continued without an operator.  You can report if a CNC machine will continue running or not by pressing F3 for Advance Option and selecting the “Machine On/Off” to change the status of the machine.  If the machine is off, production will be suspended.  The default value is defined in each work center file through the “(Machine) End By Def If Labor End” field.
  • If some pieces are scrapped during the production, the operator would need to report the quantity scrapped.  There are two ways to report this.
    • If BOMP Global Setup field 52, Warning If Plan & Report Qty Are Different, is set to “Y”, the operator will be prompted for the quantity scrapped.  For example, the prompt for reporting 7 pieces when the planning quantity is 10 would be, “Did you scrap 3 pieces?”  Respond with “Y” and the system will report 7 pieces completed and 3 pieces scrapped.  Respond with “N” and the system will report 7 pieces completed and zero scrapped.
    • Whatever value is in the BOMP Global Setup, the operator can always press F5 for Detail Report to report the scrapped quantity.
  • If an error occurs when the operator enters a completed quantity, the system will ask you to use the F5 option.
  • Press F3 for Advance Options to inquiry the current production or your time clock entries.
  • If an exception occurs, the operator can press F4 for option to handle the exception.  The system will provide a list of options based on the authorization in the operator file.  If production has been reported for the operation, no option will be available.


If an operator reports complete quantity for the production, the system will prompt for addition information depending on the operation type.

  • Material Issued Reporting Screen, if this operation is a material issued point.
  • Serial Number Reporting Screen, if the parent item is a serialized item and the operation is the last operation.
  • Lot Number Screen, if the parent item is a lot item and the operation is the last operation. The system will ask the operator to report this in the detail reporting screen.
  • PO Information Screen, if the operation is an outside process operation.

Details about these screens can be found in the Report Additional Information section.


You will be prompted “Are you sure?” after the quantity is entered.  This allows you to check your entry before continuing.  Also, check the literal to the right of End Date/Time (it is “Production Suspended” in Figure 20).  This literal will reflect the reporting status and can be the following:

  • Production Reported – The operator successfully reported for the production.
  • Production Suspended – The operator did not report for the production and will be suspended.
  • Production Continued – The operator did not report for the production and will continue without an operator.
  • Production Canceled – The operator canceled the production.

If the order is going to be closed, the system will display “Order Complete” to the right of the quantity.  Press Enter to continue.


If a production is successfully reported, a production transaction will be created. If BOMP Global Setup field 21, Immediately Post For Completed Scan Trx, is “Y”, the operator will be able to post this transaction immediately.  Otherwise, a manager can review the production transactions before posting them.


After reporting the production, the prompt will return to the Operator ID field or Order Number field based on the BOMP Global Setup.


If the operator’s next activity is a break, meal break or End Of Day logoff, the system skips the third stage and automatically suspends or continues the production based on the setup in the work center file.

Work Center Time Clock

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Work Center Time Clock


(Figure 23) Work Center Time Clock, 1st Stage


This is the Time Clock Interface for a Work Center.  It allows the operator to log into a work center and the labor will be shared among any work orders currently active in this work center.  This type of operator does not report about a work order or completed quantity, but only needs to clock in or out from one work center to another.  This is suitable for assembly line workers or CNC machine operators.


This interface is simpler than Work Order Production and only needs two stages.

  • In the first stage, a work center is selected.
  • In the second stage, the operator will clock in or clock out.
  • The second stage is repeated.

First Stage – Select a Work Center

An operator must first select a work center for this interface.  The F7 Key can be pressed to search available work centers.  The work center field may be left blank if the operator would like to start an activity for a special operation.  This can be used at the beginning of a day when no job has been assigned to the operator.

Second Stage – Clock In/Out

(Figure 24) Work Center Time Clock, 2nd Stage


This stage will display all operators who are currently in this work center.  The system will show basic statistics about this work center under the work center ID.


The system will prompt for an Operator ID in this stage.  Like the first stage of Work Order Production, the operator can scan a barcoded badge or type the ID and password manually.  In manual mode, the operator can use the Up and Down Arrow keys to select one operator.  The system will select the highlighted Operator ID, but the password will still need to be entered.


After the operator ID and password have been entered, the behavior is fairly simple:

  • If the operator has not clocked into the work center, the system will clock-in the operator and the labor will be shared among all work orders currently active in the work center.  The Operator ID will be displayed in the list below, as well.
  • If the operator has already clocked into the work center, the system will provide a list of choices for the next activity.  The system will highlight one option based on the current time and operator profile.  For example, if the operator’s shift ends at 8:00pm, the default choice around 8:00pm will be End Of Day.  If the operator’s next activity is not listed, the last option of “Others” can be selected and a special operation number entered. (Figure 23)

(Figure 25) Work Center Time Clock, 2nd Stage, List of Special Operation


If a Work Center ID was not entered, for Special Operation Mode, the system will provide a list of special operations to choose from each time the operator logs in.


If an operator needs to change work centers, it is not necessary to clock-out from the current work center.  You can simply walk to the new work center and clock into the computer at that work center.  The system will automatically clock the operator out from the previous work center.  If the production department does not have multiple computers, you can press the Escape key and enter a new work center ID to clock in.


Department Time Clock

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Department Time Clock


(Figure 26) Department Time Clock, 1st Stage


This is the Time Clock Interface for a Department.  It allows an operator to clock into a department and the labor will be shared to all currently active work orders in the department.  This interface is similar to Work Center Time Clock, but this one is for department managers or operators that monitor all machines in a department.


This interface has 2 stages.

  • In the first stage, a department is selected.
  • In the second stage, the operator will clock in or clock out.
  • The second stage is repeated.

First Stage – Selected a Department

An operator must first select a department for this interface.  Press F7 to search available departments.  The department field may be left blank if you want to start an activity for a special operation, like a break or meeting.  This can be used at the beginning of the day when no job has been assigned to the operator.

Second Stage – Clock In/Out

(Figure 27) Department Time Clock, 2nd Stage


Once the Department ID has been entered, the system will display all operators who are currently working in this department, including those who clock into a work center and those who directly work on a work order.  The system will show basic statistics about this department under the department field.


The system will prompt for an Operator ID and password.  The operator can toggle between scanning mode and manual mode with the F1 Key.  In manual mode, the operator can use the Up and Down Arrow Keys to select an operator ID.  The operator will be clocked into this department if not clocked in.  Otherwise, the system will provide a list of special operations for the operator to perform next.

General Time Clock

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Util-Setup -> Time Clock


(Figure 28) General Time Clock


This is a general and simplified Time Clock Interface that will only allow 3 functions: clock into the company, clock out for meal breaks and clock out at the end of the day.  It is similar to a time card system used in most companies to record an employee’s time and is independent from production.


This interface can be used for office employees who are not directly related to production.  A computer can be placed at the company entrance for everyone to clock in each morning and clock out at night.  Anyone who clocks in through this interface can still clock into a work center or department and report production through Work Order Production.


Once time is recorded, the system will display basic statistics about the production department at the top of the screen and list all operators who are currently in the company, no matter which work center or department.  Like all the other time clock interfaces in WO+, the employee can type the ID and password or scan a barcoded badge.  If the employee is not clocked in, the system will clock in.  Otherwise, the system will clock out the employee and ask whether it is for a meal break or end of day.


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