Work Order Plus Production Manual 2

Work Order Plus Production Manual 2

Chapter 2: Create a Work Order

Work orders in WO+ can assist with tracking production, but there are several ways to create the work order depending on the situation.

  • Production Order Entry - The traditional way to create work orders, mostly to replenish stock.
  • Copy COP Orders into BOMP - Each work order is specifically for one sales order.  This is usually where the products are built as ordered and not stocked.
  • Work Order Import – This is for productions that require complicated shop capacity planning for multiple work orders.
  • ATP Processing – This can be generated through ATP to maintain stock status and long term availability.  (This manual will not describe this feature.  Please read the I/M Manual for more information.)

Production Order Entry

How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Production Order Entry -> Process -> Plus Work Order


(Figure 2) Production Order Entry


The most basic way to create a work order is through Production Order Entry.  In this interface you can add, change and delete an order and edit most of the detail.  No matter how the work order was created you can always maintain it through this interface.

Basic information needs to be entered for each work order, like order quantity and the start and end dates.  Most importantly in work order plus a routing and components used for the production need to be specified.


Field Descriptions


Type and Description

1. Order No (Work Order Number)

6 numeric digits.

Enter the production order number, which will be used to track the order through the production process.

In add mode, press the F1 key to display the next sequential production order number.  This field may not be changed in change mode.

In change mode, press the F1 key to choose the next order number on file.

Rev (Revision Number)

2 numeric digits, display only.

The revision number of the routing for one work order.  If the order routing is changed after order has been released, the revision number will increase by 1 when the traveler is reprinted.  The initial value is 0.

Order Status

Automatically displayed.

The current status of the production order is automatically displayed. 

“New” In add mode, when this order is newly created.

“New  Not Allocated” New order where the inventory has not been allocated.

“New  Allocated” New order where the components have been allocated.

“Work Order Printed” The order has been released.  The traveler and/or pick list have been printed.

“Started” Production for this order has been started, but no parent item has been finished.

“Partially Reported” More than one parent item has been finished.

“Complete”  Order is complete and closed.

“Reopened” The order has been reopened after it was closed.  This is an exceptional situation and requires assistance from a supervisor.

2.  Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the number of the item to be produced.  This item must be in the Inventory Item File and may not be designated as a kit item.  If the entered item is a Feature Item, a window will be displayed after the quantity field to allow selection of Feature options.

Add mode offers the following function key options:

F1    -    Searches for Feature Items

F4    -    Searches for Firm Planned Orders, if the MRP package is installed.

F4    -    If the MRP package is not installed, but the COP package is installed, this is the key search for customer orders that have manufactured parent items and should satisfy the backorder status and vendor number criteria based on the BOMP Global Setup fields 19 and 20.

F5    -    Copy from a base work order template.  The rest fields will default to this base work order.  The routing and bill of material will be copied from this base work order.

F7    -    Searches for items by number.

F8    -    Searches for items by description.

In change mode, this key field is automatically displayed and may not be changed.

3.  Location

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the location where the item will be produced.  This location must be in the Inventory Location File.  In add mode, press the F7 key to search for Location Codes.  In change mode, this field is automatically displayed and may not be changed.

In add mode, the location will default to the one entered for the previous production order.

4.  Quantity

A standard quantity format with an optional minus sign.

Enter the quantity of the item to be produced.  If this number is positive, it is an Assembly Work Order which would use components to build the parent item.  If this number is negative, it is a Disassembly Work Order which disassembles parent items into components.  Cost calculation of a disassembly work order is different from an assembly work order.  If this number is zero, it is considered an assembly work order.  This is for cases where the quantity is not known when order is created.

If the item is a feature item, the Feature Selection window will appear after a value is entered in this field.

In add and change modes, press the F1 key to calculate the recommended quantity to be ordered.  The recommended quantity will be for the location entered in field 3.  To calculate for another location, press the up arrow key while the Recommended Quantity Window is displayed. 

Default is 1.

Qty. Rptd.

A quantity in the standard format.

In change mode, this field will automatically display the quantity already reported as produced in Production Transaction Processing.  This is equal to the quantity reported in the last operation of the whole routing since the last operation is Y count point in WO+.  New orders will display zero for quantity reported.

5.  Unit Cost/Detail

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

Estimated unit cost for each parent item.  This unit cost is calculated based on the order routing and bill of material.  By selecting this field, the system will bring up the Order Routing Maintenance screen and the routing and bill of material for this work order can be selected and edited.  This interface is described elsewhere in this document.

This field will not be displayed if the Display And Print Item Cost flag in BOMP Setup is set to N.

Ext. Cost

9 numeric digits with two decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99).

Calculated by multiplying the quantity to be produced by the unit cost.

6.  Unit Price

10 numeric digits with 4 decimal places and an optional minus sign.

Enter the unit selling price for the item.  It is the selling price entered in field 16 of the Inventory Item File.

This field may only be changed if the Allow Change To Order Prices flag in BOMP Setup is set to Y.

Ext. Price

9 numeric digits with two decimal places and an optional minus sign (9,999,999.99).

This field is calculated by multiplying the quantity to be produced by the selling price.

7.  Due Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the date the finished item is due.  Entry is required.  The start date will be automatically determined based on the lead-time of the item being produced.

ATP assumes the parent item will be completed by the work order’s due date.

Start Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the date when production is planned to start.  Entry is required.  This field is automatically determined based on the lead-time of the item being produced.

ATP assumes the components will be consumed on the work order’s start date.

8.  Job Number

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the job number associated with the production order.  The job number must be in the Job Code File if the Use Job Numbers flag is set to Y in BOMP Setup.

Entry is not verified if the Use Job Numbers flag is set to N in BOMP Setup.

If the order is copied from a COP sales order, the job number will be automatically assigned based on BOMP Global Setup field 42, Job No Default Value When Copy from COP.

Defaults to spaces.

9.  Description

30 alphanumeric characters.

Enter any additional information relative to the production order. 

If the order was copied from COP, this field will display the Customer Name, Number and COP Order Number.  If the order was copied from MRP, the MRP Order Number will be displayed.

10. Alloc. Inventory

Y or N.

Enter Y to allocate inventory immediately or N to allocate when the production work order is printed.

If this flag is “Y” and BOMP Global Setup field 8, Check Comp Availability When Enter BOMP WO, is “Y”, the system will check component availability after order entry is complete.  If any component is not available at the time, the system will display a warning with additional information.

This field defaults to the value in BOMP Global Setup.

11. Exact QTY (Exact Quantity flag)

Y or N. 

Enter “Y” if the ordered quantity is an exact quantity and must match the reported quantity when this work order is complete.  If the ordered quantity and reported quantity are inconsistent, a warning will be given and only an authorized user can close the order.

This field defaults to BOMP Global Setup field 22, Exact Qty Flag Default When Enter WO Manually.

Other Display fields

COP Order No  – If this order is copied from a COP sales order, this is the sales order number.

Customer No           – If this order is copied from a COP sales order, this is the customer number.

Base Order No – If this order is copied from a Base Work Order, this is the base work order number.


Disassembly Work Order

When the Order Quantity is less than zero, the system regards this work order as a disassembly order.  There are several differences between an assembly order and a disassembly order.

  • Disassembly work orders will not allocate components, adjust Quantity On Order for the parent item or create any ATP records.
  • Disassembly work orders have no Work-In-Process amount.  
  • Since disassembly orders have no WIP amount, all components will always be reported in the last operation.  All labor, overhead and outside process cost goes to the WIP Variance Account instead of the Finished Goods Account.  The cost variance between the components and the parent item goes to the WIP Variance Account as well.
  • Material cost is excluded when estimating the production cost of a disassembly order.  The estimated cost only includes labor, overhead and the outside process cost.


Reopen Work Order

This feature is to reopen a closed work order.  Reporting can continue for this work order and you can correct a misreported transaction.  The order will need to be closed again.  Reopening an order does not allocate components and ATP records are not created.


Work Order Edit List

The WO+ Order Edit List is superior to the Material Work Order Edit List in format and criteria.  This report can be used to simply display work order data, compare work order routing and bill of material between standard and planned, or to compare them between planned and actual.


(Figure 3) Production Order Edit List



Type and Description

Starting/Ending Order No

6 numeric digits.

The range of order numbers to include in the edit list.  Defaults to All.


2 alpha-numeric digits with wildcard support.

Select a production location.

Starting/Ending Job No

6 alpha-numeric digits.

The range of Job Numbers to include in the edit list.

Starting/Ending Item No

15 alpha-numeric digits.

The range of Item Numbers to include in the edit list.

F7    - Search Item by Number

F8    - Search Item by Description

Starting/Ending Product Category

3 alpha-numeric digits.

The range of Product Categories to include in the edit list.

F7    - Search Product Category

Starting/Ending Due Date

A date in standard date format.

The range of due dates to include in the edit list.

Include Order Statuses

1 alphabetic character.

Enter the letters representing the order statuses you want to include in the edit list. Up to 5 statuses are allowed.

N      =   New

P      =   Printed

S      =   Started

I       =   Partially Reported

C      =   Complete

R      =   Reopened

Defaults to All.

Include Allocate Inv.

1 alphabetic character.

Enter “Y” for allocated orders only.  Enter “N” for unallocated orders only.  Enter “B” to include both.

Defaults to Both.

Print Material?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to print the bill of material of the orders.

Defaults to “N”.

Compare to BOM?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to compare the order bill of material to the standard bill of material defined in the product structure.  This criterion is only available if you select “Y” for Print Material.

Defaults to “N”.

Print Routing?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to print the routing of the orders.

Defaults to “N”.

Compare to Std Routing?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to compare the order routing to the standard routing, which is the item routing from which the order routing originated.  This criterion is only available if you select “Y” for Print Routing.

Defaults to “N”.

Print Mtrl Statistics

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to print the reported statistics of materials, like item number used, quantity used, etc.

Defaults to “N”.

Print Rtgl Statistics

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to print the reported statistics of operations, like quantity processed, labor hours, etc.

Defaults to “N”.

Include Estimate Var?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to show the cost variance for those operations which use an estimated statistic, like labor hour per quantity, instead of a standard statistic.  This criterion is only available if you select “Y” for Print Routing Statistics.

Defaults to “N”.

Posted Info Only?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” if you want to show statistics from a posted transaction only.  Enter “N” to include statistics from transactions which are not yet posted.

Defaults to “N”.

Print Cost?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to show cost in the edit list.  This flag is subject to several security flags and BOMP Setup.  If you are not authorized to view cost, this option will be not applicable.

Defaults to “N”.

  Figure 4. Production Order Edit List Detail 

Copy COP Orders into BOMP

Copy a COP sales order directly to a BOMP work order if the work order is for one specific sales order.  The work order will be associated with the sales order and it will be possible to drill down directly to the work order inquiry from sales order inquiry to monitor production progress.  Also, you can analyze the production cost variance by customer if the work order is related to a customer.


There are two ways to copy COP orders to BOMP work orders, copy a single order or batch copy multiple orders.  The first method was described in the previous Production Order Entry section and that interface can be used to press the F4 key at the Item Number field in add mode to list all the available sales order line items to copy.  You can only copy one sales order at a time this way.  The second method is to copy multiple sales orders into a BOMP work order through the “Copy COP Orders into BOMP” feature.


How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Copy COP Orders into BOMP

There are some restrictions for this feature.

  • You cannot use this feature if you are using the MRP package in Elliott, but you can copy a plan order in MRP into BOMP.
  • If BOMP Global Setup field 1, Copy Regular Order To BOMP, is set to “N”, the system will only allow you to copy sales orders for feature items into BOMP.
  • BOMP Global Setup fields 19, Copy Reg Mfg Item WO from COP Base on Qty BO, and 20, Copy Mfg Item From COP For This Vendor Only, limit which sales order line items can be copied.
  • If the routing number is not specified in COP order, this program will always use Default Item Routing defined in the Item Master file to create new work orders.  If you want to use an alternative, you need to use Production Order Entry to copy COP orders.


Field Descriptions



Type and Description

Starting/Ending COP Order No

6 numeric digits.

The range of sales order numbers to copy.

Defaults to All.

Request Date Cutoff

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the cutoff date for the range of orders to be copied.  Only COP orders with request dates (set in the COP Order Entry application) on or before this date will be copied.  Entry is required.

Allocate Inventory

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” if you want to allocate inventory when the work orders are created.

Defaults to “Y”.

Copy to WO Type

1 alpha-numeric digit; “O”, “M” or “P”.

Type of work order to create; “O” for legacy work order, “M” for material work order, “P” for plus work order.

Defaults to the value in BOMP Global Setup.


Customize Manufactured Item in COP Order Entry

When the system copies a COP order to BOMP plus work order, if nothing is customized, the system will use default routing and default bill of material to create the new work order.  However, just like feature item, the system allows you to customize the bill of material in COP line item screen, or even routing.  The system will use this customization to create work orders instead of using the default setup.  


(Figure 6) Customized Manufacture Item in COP Order Line Item screen


To enable the feature to customize bill of material for a normal manufactured item, you need to turn on field 22, Customize WO Structure in COP, in COP Order Line Item Global Setup[1].  The F4 Key is available in the Unit Price field in the COP Order Line Item screen.  This will bring up a screen for you to add, change and delete components of the parent item.


To select routing in the COP Order Line Item screen, turn on field 26, Customize Routing for Feature/Mfg Item, in COP Order Line Item Global Setup.  In order to grant this privilege to certain Elliott users, turn on the “Allow User to Use BOMP Plus Work Order” flag in Security Setup[2].  With proper setup, operators can press the F4 Key in the Unit Price field in COP Order Line Item screen.  The system will ask “Do you want to choose a routing?” and by selecting “Yes” you are able to choose and customize a routing.  You can still customize the bill of material if you select “No”.


Either way, the system will use the specified routing or bill of material while copying the COP order to BOMP work order.

Work Order Import

This feature will allow you to edit work order data in a CSV format through Excel and import this file to system.  It can be used to create new work orders or modify existing ones.


How to Access:

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Processing -> Production Order Entry -> Process -> Plus Work Order -> Import


(Figure 7) Work Order Import under Production Order Entry


(Figure 8) Work Order Import Criteria



Field Descriptions



Type and Description

CSV File Name:

50 alpha-numeric digits.

CSV file name to import from, including the directory path.

Import File With Header Row?

“Y” or “N”.

Enter “Y” to indicate the first row in the CSV file is a header row and it will be skipped.

Update Mode

1 alpha-numeric digit.

Enter the mode for this import.

N      - Add mode.  Imported work order numbers should not exist in Elliott.

U      - Change mode.  All work order numbers should exist in Elliott.

O      - Override mode.  If a work order number does not exist, the record will be added.  Otherwise, the record will be updated.

Defaults to “N”.

Default Job Number

6 alpha-numeric digits.

Enter the default Job Number in Add mode.

Default to Allocate Inventory

1 alpha-numeric digit.  “Y”, “N” or space.

Enter the value of the default in Add mode for the Allocate Inventory flag of the imported work order.

Default Exact Qty

1 alpha-numeric digit.  “Y”, “N” or space.

Enter the value of the default in Add mode for the Exact Qty flag of the imported work order.


Required Fields


(Figure 9) Work Order Import Layout




Type and Description

A. Order No

6 numeric digits.

Order number to import.

In Add mode, this field can be blank and the system will automatically assign an order number sequentially.  If this field contains a value in Add mode, the order number should not exist in the system.

In Change mode, this field is required and the order number should exist in the system.

In Override mode, an existing order number will update the order and a new order number will add the order.

B. Item No

15 alpha-numeric characters.

Item number for the order.

This field is required in Add mode, unless the order is copied from a base work order.

This field is not required in Change mode.  The item number cannot be changed in Change mode.

C. Location

2 alpha-numeric characters.

Manufacturing location of the item on the order 

This field is required in Add mode, unless the order is copied from a base work order and the location is specified in the base order.

This field is not required in Change mode.  The location cannot be changed in change mode.

D. Quantity

Standard quantity field.

Ordered quantity of the production.

This field is required in Add mode.

In Change mode, order quantity can only be changed if the order status is “New”. Leave it blank for no changes.

E. Start Date

A date in standard date format.

Planned start date of the work order.

You can provide a Due Date and leave the Start Date blank in Add mode and the system will calculate the Start Date based on the Due Date and planning lead time. If both the Start Date and Due Date are blank, the system date will be used as the Start Date and the Due Date will be calculated based on planning lead time.

In Change mode, Start Date can only be changed if the order status is “New” or “Printed”.  Leave it blank for no changes.

F. Due Date

A date in standard date format.

Due date of the work order 

Leave this field blank in Add mode and the system will calculate Due Date based on Start Date and planning lead time.

You can always change Due Date in Change mode.  Leave it blank for no changes.

G. Job No

6 alpha-numeric digits.

Job Number for the work order.

In add mode, the program will use the value in the CSV file. If blank, it will use the passed default value. If blank still, it will use the one in the base order.

This should be a valid number in the Job Code file if the BOMP package uses job numbers.

In change mode, leave it blank for no changes.

H. Description

30 alpha-numeric characters.

Additional information about this work order.

Leave it blank in Change mode for no changes.

I. Allocate Inventory Flag

1 alpha-numeric character.  “Y”, “N” or space.

Determines if the work order should allocate inventory.

In add mode, the program will use the value in the CSV file. If blank, it will use the passed default value. If blank still, it will use the one in the base order. If no based order is selected, it will default to BOMP Global Setup.

Leave it blank in Change mode for no changes.

J. Exact Qty Flag

1 alpha-numeric character.  “Y”, “N” or space.

Enter “Y” if the ordered quantity is an exact quantity.

In add mode, the program will use the value in the CSV file. If blank, it will use the passed default value. If blank still, it will use the one in the base order. If no based order is selected, it will default to BOMP Global Setup 

Leave it blank in Change mode for no changes.

K. Copy from Base WO#

6 numeric digits.

Base order number to copy from.

This can only be used in Add mode.  The system will copy the routing and bill of material to a new work order.  If this is not specified in Add mode, the system will always use the Default Item Routing defined in the Item Master file.

This feature is for the following situations:

  • Massively create work orders after scheduling or planning.
  • Massively update the planning start date and due date of work orders.
  • Massively allocate or de-allocate inventory for work orders.

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