Work Order Plus Production Manual
Chapter 2: Create a Work Order
Customize Manufactured Item in COP Order Entry
Chapter 4: Barcode Preparation
Chapter 5: Report for Production
Third Stage – Current Production Reporting
First Stage – Select a Work Center
First Stage – Selected a Department
Creating a Batch Production through Work Order Production
Reporting a Batch Production through Work Order Production
This manual will instruct you how to operate Work Order Plus (WO+) in a production department. The content includes how to place an order, print production documents, and to report and post transactions.
(Figure 1) Manufacturing Flow
To make a product, a Production Work Order is needed. Each work order has information about what to make, the quantity, what components should be used and how many steps to complete the whole production. There are three types of work orders in the Elliott Bill Of Material Production (BOMP) Module: Legacy Work Order, Material Work Order and Plus Work Order. Legacy Work Order is the simplest type of work order which has a fixed bill of material structure. Material Work Order provides a flexible bill of material which can be changed order by order. Plus Work Order, in addition to the capabilities of Material Work Order, supports routing and allows the reporting of labor hours and machine hours.
Each Plus Work Order has a Routing, which will be called Order Routing in this manual to differentiate it from Item Routing, which is the routing record defined from items. This routing contains all the production steps to finish the ordered product. These steps are called operations. Each operation contains information about the work center to do this operation, how long this operation usually takes, how many pieces are usually processed, etc. Shop workers can use the information in this order routing to make items step by step. This order routing can be copied from the ordered item’s routing, copied from a base order template or created from scratch.
To make a product, one or more components will be consumed, or assembled, into the finished item. The list of these components is called a Bill of Material (BOM). A bill of material will indicate the components and quantity needed for a finished product. For each Plus Work Order, the bill of material will indicate which operation the components will be used. The components can be used in any operation and can be used in more than one operation. Those operations which consume components are called Material Issue Points, like the operation marked with a red “M” in (Figure 1) Manufacturing Flow.
The operation in which products are finished is called the Y Count Point. Once this operation is complete, it will add the ordered product(s) to inventory. Plus Work Order always assumes that the Y Count Point is the Last Operation, as indicated by the operation marked with a red “Y” in (Figure 1) Manufacturing Flow. If an order routing has only one operation, this operation is always the Y Count Point.
During manufacturing, an operator will need to tell the system which operation of which work order the operator is going to work on so the system can record time toward this Production. The system will assign a sequential Production ID for further tracking. Multiple Production Activities can be reported if an operation cannot be completed in one day. Each activity is a period of time when the production is active.
When all the work for an operation is finished, an operator needs to report how many pieces have been successfully processed and how many of them were scrapped. This information becomes a Production Transaction record. In addition to the quantity, the labor hours, machine hours, cost information and serial and lot numbers will be stored in the transaction record. A manager can review these transaction records before posting them or simply allow the operators to post the transaction immediately after it is created. Once the transaction has been posted, the system will update all item quantity information and account distribution records. This transaction record will also be stored in Production Transaction History.
Some of these names may be different from what is used in certain industries, so they will be capitalized for generalization.