Work Order Plus Management Manual 6

Work Order Plus Management Manual 6

Chapter 2: Reports

Production Schedule Report

Application Overview

The Production Schedule Report prints a list of items scheduled to be produced. These items are entered through orders in the Production Order Entry application, copied from Customer Order Processing, or from MRP Firm Planned Orders.

The report is based on production transactions that have been posted, but unposted production transactions that have been entered can be included.

Parameters for the report include due date or start date, item numbers, and order numbers. The report may be printed for any one location or all locations.

Run Instructions

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Reports -> Production Schedule Report -> Print -> Production Schedule Report.

(Figure 43) Production Schedule Report Entry Screen

The following options are available:

* Select the desired mode from the Production Schedule Report menu bar.

* Enter the data requested on the screen.

To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.

Entry Field Descriptions


Type and Description

1.     Location

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the location for which you want the report printed. 

Defaults to All.

2.     Date Range Usage

1 alphabetic character.

Valid entries are:

D = Due date range

S = Start date range

Enter D to print the report based on a range of start dates from production work orders 

Enter S to print the report based on a range of due dates from production work orders.

Defaults to D.

3.     Starting Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the starting date for the range of production orders you wish to print. 

Defaults to Earliest.

4.     Ending Date

A date in the standard date format.

Enter the ending date for the range of production orders you wish to print.

Entry is required if the starting date is Earliest, otherwise the default is the starting date.

5.     Starting Item Number

15 alphanumeric characters 

Enter the starting item number for the range of items you wish to print. 

Defaults to All.

6.     Ending Item Number

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending item number for the range of items you wish to print. 

Defaults to the starting item number.

7.     Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting product category for the range of items you wish to print. 

Defaults to All.

8.     Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category for the range of items you wish to print. 

Defaults to the starting product category.

9.     Starting Order Number

6 numeric digits.

Enter the starting production order number for the range of orders you wish to print. 

Defaults to All.

10.   Ending Order Number

6 numeric digits.

Enter the ending production order number for the range of orders you wish to print.

Defaults to the starting order number.

11.   Work Order Type

1 alphanumeric character.

Valid Entries are:

O      - Legacy Work Order

M      - Material Work Order

P      - Plus Work Order

Enter the work order type you wish to include.

Defaults to the value in BOMP Global Setup.

12.   COP Initiated Orders Only?

Y or N.

Enter Y to only include orders copied from the COP package.  Enter N to include all production work orders.

Defaults to N.

13.   Include Unposted Prd Trx Qty?  

Y or N.

Enter Y if you wish to include production transactions that have not been posted.

Enter N to include only posted production transactions.

Defaults to Y.

14. Include Unallocated Orders?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you wish to include production work orders which have not allocated inventory.

Defaults to N.

15. Include Allocated Orders?

Y or N 

Enter Y if you wish to include production work orders which have allocated inventory.

Defaults to Y.

16. Include Printed Orders?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you wish to include printed production work orders.

Defaults to Y.

17. Include Partial Posted Order?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you wish to include partially reported production work orders 

Defaults to Y.

18. Print Format

1 alphanumeric character.

If “Work Order Type” is “O” or “M”, valid entries are:

D      - Detail format.  Include material information.

B      - Brief format.  One order per line 

If “Work Order Type” is “P”, valid entries are:

D      - Detail format.  Include both routing and material.

R      - Routing information only.

M      - Material information only

B      - Brief format.  One order per line.

Enter report format you wish to print.  These formats are for different detail levels.

Defaults to B.

19. Sorting Method

1 alphanumeric character.

Valid entries are:

I       - Sort by Item Number.  Actual sorting sequence is Location/Item No/Date/Order No

D      - Sort by Date.  Actual sorting sequence is Location/Date/Item No/Order No.

W     - Sort by Work Center.  Actual sorting sequence is Location/Work Center/Date/Item No/Order No.

Enter the sorting sequence for the report.

This option is only available if “Work Order Type” is “P”.

Defaults to I.

20. Include Statistics in Prod?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you want to include quantities and hours from unfinished productions.  The system will include planned quantities and actual labor hours spent.  This option is only available if “Work Order Type” is “P”.

Defaults to N.

21. Include Estimate Var?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you want to show variance regardless of the operation’s “Estimate/Standard” flag.  Otherwise, the system will print “N/A” for the variance.  This option is only available if “Work Order Type” is “P”.

Defaults to N.



(Figure 44) Production Schedule Report Entry Screen


(Figure 45) Production Schedule Report for Plus Work Order

Work Center Rough Cut Report

Application Overview

This report generates an estimation of work center capacity over a period of time.  The period can be by day, a week, two weeks or a month.  The system calculates all the labor and machine hours left from all unfinished work orders in each work center for each period of time and prints them out.  This makes it easy to spot if a work center is out of resources, in labor or machine hours, for that period of time.  For example, multiple work orders may require 50 hours to finish and are due in one week, but the factory only operates for 40 hours a week.  The report would highlight the capacity problem so the orders could be rescheduled.


The parameters for the report include Location, Department, Work Center, a time period of daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, a production work order type, a range of product categories, the detail level of the report, and the date type to use to calculate capacity.  The date type can be Due Date, Start Date or Middle Date, the date halfway between Due Date and Start Date for a work order.  For example, the start date may be 9/1/2010, the due date 9/8/2010 and it takes 8 hours to finish.  Select Start Date and the system will add 8 hours to 9/1/2010.  Select Middle Date and the system will add 8 hours to 9/4/2010.


The selected data can be exported to a CSV file and has more detail than the report.

Run Instructions

Main Menu -> Distribution -> Bill of Material Processor -> Reports -> Production Schedule Report -> Print -> Work Center Rough Cut Report.


(Figure 46) Work Center Rough Cut Report Entry Screen

 Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

1. Location

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a location for the report.  The location field supports a wildcard format.

Defaults to All.

2. Date Range Usage

1 alphabetic character.

Valid entries are:

D = Due Date

S = Start Date

M = Middle Date, halfway between the start date and due date.

Enter the date type to use.  Enter D if you want to use the due date.  Enter S if you want to use the start date.  Enter M if you want to use the middle date, halfway between the start date and due date.

Defaults to S.

3. Starting Department

4 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting department of the range of departments to print.

Defaults to All.

4. Ending Department

4 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending department of the range of departments to print.

Defaults to the starting department.

5. Starting Work Center

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting work center of the range of work centers to print.

Defaults to All.

6. Ending Work Center

6 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending work center of the range of work centers to print.

Defaults to the starting work center.

7. Starting Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters

Enter the starting product category for the range of items to include on the report.

Defaults to All.

8. Ending Product Category

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category for the range of items to include on the report.

Defaults to the starting product category.

9. Period Type

1 alphanumeric character.

Valid entries are:

D      - Daily

W     - Weekly

B      - Bi-weekly

M      - Monthly

Enter the length of each period 

Defaults to W.

10. Type of Hours to Print

1 alphanumeric character.

Valid entries are:

A      - All, including direct labor, shared labor and machine hours.

D      - Direct labor only.

S      - Shared labor only.

L      - Sum of both direct labor and shared labor.

M      - Machine hours only.

Enter the capacity hour type to print.

Defaults to A.

11. Print Detail Level

1 alphanumeric character.

Valid entries are:

L      - Location Level, one location per line.

D      - Department Level, one department per line with a location subtotal.

W     - Work Center Level, one work center per line with department and location subtotals.

O      - Work Order Level, one work order per line with work center, department and location subtotals.

Enter the detail level to print for the report.

Defaults to W.

12. Create CSV File?

Y or N.

Enter Y if you wish to export the result to a CSV file.

Defaults to the last entry.

13. Number of Speadsheet Periods

2 numeric digits.

Enter the number of periods to export to the CSV file.  The range can be from 18 to 90.

Defaults to the last entry.

14. CSV File Name

50 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the path and file name for the CSV export file 

Defaults to the last entry.


(Figure 47) Work Center Rough Cut Report Entry Screen

(Figure 48) Work Center Rough Cut Report


The “Balance” column represents the hours left before the first period.

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