Work Order Plus Advanced Feature Manual 9

Work Order Plus Advanced Feature Manual 9

Chapter 3: Advanced Features

Exception Handling

Mistakes occur on a daily basis preventing us from collecting accurate information, accidentally and intentionally. For example, an operator may forget to log off at the end of the day or forget to log in after a lunch break; an operator may forget to report for an operation or report an incorrect quantity; a worker may sign into a wrong work center or department. Elliott provides a way to correct these entries through Exception Handling.

Exception Handling is a set of tools to change records in one or more databases for unusual situations. Functions are available in most screen interfaces through the F4 function key, such as Work Center Operation and Operator Time Clock Inquiry. Operators can only access authorized functions as defined in the Operator File.

When an operator attempts to use a function, the system will verify several things:

  • The privilege, defined in the Operator File and in User Global Security, to access one function.
  • The severity level of the exception. The severity level is a number from 0, for the least severe, to 9, for the most severe. The severity level can vary for the same function, depending on the circumstance. For instance, the severity level of changing the log off time of a time clock record from a week ago from 7PM to 6PM would be 2 if the one hour was for a non-productive activity, like a meeting. The severity level would be 7 if the one hour was for a posted production. It is considered more serious because the time clock change does not fix the extra labor cost for the work order.
  • The authorized level of the operator to handle exceptions. Each operator has 3 authorization levels; a level to handle his own exceptions, a level to handle exceptions for his department, and a level to handle all the others. If any of these exceed the severity level of the exception, the operator is granted permission to handle it.

The severity level is defined in the following table.



Information Only?

Causes a Data Integrity Issue?

Impacts Many Transactions?





















































When handling a certain exception, the system may prompt for additional information and a confirmation. The confirmation screen displays the nature and detail of the exception. If the authorization level of the operator is not high enough to handle the exception, it will prompt for a supervisor ID and password.

If the change affects work order production cost, corrections will be made to the production transaction records.  In addition, the system may:

  • Create an exception record.  You can review these records by printing an Exception Report.
  • Trigger an Elliott system activity, a general event which can be subscribed to in the company setup (Program: SYACTLOG, Type: SYACTLOG).  The system will notify the subscriber whenever this event is triggered.

Time Clock Related Exception

This section will list all available time clock related exception handles in the system and how to use them.  The handles are:


Force Logoff

Reassign Current Time Clock

Change Ending Time

Add Time Clock

Delete Time Clock

Split Time Clock

Merge Time Clock with Next

Add Time Clock Detail

Reassign Time Clock Detail

Delete Time Clock Detail

Split Time Clock Detail

Merge Time Clock Detail with Next


Force Logoff

The system forces an operator logged into the system over a specific duration to log off.  This duration is defined in BOMP Global Setup field 26, Force Logoff If Logon Over This Hours.


Security Control


Severity Level


How to Access

Automatically triggered in Work Order Production.  The operator is required to enter a comment about the exception.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Reassign Current Time Clock

If an operator entered a wrong operation number for his current activity, he can change it to another in Work Order Production. 


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Reassign Time Clock”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

At the Order Number field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Reassign Current Time Clock”.

Specify the detail of the activity: a special operation, an order operation, a work center or a department.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Change Ending Time

If an operator begins work on another job and does not report to Elliott, the operator or a manager can use this function to correct it.  For example, an operator returns from a 30 minute lunch break and discovers he did not log off before leaving.  The system will prompt for the ending time of the previous activity and what the next activity will be.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Edit (Slip/Merge)”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

This function can be accessed through various interfaces:

·          At the Order Number field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change Ending Time”.

·          At the Current Labor View in Work Center Operation, highlight an operator and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options.  Select “End Current Labor”.

·          At the Time Clock view or Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options.  Select “Change” à  “End Current Labor”.

Specify the detail of the next activity: a special operation, an order operation, a work center or a department.  Enter the ending time of the previous activity.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Add Time Clock

A new time clock record can be added in Operator Time Clock.  The new record will not have any detail.  Another exception handle can specify the activity.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Add Time Clock”.

Severity Level


How to Access

At the Time Clock view in Operator Time Clock, press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Add”.

Enter the starting and ending time of the time clock record.  This period of time cannot overlap other time clock records.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Delete Time Clock

A time clock record and all the details can be removed in Operator Time Clock. 


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Remove Time Clock”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

At the Time Clock view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Remove”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Split Time Clock

A time clock record can be split in Operator Time Clock.  For example, an operator logs off 1 hour later than when he actually stopped working.  A manager can split his time at the right point and remove the latter time clock record. 


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Edit (Slip/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

At the Time Clock view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change” à “Split”.

Enter the time of the split point and whether the previous time clock end was for a meal break or an end-of-day log off.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Merge Time Clock with Next

Two time clock records can be merged in Operator Time Clock.  These two records should be continuous in time.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Edit (Slip/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

At the Time Clock view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change” à “Merge with Next”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Add Time Clock Detail

Activity detail can be added to a time clock record in Operator Time Clock.  The detail can be a production, a special operation, or a period of time where the operator signed into a work center.  The time of the activity should be within one of the time clock records and should not overlap other activities.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Add Time Clock”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

At the Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Add”.

Enter the activity detail and the starting and ending time.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Reassign Time Clock Detail

The activity of one time clock detail can be changed to another through this function.  For example, you can change a period of time from “idle” to “machine maintenance”.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Reassign Time Clock”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

At the Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change”à”Reassign”.

Select the new activity type: a production, a special operation or a location.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Delete Time Clock Detail

A time clock detail can be removed.  This will label the period of time as “undefined”.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Remove Time Clock”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

At the Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Remove”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Split Time Clock Detail

This is an editing function which allows you to split one time clock detail into two.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Edit (Slip/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

At the Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change”à”Split”.

Enter the split point time.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Merge Time Clock Detail with Next

This is an editing function which allows you to merge two continuous time clock details into one.


Security Control

Operator File à “20. Operator Time Clock” à “Allow To Edit (Slip/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

At the Time Clock Detail view in Operator Time Clock, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up the Exception Handle options and select “Change”à”Merge with Next”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Production Related Exception

This section will list all the available production related exception handlers in the system and how to use them:


Substitute Work Center

Change Work Center

Substitute Operation ID

Change Operation ID

Modify Operation Detail

Modify Production Detail

Modify Transaction Data

Cancel Production

Create Missing Transaction

Override Post Exception

Create Reverse Transaction

Reopen a Work Order


Substitute Work Center

The work center of one operation can be substituted to that defined in work center file through this exception handle rather than changing it in Production Order Entry.  For example, if the work center of one operation is ASM1 and its substitute is ASM2, you can substitute the work center of the operation to ASM2 through this function.  The function is not available once the operation has begun.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Substitute Work Center”.

Severity Level


How to Access

There are 2 ways to access this function:

·          At the Plan Quantity field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change to Work Center ”.

·          At the transaction date field in Production Transaction Processing, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change to Work Center ”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Change Work Center

The work center of one operation can be changed with this function instead of changing it in Production Order Entry.  This function is not available once the operation has begun.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Change Work Center”.

Severity Level


How to Access

There are 2 ways to access this function:

·          At the Plan Quantity field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change Work Center”.

·          At the transaction date field in Production Transaction Processing, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change Work Center”.

Enter a work center ID.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Substitute Operation ID

The operation ID of one operation can be substituted to the one defined in the operation ID.  For example, if the operation ID of one operation is PAN and the substitute is OUT, you can substitute the operation ID to OUT through this function.  The system will copy all values from the operation ID to the operation.  This function is not available once the operation has begun.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Substitute Operation ID”.

Severity Level


How to Access

There are 2 ways to access this function:

·          At the Plan Quantity field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change to Operation ID”.

·          At the transaction date field in Production Transaction Processing, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change to Operation ID”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Change Operation ID

The operation ID of one operation can be changed.  The system will copy all values in the operation ID to the operation.  This function is not available once the operation has begun.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Change Operation ID”.

Severity Level


How to Access

There are 2 ways to access this function:

·          At the Plan Quantity field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change Operation ID”.

·          At the transaction date field in Production Transaction Processing, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Change Operation ID”.

Enter an Operation ID.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Modify Operation Detail

Every detail in one operation can be directly maintained.  This function is not available once the operation has begun.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow To Modify Operation Detail”.

Severity Level


How to Access

There are 2 ways to access this function:

·          At the Plan Quantity field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Modify Operation”.

·          At the transaction date field in Production Transaction Processing, press F4 to bring up the “Change Operation” options and select “Modify Operation”.

Every detail of the operation can be maintained.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Modify Production Detail

The order number, operation number and plan quantity can be changed for one production to those of another production if the new production is in the same work center and not complete.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Modify Production Detail”.

Severity Level


How to Access

This function can be accessed through any “Production Detail Maintenance” drill down.  For example, in Work Center Operation of Started Production View, highlight a record and press F3 to bring up Advanced Options and select “Production Detail Maintenance”.

The order number, operation number and plan quantity of the production can be changed.  In addition, you can change it into a batch production.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Modify Transaction Data

The complete quantity, material and serial number transaction values of one production can be changed with this function.  This production must be complete, but not posted.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow To Modify Transaction Data”.

Severity Level


How to Access

This function can be accessed through any “Production Detail Maintenance” drill down.  For example, in Work Center Operation of Complete Production View, highlight a record and press F3 to bring up Advanced Options and select “Production Detail Maintenance”.

You can change various values of a transaction, including complete quantity, scrap quantity and materials.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Cancel Production

If a work order is cancelled after the production has started, you can use this function to cancel all productions of the work order.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow to Cancel Production”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

Anywhere you can highlight a production.  For example, in Work Center Operation of Started Production View, highlight a record and press F4 to bring up Exception Handling options and select “Cancel Production”.  Or at the Qty Complete field in Work Order Production, press F4 to bring up Exception Handling options and select “Cancel Production”.

Specify if the labor for the production remains productive or not.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Create Missing Transaction

The system will verify all operations were reported properly when the last operation is posted.  If not, the most restrictive scenario will not allow the transaction to be posted.  Some screen programs will provide a way for you to create missing transactions based on the default values in the routing.  After the transactions are created, you can continue the post routine.


Security Control


Severity Level

2 or 3, depending on the number of transactions.

How to Access

Immediately posting a transaction after reporting and all conditions are satisfied, this handler will automatically pop up.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Override Post Exception

If a problem prevents you from posting a transaction, you can turn on a flag to override every related exception.  However, these exceptions exist for a reason and you should evaluate the situation before turning this flag on.


Security Control

In Operator File à “19. Production Detail” à “Allow To Override Post Exception”.

Severity Level


How to Access

In Production Transaction Processing, bring up a transaction in Change mode and on field 5, Qty Complete, press F5 to move to the “Override Posting Exception?” field and enter Y.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Create Reverse Transaction

Posted transactions update inventory, G/L distributions and related databases.  Transactions with an incorrect quantity or cost causes serious problems in your system, but you can create a reverse transaction to fix it.  The system will attempt to restore back to the status before the bad transaction was posted.  While this method can correct quantity and production cost related issues, this feature has limitations:

  • It cannot deal with serialized or lot parent item or components.
  • It cannot destroy printed or completed transfer tickets for multi-bin.
  • It cannot destroy PO Receiving records for outside processing operations.
  • It cannot restore average unit cost for the parent item.
  • If the user is using scrap account, there are scrap pieces in the production, and the user wants to change the number of scrap pieces with reverse transaction, it is recommended to reverse every transaction in the last operation before entering the correct one, in order to calculate the scrap amount correctly.


Security Control

In Global Default Security or User Global Security setup à “Allow User to Enter BOMP +WO Reverse Trx”.

Severity Level


How to Access

In Production Transaction Processing, add a new transaction.  Enter the order number and operation number of the bad transaction.  At the “Qty Complete” field, press F7 to select the posted bad transaction.  After the reverse transaction is created, post it.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Reopen a Work Order

Completed or closed work orders can no longer be reported.  The work order must be reopened if you want to report more transactions, including reverse transactions, and this will change the order status to “Reopen”.  After all the transactions are reported, the work order must be completed or closed.


Security Control

In Global Default Security or User Global Security setup à “Allow User to Re-open a BOMP +WO”.

Severity Level


How to Access

In Production Order Processing menu, click on the “Reopen” menu selection and enter a completed work order number.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Production Activity Related Exception

Production activity is a period of time when a work order is active.  This section will list all the available exception handles related to it and the way to use them:


Add a Production Activity

Reassign a Production Activity

Split a Production Activity

Merge Production Activity with Next

Cancel a Production Activity

End Machine Time


Add a Production Activity

A new activity history record can be added for a production.  The new activity will increase the machine hours of the production and will not have any direct labor, so this function is only available if the activity is in a work center where machine hours are not necessarily the same as labor hours based on the work center setting.


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow to Add Activity”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

This function is available in Work Center Operation of the Work Center Activity View or in Production Activity Inquiry of the Production Activity View.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options and select “Add Activity”.

You need to specify the starting and ending time of the activity.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Reassign a Production Activity

An activity can be reassigned to another work order.  You may need this if the operator mistyped the order number or operation number.  If every activity in one production should be reassigned to another production, the option to reassign the whole production is available as well.


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow to Reassign Activity”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

This function is available in Work Center Operation of the Work Center Activity View or in Production Activity Inquiry of the Production Activity View.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options.

·      Select “Change Activity” à “Reassign to Existing Production” or “Reassign to New Production”.  This will only reassign one activity.

·      Select “Change Production” à “Reassign to Existing Production” or “Reassign to New Production”.  This will reassign every activity of selected production.

You may need to enter additional information about the new production.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Split a Production Activity

This is an editing function which allows you to split one activity into two. 


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow to Edit (Split/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

This function is available in Work Center Operation of the Work Center Activity View or in Production Activity Inquiry of the Production Activity View.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options and select “Change Activity”à”Split”.

Enter the split point time.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Merge Production Activity with Next

This is an editing function which allows you to merge two activities into one.  These two activity should be continuous and for the same production.


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow to Edit (Split/Merge)”.

Severity Level


How to Access

This function is available in Work Center Operation of the Work Center Activity View or in Production Activity Inquiry of the Production Activity View.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options and select “Change Activity” à “Merge with Next”.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



Cancel a Production Activity

If you want to exclude the production time of a particular activity from a work order, you can cancel one activity.  By canceling an activity, the total production time will decrease and may reduce the overhead cost as well.  This function can be used when the operator scanned and recorded time for a wrong work order.  After canceling an activity, you need to specify whether all the operators who contribute times in this activity remain productive or not.


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow To Cancel Activity”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

This function is available in Work Center Operation of the Work Center Activity View or in Production Activity Inquiry of the Production Activity View.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options and select “Cancel Activity”.

Specify whether the labor for this activity is to remain productive.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?



End Machine Time

If a machine has stopped, but is still shown as active in Elliott, you can manually end the time for the machine.  


Security Control

In Operator File à “21. Production Activity?” à “Allow to Edit (Split/Merge)”.

Severity Level

2 through 9.

How to Access

This function is available in the Work Center Activity View of Work Center Operation or in the order number field of Work Order Production.  Press F4 to bring up the Exception Handling options and select “End Machine Time”.

Select an active production to end.  This production can be searched by order number, work center or production number.

Exception Record?


Elliott Activity?




Elliott Event

There are many events in Elliott to which you can subscribe; some are specific for work orders.  These events provide first-time notification when important things happen.  You can filter out less important notifications with a user-defined rule.  For example, you can subscribe to events triggered when an operator clocks out for the day and works less than 8 hours. 

Subscribe in Item Master File

Work Order Added

Triggered when a new work order is added.

  • Program: BM1701
  • Type: ADDWO


Work Order Changed

Triggered when order quantity or dates are changed for a work order.

  • Program: BM1701
  • Type: CHGWOQD


Work Order Deleted

Triggered when a work order is deleted.

  • Program: BM1701
  • Type: DELWO


Traveler Printed

Triggered when the traveler of a work order is printed.

  • Program: BM20P3T
  • Type: TRAVELER


Pick List Printed

Triggered when the pick list of a plus work order is printed.

  • Program: BM20P3
  • Type: MATPICKL


Production Started

Triggered when an operation is started.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: PRODBEG


Transaction Posted

Triggered when a transaction for plus work order is posted.

  • Program: SYINVAL3
  • Type: PRODEND


Parent Item Produced

Triggered when the parent item for plus work order is produced.

  • Program: SYINVAL3
  • Type: LPRODEND


Subscribe in Operator Maintenance

Operator Logon

Triggered when an operator logs into the company.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: LOGON


Operator Logoff in the End of Day

Triggered when an operator clocks out for the day.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: ENDOFDAY


Operator Meal Break Start

Triggered when an operator takes a meal break.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: MEALBEG


Operator Meal Break End

Triggered when an operator returns from a meal break.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: MEALEND


Operator Normal Break Start

Triggered when an operator takes a normal break.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: BREAKBEG


Operator Normal Break End

Triggered when an operator returns from a normal break.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: BREAKEND


Operator Special Operation Start

Triggered when an operator starts a special operation.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: SPOPRBEG


Operator Special Operation End

Triggered when an operator ends a special operation.

  • Program: BMWOPROD
  • Type: SPOPREND

Subscribe System Activities Logging

To subscribe to System Activities Logging, go to Company Setup and click on the Events button on the top-right side of the screen, and press the F5 key to insert a new event.  All Elliott Activities will trigger the one with type of SYACTLOG and program name of SYACTLOG. 


(Figure 46) Subscribe an Elliott Activities Logging Event


To subscribe to events for a work order, use the filter provided.  The programs in work order plus only trigger two types of Elliott Activity, those related to production and those related to time clock.


Production Related Activity

  • Activities File: IMITMFIL
  • Category: BMPORDE0, BMPORDE1, BMPORDE2…BMPORDE9.  The last digit is the severity level.
  • Status: 1 if severity level is between 0 and 1;   5 if severity level is between 2 and 5; 4 if severity level is between 6 and 9.


Time Clock Related Activity

  • Activities File: SYOPRFIL
  • Category: SYTIMEE0, SYTIMEE1, SYTIMEE2… SYTIMEE9.  The last digit is the severity level.
  • Status: 1 if severity level is between 0 and 1;   5 if severity level is between 2 and 5; 4 if severity level is between 6 and 9.


(Figure 45) Filter for the Event Subscription.



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