The Cost Master Edit List program prints cost detail of each cost master. It provides a wide range of selection criteria to narrow down the data. You can select cost master by item number, product category, buyer/analyst code, etc. You can select records changed, built up or standardized within a range of dates. You also can select cost masters which have a certain variance range, compared to the last standard unit cost. Plus, you can export all records to a CSV file.
(Figure 35) Cost Master Edit List Selection Screen
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting item number for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description. Defaults to All. |
Ending Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item number for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description. Defaults to the starting item number. |
Starting Product Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting product category for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only. Defaults to All. |
Ending Product Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending product category for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only. Defaults to the starting product category. |
Buyer Code | 2 alphanumeric characters Enter the buyer/analyst code for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no buyer code only. Defaults to All. |
Material Cost Type | 2 alphanumeric characters. Enter the material cost type for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing material cost type. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no material cost type only. Defaults to All. |
Manufacture or Purchase | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: M – Manufactured item only P – Purchased item only B – Both Defaults to B. |
Print Obsolete Cost Master? | Y or N. Enter Y to include obsolete items. Defaults to N. |
Print Current Value Add Costs? | Y or N. Enter Y to print current value added costs on the report. Defaults to Y. |
Last Change Date Range | Two dates in the standard date format (MMDDYY) to define a date range. Enter a range of dates when the current value added records were changed. This is only available if you choose to print current value added cost. The first date defaults to earliest and the second date defaults to the system date. |
Print Current Total Costs? | Y or N. Enter Y to print current total costs on the report. Defaults to Y. |
Last Build Date Range | Two dates in the standard date format (MMDDYY) to define a date range. Enter a range of dates when the current total cost of the selected records were built up. This is only available if you choose to print current total cost The first date defaults to earliest and the second date defaults to the system date. |
Print Standard Value Add Costs? | Y or N. Enter Y to print standard value added costs on the report. Defaults to Y. |
Print Standard Total Costs? | Y or N. Enter Y to print standard total costs on the report. Defaults to Y. |
Last Standardization Date Range | Two dates in the standard date format (MMDDYY) to define a date range. Enter a range of dates when the selected records rolled up the cost to the item standard cost. This is only available if you choose to print standard value added cost or standard total cost.. The first date defaults to earliest and the second date defaults to the system date. |
Print Total Variance? | Y or N. Enter Y to print total cost variance between current value and standard value, and the current total cost and standard total cost will always be printed. Selecting Y will prompt for more selections by variance range If you choose to print current total and standard total, the default is Y. Otherwise, the default is N. |
Export to CSV File? | Y or N. Enter Y to export results to a CSV file. Defaults to the last entry. |
CSV File Path | 50 alphanumeric characters. Enter the file name and path of the export file. Defaults to the last entry. |
Sub-Entry for “Print Total Variance” Description
If you select Y for Print Total Variance, more criteria will be available to select by variance percentage. This variance is the difference between the current value and standard value. By default, all conditions are turned off and the system will not select any record based on the variance range. Selecting a condition, like “Total Cost Variance%”, prompts for a variance percentage range. If multiple conditions are turned on, only cost master records which satisfy all conditions will be included.
(Figure 36) Cost Master Edit List Selection Screen, Variance Range Selection
Name | Type and Description |
Total Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the total cost variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Direct Labor Hours Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the direct labor hour variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Shared Labor Hours Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the shared labor hour variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Machine Hours Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the machine hour variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Material Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the material cost variance percentage. If O, Uor B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Direct Labor Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the direct labor cost variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Shared Labor Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the shared labor cost variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Burden Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the burden cost variance percentage. If O, Uor B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
Outside Cost Variance %? | 1 alphanumeric entry and 2 variance percentage entries. The variance percentage entries have 3 digits and 2 decimals. Valid entries are: N - No selection O - Only positive variance U - Only negative variance B - Both positive and negative variance Enter whether to select records based on the outside process cost variance percentage. If O, U or B is selected, a percentage range, from 0 to 999.99, is required. Defaults to N. |
(Figure 37) Cost Master Edit List Report