Work Order Plus Advanced Feature Manual 4

Work Order Plus Advanced Feature Manual 4

Current to Standard Roll

Application Overview

The Current to Standard Roll application updates the cost from the cost master to the standard cost in the item master file. You can select a range of items to update through the last build-up date, item number, product category, buyer/analyst code and material cost type. You can also review each item before updating.

If the cost master is changed after cost build-up, you may need to rebuild it again before you can update the standard cost of the item.

(Figure 19) Current to Standard Roll Selection Screen

Entry Descriptions


Type and Description

Starting Last Build-Up Date

A date in the standard date format (MM/DD/YY).

Enter the starting date for a range of cost masters that were built up during this period of time to update.

Defaults to “Earliest”.

Ending Last Build-Up Date

A date in the standard date format (MM/DD/YY).

Enter the ending date for a range of cost masters that were built up during this period of time to update.

Defaults to the system date.

Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting item number for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.

Defaults to All.

Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending item number for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.

Defaults to the starting item number.

Starting Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting product category for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only.

Defaults to All.

Ending Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only.

Defaults to the starting product category.

Buyer Code

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the buyer/analyst code for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no buyer code only.

Defaults to All.

Material Cost Type

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the material cost type for a range of cost masters to update. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing material cost type. Press the F1 Key to select items that have no material cost type only.

Defaults to All.

Do You Wish To Review Each Item?

Y or N.

Enter Y to review each item before updating. In the review screen, you can use the F1 Key to update, press the Enter Key to skip the item or press the F2 Key to toggle between Main Screen and View of Percentage Total.

Defaults to N.

(Figure 20) Current to Standard Roll Selection Screen

(Figure 21) Review screen before update

Zero Out Current Cost

Application Overview

The Zero Out Current Cost application can clear out selected fields in cost master for selected items. You can choose which cost or hour fields to zero out. You can also choose a range of cost masters through item number, product category, buyer/analyst code and material cost type.

(Figure 22) Zero Out Current Cost Selection Screen

Entry Descriptions


Type and Description

Starting Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting item number for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.

Defaults to All.

Ending Item No

15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending item number for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Keyto search for an item by item number or press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description.

Defaults to the starting item number.

Starting Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the starting product category for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category.  Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only.

Defaults to All.

Ending Product Cat

3 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the ending product category for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category.  Press the F1 Key to select items that have no product category only.

Defaults to the starting product category.

Buyer Code

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the buyer/analyst code for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category.  Press the F1 Key to select items that have no buyer code only.

Defaults to All.

Material Cost Type

2 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the material cost type for a range of cost masters to update.  Press the F7 Key to search for an existing material cost type.  Press the F1 Key to select items that have no material cost type only.

Defaults to All.

Zero Out Direct Labor Hours ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value added and total of direct labor hours.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Shared Labor Hours ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value added and total of shared labor hours.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Machine Hours ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value added and total of machine hours.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Material Cost ?

Y or N

Enter Y to zero out the value add and total of material cost.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Direct Labor Cost ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value added and total of direct labor cost.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Shared Labor Cost ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value added and total of shared labor cost.

Defaults to N.

Zero Out Burden Cost ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value add and total of burden cost.

Defaults to N.


Zero Out Outside Cost ?

Y or N.

Enter Y to zero out the value add and total of outside process cost.

Defaults to N.


(Figure 23) Zero Out Current Cost Selection Screen

Create Cost Master from Item File

Application Overview

The Create Cost Master from Item File application creates cost master records based on the item master file.  This application will not override existing cost master records, but only create records for missing items.  Since the program creates a cost master record for every item, no selection screen is provided.


(Figure 24) Create Cost Master from Item File



In the Processing Menu, you can calculate, build up and update the cost automatically in a batch, but it is more likely you will want to edit the individual cost master manually and inspect each record before continuing to the next stage.  Therefore, the Maintenance Menu provides tools to review and modify single or plural cost master records.  The first menu item allows you to view and edit one cost master, while the second menu item allows you to select a range of items to review and drill down for more detail.

Maintenance by One Cost Master

In the Cost Master Maintenance screen, you can review every detail of a cost master record and modify the value added cost.  You can prevent the modified value from being overwritten by any batch processing application, like batch updating purchased item cost from last cost, by making it fixed.


(Figure 25) Initial Screen for Cost Maintenance Screen


When this screen is brought up from the Cost Master main menu, the system will prompt for an item number first.  You can type in an item number, regardless if it has a cost master record.  If the item does not have a cost master record, the system will ask if you want to create the record immediately, as shown in Figure 26.


(Figure 26) Prompt if creating cost master immediately


(Figure 27) Main Screen of Cost Master Maintenance


After a valid item number is entered, the system will display all information about the item cost master.  The top left of the screen displays basic information about the item.  Three dates are displayed on the top right of the screen, the date when any of the value added fields was changed, the date when the total cost was built up from components, and the date when the cost was updated to the item standard cost.  The main screen displays the hour information between the first and the second separator line, while the cost information is listed below the second separator line.  The first two columns of numbers represent the current value, whereas the last two columns of numbers represent the standard value from the last update.


(Figure 28) Percentage of Total Screen of Cost Master Maintenance


You can toggle to the Percentage of Total screen with the F1 Key.  This screen demonstrates the percentage of individual value to total value, such as percentage of material cost to total cost. 


Several function keys are available in this screen:

  • Up/Down Key– Navigate the highlight bar among different hour and cost rows.
  • Enter Key      – Drill down to the detail of selected hours or costs.  The system displays the breakdown of value added, except for material costs where a break down of total cost is given.
  • F1 Key            – Toggle between Main Screen and Percentage of Total Screen.
  • F2 Key            – Change the current value added field.  Once the field is modified, it will be automatically fixed.
  • F3 Key            – Bring up a list of inquiry selections.  The options include:
    • Audit Inquiry                          – Audit history for this cost master
    • Production Routing Inquiry    – Default standard routing of this item
    • Stock Status Inquiry               – Quantity on hand, allocation, etc. of the item
  • F4 Key            – Bring up a list of advanced options.  The options include:
    • Fix/Release highlighted value added field
    • Fix all value added fields
    • Release all value added fields
  • F5 Key            – Legend.

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