The Purge Complete Production Orders application will delete selected orders from the BOMP Order File. This is designed to keep the data file from taking up disk space with orders no longer needed.
Select a range of order numbers and a cut-off completion date to determine which completed orders will be purged.
Note: For an order to be purged from the Order File, it must have already been purged from the Production Transaction File. This option is available in the Production Transaction History Report application.
Select Purge Complete Production Orders from the pull down BOMP Processing window. The following screen will be displayed:
(Figure 4) Purge Complete Production Order Selection Screen
The following options are available:
* Select the desired mode from the Purge Complete Production Orders menu bar.
* Enter the data requested on the screen.
To return to the menu bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu bar.
Name | Type and Description |
1. Starting Order No | 6 numeric digits. Enter the starting order number of the range of orders to be purged. Defaults to All. |
2. Ending Order No | 6 numeric digits. Enter the ending order number of the range of orders to be purged. Default is the starting order number. |
3. Completed Date Cutoff | A date in the standard date format. Enter the cut-off date for the range of orders to be purged. Only orders that were completed on or before this date will be purged. Entry is required. |
4. Work Order Type | 1 alphanumeric character. Valid entries are: O - Legacy Work Order M - Material Work Order P - Plus Work Order Enter the type of production order to purge. Defaults to the value in BOMP Global Setup. |
(Figure 5) Purge Complete Production Order Selection Screen
(Figure 6) Purge Complete Production Order Journal for Material Work Order
(Figure 7) Purge Complete Production Order Journal for Plus Work Order
The Standard Product Routing Export utility allows you to export routings from the Standard Product Routing module to a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is well-formatted for the BOMP routing import.
Several things are not supported in this export process:
Main Menu -> Manufacturing -> Processing -> Routing Entry -> Export
(Figure 8) Standard Product Routing Export Selection Screen
Name | Type and Description |
Starting Product Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting product category for a range of product routings to export. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Defaults to All. |
Ending Product Cat | 3 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending product category for a range of product routings to export. Press the F7 Key to search for an existing product category. Defaults to the starting product category. |
Starting Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting item number for a range of product routings to export. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description. Defaults to All. |
Ending Item No | 15 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending item number for a range of product routings to export. Press the F7 Key to search for an item by item number. Press the F8 Key to search for an item by item description. Defaults to the starting item number. |
Starting Routing No | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter the starting routing number for a range of product routings to export. Defaults to All. |
Ending Routing No | 5 alphanumeric characters. Enter the ending routing number for a range of product routings to export. Defaults to the starting routing number. |
CSV File Name | 50 alphanumeric characters Enter the path and file name for the export file. Defaults to the last entry. |
Print Detail? | Y or N. Enter Y to print a report for the exported routings. Defaults to N. |
(Figure 9) Standard Product Routing Export Selection Screen