Why Would Invoice Balance Due Field Be a Credit?

Why Would Invoice Balance Due Field Be a Credit?

Q - We entered an order in the amount of $1,445 and applied an outstanding open credit of $1,445 to the order. The order was later  revised to $867, but the already applied open credit of $1,445 was not adjusted by the order entry person manually. Now when the invoice is printed, it shows the balance due at 578.00CR. See example below:

We have customers that are confused when they see negative amounts in the balance due section of the invoice. It feels like the balance due field should always be zero if the order is fully paid to avoid confusion with the customer on their invoices.

Let me give you a scenario to explain why the balance due should show a credit. For example, a customer that performs partial shipments takes an order for $2,000, and the credit card is charged for $2,000. The value of the order that was partially shipped was $1,500. On the first invoice, the system shows the amount paid as $2,000CR, and the balance due $500CR. On the second invoice, the system shows the amount paid as $500CR and the balance due is $0. We think this logic is correct.

Unlike credit card charges, ACH amounts are handled differently. Let's say that an order was originally entered at $1,000, and the ACH amount is $1,000. Then the order is later revised to $700. The ACH amount will be automatically adjusted to $700 at time of invoice printing. We can do this adjustment automatically because the ACH charge did not yet take place at the time of invoice printing.

In your case, we think your order entry person should adjust the open credit amount manually to avoid the confusion.  We think this is a rare case and no further action will be taken from Netcellent at this time.

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