Why There's No Valid Line Item To Print on Pick Ticket

Why There's No Valid Line Item To Print on Pick Ticket

Release Date: 05/24/23
Version: 7.5 & Higher

Q - Today (5/24/23), we had a order that would not print a pick ticket. When we print a range of orders that includes the order # 009542, there is no message.  When I tried to run it to PDF, I got the below message:

    Order# 009542 Skipped - No Valid Line Item To Print


But there are line items on the order. See sample screen below:

A - The message "No Valid Line Item To Print" implies there's no line item on the order, or the lines on the order are not qualified to ship. On the surface, this order seems to have valid line item with qty-to-ship > 0.  However, the culprit is the Request/Promise date = 5/25/23, which is in the future since today is 5/24/23. There could be many reasons why the system skips a pick ticket. This is one scenario. 

When you print a pick ticket, the system will ask for a pick ticket cutoff date. By default, Enter = System date. This implies the system will not print this pick ticket until tomorrow. I think the reason the line item request/promise date became 5/25/23 is because of the order to ship date, which is 5/25/23.  It was probably entered by mistake.