Release Date: 07/21/20
Version: 7.5 & above
Q - We don't know what this field means or if we should do something with it when running credit cards. In the screenshot below, that name in the Member field does not match the name of the credit card holder as show in the "reference" field. What does the "Member" field mean and where does that value come from?
A - There are a few areas that may affect the “Member” information:
1. If you are doing POS (Point of Sales) and swipe or chip the credit card, the member information comes from the credit card. This scenario may not apply to you.
2. For non-POS scenarios, if you use the F7 key at the credit card number field to look up a stored credit card in eContact, then that information is the eContact credit card billing information which defaults to the eContact name.
3. At credit card number field, if you manually enter the credit card number, at the expiration date field you can press the F5 key to modify the credit card parameters. In that screen, there’s a “Card Holder Name.” It defaults to the customer’s contact. But you can override it, and it will become the “Member.” See sample screen below:
4. If you did not use the F5 key to modify credit card defaults, then by default the member is equal to the customer contact when you manually enter the credit card number.
5. If you were using the F8 key at the credit card number field to look up any previous credit card transaction history (sales, pre-authorized, etc.), the system will use the credit card holder stored in the corresponding record in Credit Card Log History (using the same principle noted above in 1-4). In that case, the member defaults to the last history transaction record.
Generally speaking, the "Member" or "Card Holder Name" is not being validated by the credit card processor. The information we display and store under the "Member" is based on the above assumptions and is not guaranteed to be the true credit card holder name.