Release Date: 10/07/2023
Version: 8.2 & Up
Q - In Global Setup, we can find the following utility in BOMP Utilities -> BOMP Utilities -> Utilities -> Reset Order Transaction Data. What does it do?
A - In some situations, the transactional accumulated total fields in the BMORDRTG table may get out of sync with the data in BMPTXFIL. This utility will reset those fields in the BMORDRTG table from BMPTRXFIL (the unposted plus work order routing data).
The BMORDRTG table contains both the posted and transaction (not posted) accumulated totals for various fields. In various Plus Work Order Operations, it may need to evaluate each operation by adding up both the posted and transaction values to determine if certain operations can proceed. This is because the posting of production transactions may not happen right away.
In some situations, the transactional accumulated data in BMORDRTG can get out of sync with data in BMPTXFIL (unposted transaction routing data.) We can imagine this happening in a scenario where the Plus Work Order Time Clock operation needs to update both BMORDRTG and BMPTXFIL, along with other tables. It may not go through as a complete transaction set due to record locking or other data IO errors.
Hence, it is necessary to have a utility to reset the accumulated transaction fields in BMORDRTG based on data in BMPTRXFIL. This program will print the order and its routing. Even though you can hit ENTER for all orders, but it will only print those plus orders that contain the corresponding BMPTXFIL records. If everything matches, it will look like a Plus Work Order Production Transaction Edit List. However, if it does not match, it will show the data from the accumulated total in BMPTRXFIL. You may choose to update BMORDRTG or not to update to work as a preview mode.
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