(In this example, we installed a parallel port at LPT2:)
Before proceeding further, create a small sample TXT file. Like Hello.txt with one line that says "Hello!" Then use the following command at the command prompt:
C:\Users\emk> COPY Hello.txt LPT2:
You should see "Hello!" printed on your dot matrix printer. Alternatively, you can also list your current folder content to the LPT2 by using the following command:
C:\Users\emk> DIR > LPT2:
If you see the printing on your dot matrix printer, then you can proceed to the next step. If not, then probably there are other printer driver(s) holding up the same LPT port., You will need to resolve this before you can proceed any further.
3. On the Elliott Printer Option screen:
a. Select Font = 01 No Printer Fonts Defined for Check, Picking Ticket, Invoice etc.
b. Select Font = 02 Epson – Compressed for Report.
c. Select printer port (i.e., LPT2) in Raw Data Pass Through Option.
We recommend that all Elliott users migrate to laser printers because dot matrix printer support is becoming more and more difficult.