Release Date: 09/25/2021
Version: 8.6 & Up
Q - When I used Report Desk for the first time, I received the message "Unable to connect to data table NSCTLFIL_2". See sample screen below:
A - This may be caused by two things:
- Your Elliott database is defined based on an older DDF that does support the NSCTLFIL_2 table;
- Your Elliott database security is turned on and is not defined in Elliott's configuration utility.
Why Using Older DDF Is a Problem
If you are using a DDF in the <ElliottRoot>\DDF40 folder with a database name convention like ELLIOTTDATA??, the database will not support Report Desk. The minimum version of the DDF in Elliott V8.2 resides in the <ElliottRoot>\Bin\DDF40 folder with a database name convention like ELIDATA??. Your 8.2 DDF files must be dated 6/3/2019 or after to support NSCTLFIL_???? tables. You can download a copy from Unzip the downloaded DDF to, say, the <ElliottRoot>\Bin\DDF40 folder.The DDF that comes with Elliott 8.5 and 8.6 with name conventions like EL85DATA?? or EL86DATA?? will all support Report Desk. To verify that your DDF supports Report Desk, you can use the PSQL Control Center and browse to the corresponding database and choose tables to see if you have NSCTLFIL_???? defined. See sample screen below:
The older DDF only has NSCTLFIL defined.
Database Security Is Turned On and Password Is Not Defined in Configuration
If the corresponding database security is turned on, you must provide the password in Elliott's 8.6 Configuration utility. You can verify if your database has security turned on by bringing up the PSQL Control Center, and trying to expand the database. If you are being prompted with the User Name and Password, then the database security is on. See sample screen below:
If this is the case, you need to bring up the configuration utility by browsing to <ElliottRoot>\Bin86 and executing the EL860CF.EXE program. In the database tab, click on the "Info" icon of the corresponding database and provide the password for "Master" user. See the following example: