Hybrid mode is mostly used if you run Elliott on the terminal server if disk saving is required. Elliott Hybrid mode is similar to Local mode, where the Elliott programs are copied to a local folder. But in Local mode, each user will have their own copy of Elliott programs in their profile folder. With Hybrid mode, all users on the server will share the same programs in a central directory. The result is saving disk space. You can estimate roughly 200 MB additional disk space per user on the terminal server if you choose to use the Run Local mode. If you have 20 terminal server users, then you can calculate the disk space consumption as 4,000MB (about 4GB.) If this disk space consumption is not a concern for you, then you should just use the Run Local mode for fewer complications with software update.
For example, you may set up the following Run Hybrid folder on your server:
You may use EL850.EXE utility to create this Hybrid folder by clicking on the "Change" button in "Local Folder" area. Then in the "Browse For Folder" dialog window, choose "Make New Folder" to create a new folder under your local drive. See sample screen below:
Now click "OK" to return the folder name back to the prior window. In the example above, we choose to create a local folder "ElliottHybrid" on C: drive. It can be whatever folder name you'd like but don't use "space" in your folder name. Now you will see the full path returned to the "Local Folder" area as in the following sample screen:
In the sample screen above:
- C:\ElliottHybrid: This is the folder you choose to create.
- Netcellent: This name is hard-coded and needed to make the Run Hybrid mode work.
- M\Elliott8\Bin85: This is to match your Network Folder.
If you choose the option to create the icon for "Everyone on this machine," then you don't need to run this EL850.EXE utility for each desktop user who uses this terminal server. You can only do so if you are the Windows Administrator or Administrator equivalent.
If you did not choose to create an icon for "Everyone on this machine," you may manually create the icon on each user's desktop by using the following sample values:
- Target: D:\Netcellent\M\Elliott8\Bin85\EL850CC.EXE
- Start in: D:\Netcellent\M\Elliott8\Bin85
See the following sample screen:
Since running on the server will likely result in receiving error 114, which requires you to define the DEP exclusions for Elliott, the option "Create DEP Exclusions" is selected by default when you run on the server so you don't have to create the DEP exclusions manually.
Hybrid mode will potentially save disk space since all users on the terminal server will share the same copy of Elliott programs. But since all users running in the Hybrid mode can make updates from the network to local, you should not implement NTFS security to restrict your Elliott users from updating the local Elliott folder. Otherwise, after the Elliott programs are updated on the PSQL server, the admin should take on the responsibility to immediately go to each terminal server running in the Hybrid mode to start up Elliott to initiate the synchronization.
Also, it is more likely that your users may receive update conflict messages when starting up Elliott in the Hybrid mode because multiple users share the application programs in he same folder. Therefore, it is suggested that you limit your Elliott updates on the network to after hours if Hybrid mode is used. But then you still may be faced with the issue that some of your users do not logoff from Elliott at the end of the day.
If you choose the option to create a desktop icon for "Everyone on this machine," or "Create DEP Exclusions," you may receive the UAC elevation prompt. This is normal if you do not login as "Administrator" directly.
Continue to Run in Network Mode
Running Elliott in Network mode is the traditional method and is still supported in Elliott V8.5. The reason this is not the default method is due to the fact that the new Run Local mode improves Windows security, Elliott updates and stability issues. To use the Run Network mode, you will have to set up the Elliott icon manually yourself. For example, if your Elliott V8.5 resides in network folder “M:\Elliott8\Bin85,” then you will set up the icon with the following sample value:
- Target: M:\Elliott8\Bin85\EL850CC.EXE
- Start in: M:\Elliott8\Bin85
Since it is likely that you will receive error 114 when starting up Elliott when running on the server, you will need to address this issue manually by adding the DEP exclusions. Please refer to the section “Fix DEP Issue If You Get Error 114 When Starting Up Elliott” below for more details on this issue.
Files Used by Run Local or Hybrid Mode
When you choose to run Elliott V8.5 in Local or Hybrid mode, the following files in your network <ElliottRoot>\Bin85 folder are copied to your Local folder path:
- EXE: Application
- DLL: Application Extension
- CFG: Configuration File
- INI: Configuration Settings (COBOL related)
- LBR: Library (COBOL related)
- PDB: Program Debug Database (for .Net Related Programs)
- SF: Sub Files (COBOL related)
- Config: XML Configuration File
- XML: XML File
One exception is EL850.CFG file. Even though this file is copied to your local Bin85 folder, but we always reference the one in your network (or target) path.
Keep in mind that there are three different possible CFG files:
- EL850.CFG: This is the configuration set up through the EL850CF.EXE utility. These are settings related to your system operation, including your license key, email setup, database configuration, etc.
- EL850S.CFG: This is the standard configuration file delivered from Netcellent.
- EL850U.CFG: This is the user-defined configuration file to override values in EL850S.CFG.
Even when you choose to run in Local or Hybrid mode, we continue to access other files in other folders like DATA, Reports or Log on the network (target path). This includes the sub folders under the Bin85 folder.
Maximum File Path Length for Run Local or Hybrid Mode
The maximum file path when running from a Local or Hybrid folder is 160 bytes. This is the maximum length of the folder path combined with the file name.
Maximum File Path Length for Run Network Mode
The maximum file path when running from Network (the legacy method) is 50 bytes. This is the maximum length of the folder path combined with the file name. Since this is a much shorter length than the Run Local or Hybrid mode, make sure your network path for <ElliottRoot> is set to this limitation.
Fix DEP Issue If You Get Error 114 When Starting Up Elliott
If you are running Elliott on a workstation, chances are you won’t encounter DEP issues. On the other hand, if you are running Elliott on the server, you are likely to receive Error 114 when you start up Elliott. In that case, you need to resolve the DEP issue with the following steps:
Bring up Computer Properties and go to “Advanced System Settings.” Under “Performance,” click on the “Settings” button. Go to the “Data Execution Prevention” tab, . If you are running Elliott on the server only for the Admin user or Defer Processing, we suggest you to select “Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only.” This will require rebooting your server for this change to take effect.
If this is a terminal server, we suggest that you define Elliott V8.5 programs in the exlusion list. Depending on whether you are running in Local, Hybrid or Network mode, browse to the corresponding Elliott programs folder and exclude the following Elliott 8.5 EXE programs from DEP:
- EL850P.EXE
You may refer to the following KB article for more detail: