SYMENU System Manager Introduction 7

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 7

Screen User Interface


Keystroke Conventions




Elliott follows the following Keystroke Conventions for CAP Letters to access menu selections:







Main Menus:                                       Alt A would open the Accounting Menu

                                                                                    Alt D would open the Distribution Menu

                                                                                    Alt U would open the Util-Setup Menu

                                                                                    Alt X would exit you from the system




Drop Down Menus:                  G would open the General Ledger module

                                                                                    R would open the Accounts receivable module

                                                                                    P would open the Accounts Payable module

                                                                                    Y would open the Payroll module

                                                                                    B would open the Bankbook module





Additional Windows Standard Keys in Elliott:          


Ctrl C =       Copy

Ctrl V =       Paste   

Ctrl X = Cut

Special Elliott Key Functions:



Ctrl-Shift-L                                 Opens Library programs in use


Ctrl-Shift-O                                Opens files in use


Ctrl-Shift-A                                Opens API Log


Ctrl-Shift-F                                 Opens I-O Log


Ctrl-Shift-D                                Database Activity Snapshot


Tab Key                                    = Down Arrow Key


Shift-Tab Key                            = Up Arrow Key


Ctrl-O                                        Overwrite key – Used to overwrite information in a protected field





Autoskip is a special way of data entry input that allows you to skip from one field to the next without the need to use the “Enter” key.  The system simply issues an enter key automatically when the field is fully populated.  Thus, we call this feature “Autoskip”.


You may enable the auto skip feature by using the “Preference Setup” button.  Alternatively, you can edit the NSI.INI file under the C:\windows or C:\winnt directory:





Once this feature is enabled, it only affects the local workstation only.



You can use the mouse to click on a field and position your cursor on that field.  This will work only if the screen fields have been populated in change mode.  When a field is highlighted, users can use the copy toolbar button to copy.  Users can also paste into a field from the clipboard when the field is highlighted by clicking on the paste button on the tool bar.  You can also Click and Drag to highlight an area for copying by first clicking on the toolbar button “Mark”.


When a search window is displayed, double-clicking in a search window is equivalent to pressing the enter key.  If you double click a line in the search window, it means highlight and return the line being selected.  A single click simply means highlight the line.  You can also use a mouse to click on the words PgUp, PgDn, Up, Dn and Return at the bottom of the search window.  This is equivalent to pressing those keys.  This feature is applicable system-wide.  The following is a list of special key words recognized by ELLIOTT when you use a mouse to click on them:





Up  down     dn         left        right      pgup     Pgdn     enter     return    f1          f2          f3          f4          f5          f6          f7            f8         


Home                      end                   Esc








 1   2    3   4   5   6    7   8   9  10  11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  19   20    21





As you pass over each tool bar icon with your mouse, a description will appear below the icon and in the bottom lower left portion of the Elliott screen.  If there is a shortcut associated with the icon, it will also appear in the lower portion of the screen.



#    Icon                                                Description


1.      Cancel                   Equivalent to the ESC key.  You can either use the ESC key on the keyboard, or if you are using the mouse, you can click to generate the ESC keystroke.


2.       Mark                     (Ctrl R) This allows you to click and drag to define an area that you want copy.


3.      Copy                      (Ctrl C) This is used to copy the value of a field or to copy a marked area.  You can also copy the value of a field by right clicking on the field and choosing “copy” from the context menu.


4.      Paste                            (Ctrl V) This is used to paste the value from the clipboard into the current field.


5.      Macro                     (Alt A) This program is designed for office automation.  Macro can control another Window application from NSSM by sending it keystrokes.  The Macro program is licensed as an add-on option and requires a separate license.


6.      Setup Preferences      (Ctrl S) This button is used for setting preferences for the local workstations.  The changes you make will be saved to the  NSI.INI file in C:\Windows or C:\WinNT directory.


7.         Notes                           (F6)


8.        User Notes                  (Ctrl U)


9.        Ticklers                       (Ctrl T)


10.       Look                           (F7) Search by Alternate Key choices


11.       Search                       (F8) Search By Name                            


12.        End                           (F9) Ends user input in the current screen.


13.       Attributes                  (F11) Opens the Attributes window for the current record you are in.


14.       eContacts                 (F12) Opens the eContacts program for the record you are in.


15.       Specific Events       (Ctrl E) Opens the Specific Events Request window for the record you are in.


16.       General Events        (Ctrl G) Opens the General Events Request window for the record you are in.


17.       Links                        (Ctrl L) Opens the Links window User, system, and Program links.


18.       Special Functions  (Ctrl S) Opens the Special Functions window 


19.        Calculator             (Shft F2) Calculator program with paste feature


20.        Help                      (Shft F1) Open the Help program to the topic related to the field that you were in when you clicked the Tool bar Help Icon.


21.        Font Selection       Gives you access to fixed mono spaced fonts available for the workstation.



Context Sensitive Menu



If users use the right mouse button to click on a field when it is highlighted, it will display a context menu for that filed.  The following are some special features that can be performed via the context menu:



            Alpha Field:                   Upper, Lower, Proper Case, Copy, Paste, Clear


            Date Field:                    Calendar, Copy Paste, Clear, Cancel


            Yes/No Field:    Toggle Between Yes/No


            Numeric Field:   Send to Calculator, Copy, Clear, Cancel





Only mono-spaced (non-proportional spacing) fonts can be used.  You cannot use any fonts that will cause an 80-column screen display to be bigger than the maximum screen allowed.  Also, users cannot choose any fonts that will cause the 80-column screen display window to be so small that the toolbar will be cut off.  Therefore, the number of fonts and font sizes that are available are limited.  The following are typical fonts available:






Terminal is the system default font because it will support a wide range of character sets, including extended ASCII code.  Fixedsys fonts look best if you do not have a concern for the extended ASCII code.


If you change the font on the toolbar, the system will remember it and use it next time when you start Elliott.  It will also update the NSI.INI file (in your c:\windows or c:\winnt directory) with the following entry:



User-Font=09x16 Courier


There are situations where certain fonts appear to be available.  However, when you choose them, the screen becomes unreadable.  These types of fonts are for special purposes and should not be used.  You can exclude these types of fonts from the font selection combo box by going to “Preference Setup” and choose the “Fonts” tab.


Application Overview


The calculator system is designed to provide on-line access to a desk-type calculator.  The calculator will provide you with the 4 basic mathematical functions and 4 memory functions.  The calculator can be called using a particular field in the display window, which allows you to do calculations on that number and return the newly calculated number to the field where it came from.

Activating The Calculator


You may activate the calculator from anywhere within the Elliott system by pressing Shift + F2.






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