This function provides you with an effective tool to incorporate more information with file records such as customers, vendors, employees, salespersons, items, sales orders, purchase orders, G/L accounts, work orders, and shop floor orders. The following are some of the highlights for the Note Function:
· Unlimited – You can have an unlimited number of notes for each master record.
· Searchable – Notes can be searchable by keywords. With Elliott, you can essentially use Notes as a knowledge base.
· Structural – You can use Notes as a database extension to the master file. By setting up proper Note Types, Notes can act like a database.
· Flexible Printing – Notes can be printed on various documents like orders, picking tickets, invoices, etc. Printing is controllable by user.
· Security – You can set security policies on Notes and make certain they are not shareable for read, change or delete by other users.
· Tickler – A Note can be a tickler that reminds you to do certain things by a certain time. Used in conjunction with Elliott, you can reap the most benefit from using a Note as a tickler.
· Management – If you use the tickler function with the proper organization hierarchy setup, ticklers can become a management tool for supervisors.
This only defines the setup and default values for the Note Function. For everyday usage, please see the chapter titled Notes in the Customer Relations Management section of this manual.
Go to: Elliott Main Menu > Util-Setup > Global Setup > System > Notes Function
Note Function Setup Screen 1 of 2
Note function Setup Screen 2 of 2
Field Entry Descriptions
Field 1. Note Window Supervisor #1
Field 2. Note Window Supervisor #2
Field 3. Note Window Supervisor #3
These three fields apply only to Version 6.72 or lower.
The Note Function allows you to implement security control to allow the access of certain Notes that contains personal information. The user names specified in Fields 1, 2, and 3 are not subject to any restrictions within the Note windows. The three supervisors entered can read, change, and delete any Note in the system. You do not necessarily have to be one of three supervisors defined here to implement security control. You only need to specify if the Note is sharable by answering the following three questions for each in Note Type Processing: 1) shareable for read, 2) shareable for change, and 3) shareable for delete. Defining Note Type will be discussed later in this document. This security control is effective only when Elliott’s password control is turned on.
The three supervisors for the Note function is implemented in DOS Note. For windows Note function implementation, the system checks organization hierarchy (user supervisor setup) to determine the security. If you are a supervisor, then you have full rights to Notes created by other users.
Field 4. Note Attach To In COP Line Item Screen?
When entering an order, the user has the option of having a Note attached to either an item in the Item File Maintenance or to a COP Order Line Item. If you set this flag to “I”, every time you enter a Note in the COP Order Line Item Screen, the Note will be attached to the Item file in I/M (IMITMFIL), whereas if you set it to “L”, the Note will be attached to the COP Order Line Item file (CPORDLIN).
Field 5. Note Attach To In PO Line Item Screen?
This question is similar to the previous questions in Field 4. Please refer to this Field and apply it accordingly.
Field 6. Copy Notes From Customer To Order Header?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Answer “Y” if you wish to copy customer notes to the order header file during order entry and print them on COP documents. After the notes are copied over, you can override the notes before they are printed.
Answer “N” If you do not need to print customer notes on COP documents.
Answer “P” if you need to print certain notes attached to the customer file on certain COP documents (i.e. shipping instruction on picking ticket) and the notes do not require changes. If “P”, the system will automatically check the customer file for qualified notes to print on the COP document.
Field 7. Copy Notes From Item To Order Line Item?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Similar to Field 6. Apply accordingly.
Field 8. Copy Notes From Ship-To To Order Header?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Similar to Field 6. Apply accordingly.
Field 9. Copy Notes From Vendor To PO Order Header?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Similar to Field 6. Apply accordingly.
Field 10. Copy Notes From Item To PO Order Line Item?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Similar to Field 6. Apply accordingly.
Field 11. Copy Notes When Copy BOMP Structure?
When you answer “Y”, the system will copy the notes that were attached to the BOMP Product structure when you copy the BMOP Structure.
Field 12. Copy Notes From Item To BOMP Structure?
When you answer “Y”, the system will allow you to copy the notes that were in the Item Master File to the BOMP structure as you maintain the BOMP product structure.
Field 13. Copy Notes From Item to BOMP Production Order?
Similar to Fields 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. When you answer “Y”, the system will allow you to copy notes that were in the Item Master File to the BOMP Production Order. Only those notes that will be printed on Production Work Order will be copied. Answer “N” if you do not wish to print any item notes on BOMP production work orders or “P” to print on production work orders without copying.
Field 14. Copy Notes From BOM To Shop Floor Control?
If you answer “Y”, the system will allow you to copy the notes from BOMP Product Structure to the SFC Order Entry. This happens when you are creating a new shop order and are copying a BOMP product structure to the shop order. If “N” is the answer, the system will bypass the note-copying function. After the notes are copied, the user will be able to look at them on the shop order list, material pick list, and shop packets.
Field 15. Protect Note Owner?
If you answer “Y” to this flag, the system will not allow you to change the note owner information in the note window. In the Netcellent Windows Systems Manager (ELLIOTT) implementation, users are not allowed to change the note owner regardless of the setup here.
Field 16. Display Function Key Message For Note
If you answer “Y” to this question, the system will display the literal “F6 = Notes” at the top of the screen. The key will be highlighted if the record has notes attached. While this provides a good user interface to notes, there is an additional process to check the note database as you bring up each master record. If you experience a performance issue, turn this field off.
Field 17. Display Oldest Or latest Note First?
This field controls the display of entered notes. If you answer “L”, the system displays the latest notes first. If you answer “F”, the system will display the oldest notes first. For Elliott, the system always displays notes by the date and time in ascending sequence. Since it is displayed in a list box and the sorting sequence can be easily changed by clicking on the column heading, this is not an issue with notes in Elliott.
Field 18. Auto Pop up Customer Note During Order Entry?
Answering “Y” to this question will trigger the customer note to pop up upon the entry of the customer number in COP Order Entry. Otherwise, the user can optionally press the F6 key to look at the note. While this function is helpful in some situations, it can also be intrusive to the order entry process.
Field 19. Auto Pop Up Item Note During Line Item Enty?
Answering “Y” to this question will trigger the item note to pop up upon the entry of the item number in COP Order Line Entry. Similar to field 18, this function is helpful in some situations, i.e. always want to see the accessories that you should sell to a customer when they purchase an item, it can also be intrusive for the order entry process.
Field 20. Number of Days User Can Change For Due Date
This function is for ticklers. When a user has not met the due date for a tickler, they can postpone the due date. Each time a due date is postponed, an internal counter will be increased by 1 to show the number of times the tickler has been postponed. This flag determines how many days a user can postpone the due date of a tickler.
Field 21. Enter Estimated Time In Tickler?
Ticklers can prompt you for the estimated amount of time to complete the task. You can either turn this feature on or off.
Field 22. Copy Original Note When Release P.O. Blanket Order?
“y” = Copy
“N” = Do Not Copy
“P” = Print without Copying
Similar to Field 6. Apply accordingly.
Field 23. Can User Assign Tickler To Everybody?
“Y” or “N”
Field 24. Default Folder For Tickler
Enter a name for the Tickler folder. This is not on the hard drive, but a part of the Notes folder for better organization.