This setup gives you additional security controls for features that are not available as a menu selection and for the COP Order Entry Menu functions to Create Credit Memos and Delete Orders.
Elliott Main Menu > Util-Setup > Global Setup > System > Global Security Setup
These are Global Defaults only. These defaults can be tailored by individual user from the Password Setup menu à Global Security à User Global Security.
Entry Field Descriptions – Screen 1
Name | Description |
1. Maintain Users And Passwords | Y or N – Default: N If “Y,” you must restrict users you do not want to access passwords. This is done in Password Setup, Package Name Sys. Process Name UTL, Field 4 Password Setup set to N. If “Y,” then key users can access Password Setup with full rights. Key users are normally defined to be upper management and/or additional supervisors. If “N,” then only User Name Supervisor can access Password Setup regardless of the flag for field 4 in Sys, UTL. |
2. Access Other Users’ Spooled Reports | Y or N – Default: N When “N”, this will disable the Show All Users checkbox in the Options window of the Print Spooled Reports. Users can only see their own reports unless the Show All Users box is checked. |
3. Access Other Slm’s Contact in Global eContact | Y or N – Default: Y |
4. Access All Events & Bypass Supervisory Chain | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, this will allow the user to access all events regardless if the user is a supervisor or not. |
5. Maintain Event Template | Y or N – Default: Y If “Y”, then users are allowed to maintain Event Templates created by other users. If “N”, then maintenance is not allowed, but the user can use templates created by other users. |
6. Allow ‘Subscribe to All’ in Event | Y or N – Default: Y If “Y”, the user can include all records in a master file for an event, e.g. all items in the Inventory Master file, all customer in the Customer Master file. |
7. Allow Manually Triggering an Event | Y or N – Default: N |
8. Allow Editing eContact | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, this will allow the user to view eContacts in the Contact Manager, but will not allow any editing. |
9. Allow Maintaining eContact Roles | Y or N – Default: Y This applies to the Web Access screen of eContacts. Roles are defined with type of file rights you give the contact. If “N” the user cannot access Roles to change the rights. |
10. Allow Add/Update Credit Card No. in eContact | Y or N – Default: Y This applies to the Billing/Credit screen in eContacts. If “Y”, the user will be able to enter or update a credit card number. |
11. Allow View Credit Card No. in eContact/Log | Y or N – Default: Y This applies to the Billing/Credit screen in eContacts. If “N”, the user will only see asterisks and the last four digits of the contacts credit card number. |
12. Allow Mass E-Mail/Export Processor | Y or N – Default: Y Mass e-Mail is an external Elliot e-mail program that gives the user access to eContacts and the ability to export the files. Export Processor allows these same files to be exported for use in a spreadsheet. |
13. Allow E-Mail Report Through Printing | Y or N – Default: Y If “N”, the E-mail option will be grayed out in the Print Options window. |
14. Allow Maintain Link Type | Y or N – Default: Y If “N”, users will not have access to create, change or delete links. |
15. Maintain Laser Form | Y or N – Default: Y If “Y”, the Edit Form button will be enabled in the Print Options window when printing a laser form. |
16. Access Database Activities Window Ctl-Shift-D | Y or N – Default: N Normally you want to leave this “N” for most users since the Database Activities Window will display some data, some may be sensitive. |
17. Can See Customer Cost Information in AR | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, fields 48, Cost PTD, 49, Cost YTD, and 50, Cost Last Yr, will display N/A in Customer Maintenance or Customer Inquiry. |
18. Disable Change Customer | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or delete a customer, but will not be allowed into the Change menu option under Customer Maintenance. |
19. Disable Delete Customer | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change a customer, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Customer Maintenance. We discourage users from deleting customers unless all database activity for that customer has been purged from the data files. |
Entry Field Descriptions – Screen 2
Name | Description |
1. Disable Print Customer List/Label | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the menu options for Numeric-list, alPha-list and Labels are not allowed under Customer Maintenance. |
2. Maintain Other Users in A/P Batch | Y or N – Default: Y This applies to the A/P Batch Processing feature. If this flag is set to “N”, then users cannot view, print or post the batches of another user. |
3. Disable Delete Vendor | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change a vendor, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Vendor Maintenance. We discourage users from deleting vendors unless all database activity for that vendor has been purged from the data files. |
4. Disable Delete Employee | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change an employee, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Employee Maintenance. We discourage users from deleting employees unless all database activity for that employee has been purged from the data files. |
5. See Item Cost Information | Y or N – Default: Y If “N”, the cost fields 24 – 26 and 86 – 88 will display N/A for the user in the Item Maintenance and Item Inquiry screens. If the user is allowed access to Order Entry, the cost field will still display there. |
6. See Item Cost for Hide Cost Product Category | Y or N – Default: Y If “N” and the Hide Cost field is set to “Y” for the product category of the item, the cost fields 24 – 26 and 86 – 88 will display N/A for the user in the Item Maintenance and Item Inquiry screens. If the user is allowed access to Order Entry, the cost field will still display there. |
7. See ATP Vendor Info | Y or N – Default: Y If “N”, the user will not be allowed to drill down to PO activity for an item in the ATP Inquiry screen. |
8. Disable Delete Item | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change an item, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Item Maintenance. We discourage users from deleting items unless all database activity for that item has been purged from the data files. This is why the Obsolete option is available for the Activity Code. |
9. Disable User from Adding Orders in Ord Entry | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can change or delete an order, but will not be allowed into the Add menu option under Order Entry. |
10. Create Credit Memo in Order Entry | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, the user is not allowed to enter a type “C” in Order Entry, but can still create a Credit Memo by pressing F4 when in the Change menu of Order Entry. |
11. Create COP Credit Memo From Invoice History | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, the user is not allowed to process the F4 key when in the Change menu of Order Entry, but can still enter a Credit Memo by choosing type “C” in Order Entry. |
12. Change COP Order After Pick Tick Printed | Y or N – Default: Y Once a picking ticket has been printed for an order and the user attempts to enter the Change menu under Order Entry, a message box will appear stating that the function is not allowed if this flag is set to “N”. |
13. Allow to Delete COP Orders | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, the user can add or change an order, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Order Entry. |
14. Allow to Override Terms Code In Order Entry | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 16, Terms, will be bypassed during order entry of the header and can not be changed by the user. |
15. Allow to Override Salesman In Order Entry | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 19, Salesmen, will be bypassed during order entry of the header and can not be changed by the user. |
16. Allow to Override Disc Pct In Order Entry | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 23, Disc Pct, will be bypassed during order entry of the header and can not be changed by the user. |
17. Allow to Override Line Item Unit Cost | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 6, Unit Cost, will be bypassed during order entry of the line items and can not be changed by the user. |
18. Allow to Override Order Commission Fields | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 8, Comm Pct/Amt, will be bypassed during order entry of the line items and can not be changed by the user. |
19. Change COP Pre-Paid Info | Y or N – Default: Y |
Entry Field Descriptions – Screen 3
Name | Description |
1. Disable User From Printing Order Edit List | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add, change or delete an order, but will not be allowed into the List menu option in Order Entry. |
2. Allow Shipping Verif if 856 Exported | Y or N – Default: N When “N”, the user can is not allowed to perform shipping verification on an order that has already been exported through COP, Util-setup, Sales Order Export, Export and Shipped Order Data Export. |
3. See Item Cost During POReceiving | Y or N – Default: Y When “N”, field 10, Unit Cost, will be skipped and will display “N/A” in the Purchase Order Receiving screen. The user will not be allowed to change this field. |
4. Be a PO Requisition Supervisor | Y or N – Default: Y This applies to the PO Requisition process which carries additional security in its setup flags. |
5. Allow to Change Printed POShip-To | Y or N – Default: N When “N”, the user is not allowed to change the Ship To location on the purchase order header. If this flag is set to “Y” and the user changes the Ship To, the Reset Qty On Order in I/M must be run. |
6. Disable Delete Production Order | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change a production order, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Production Order Entry. |
7. Disable Delete Shop Order | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user can add or change a shop floor order, but will not be allowed into the Delete menu option under Order Entry. |
8. Allow to Abort On-Line Charged Crdt Card Trx | Y or N – Default: N |
9. Allow to Delete On-Line Charged Crdt Card Trx | Y or N – Default: N |
10. On-Line Credit Card Charge in eContact | Y or N – Default: N |
11. On-Line Credit Card Charge in A/R Inquiry | Y or N – Default: N |
12. On-Line Credit Card Charge in Order Billing | Y or N – Default: N |
13. On-Line Credit Card Charge in Sales Desk | Y or N – Default: N |
14. Disable Salesman View Other’s Customer in A/R | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user is not allowed to change or inquire another salesman’s customers. A Salesman Number must be entered in the Password Setup main screen for the user. |
15. Disable Salesman Add Other’s COP Orders | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user is not allowed to add COP orders for another salesman’s customers. A Salesman Number must be entered in the Password Setup main screen for the user. |
16. Disable Salesman Change Other’s COP Orders | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user is not allowed to change COP orders for another salesman’s customers. A Salesman Number must be entered in the Password Setup main screen for the user. |
17. Disable Salesman Inquiry For Other’s in COP | Y or N – Default: N When “Y”, the user is not allowed to inquire COP orders for another salesman’s customers. A Salesman Number must be entered in the Password Setup main screen for the user. |
18. Disable Salesman Printing Other’s COP Orders | Y or N – Default: N |
19. Allow User Manually Confirm Shipping Verif. | Y or N – Default: N |
Entry Field Descriptions – Screen 4
Name | Description |
1. Allow User Enter Negative Qty in Order Entry | Y or N – Default: N |
This feature allows you to tailor the flags in Global Security Setup to meet specific user needs. For example, if the flag to Create Credit Memo in Order Entry is set to N, then only user name Supervisor can enter credit memos. This security feature would soon become a great inconvenience to both the Supervisor and user, as well as disrupt the workflow. But, by using this feature you could designate other users to enter Credit Memos.
To Tailor Global Security Flags:
Password Setup > Global Security > User Global Security > Change
Enter User ID and tailor as needed.
Screen 2 of 4
This screen, and all the screens in User Security Setup, will have all the fields flagged according to the Global Security Setup default values. When you change a field, you have 3 options:
If you change a “Y” default flag to “N” and then go back later and change it to “Y”, the field will not display as being the default value. It is important that you enter Spaces for defaults to display that this field is the default value.
This feature establishes the framework for relationships within an organization and establishes the flow of access rights for certain programs.
Main Menu > Util-Setup > Password Setup > Global Security > Supervisor Relationships
Below is a supervisory relationship in Change Mode for supervisor Judi:
Access Rights Flow:
1. Notes: If blocked, users cannot see User Notes for other users. However, in this supervisory relationship the supervisor can view the blocked notes of the users supervised.
2. Events: Users cannot view Existing Event Request Actions of other users. However, in this supervisory relationship the supervisor can view and change Event Request Actions of the users supervised.
3. E-Mail Template: Users can use, but cannot change templates created by other users. However, in this supervisory relationship the supervisor can change the templates of the users supervised.
NOTE: If a Supervisory Relationship is not defined, the Supervisor has no access to the above rights.
This level of protection applies to Event Templates and Adding New Events (Subscriptions) only.
Maintain Event Templates is controlled in Global Setup and flagged as “Y” or “N”. This default value can be overridden by User ID in Password Setup as shown below.
This flag overrides the Global Setup default value.
Global Setup Override:
Click F4 to access user content and tab to this field. There are 3 options:
If the Global Setup Default flag is set to “N” to not let users maintain Event Templates, you would enter “Y” here to allow this user to maintain his or her templates or vice versa to prohibit maintenance.
If you change a “Y” default flag to “N” and then go back later and change it to “Y”, the field will not display as being the default value. It is important that you enter Spaces for defaults to display that the field is the default value.
The first level of security is deciding what events to make available globally. Remember, you are setting Global availability and this can be amended at the user level.
To select, (restrict), events:
Elliott Main Menu > Util-Setup > System File Setup > Maintenance > Event Restriction
Events Restriction Window
Function Key:
F3 = View General Events Only (Gen will be displayed in lower right area)
F3 = View Specific Events Only (Spe will be displayed in lower right area)
Rtn = Change the Restriction of event highlighted
(Note that we restricted the event Add Vendor)
After you have completed restricting events, any event flagged “Y” will not be available globally to all users. Now we are ready to grant key users access to restricted events in the second level of security.
Second Level Security:
Elliot Main Menu > Util-Setup > Password Setup > Change
Select User ID and press enter. In the Package Name field, press Alt X and the following screen appears:
Note that event “Add Vendor” is flagged “N” which means Do Not Allow. If we wanted to give this user the ability to create a new event for Add Vendor, we would highlight it and press Return to change the value.
Likewise, if we wanted to deny this user from creating new events for “Change Vendor” we would highlight it and press Return to change the field value.