SYMENU System Manager Introduction 34

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 34

Printer Setup


Application Overview


See chapter titled Printing System

Password Setup

Application Overview


The Elliott password system is a multi-level system that uses five related types of password protection.  This application also provides for user maintenance and adding new users.  Understanding the types and relationships can provide you with pinpoint control for security and user access rights.  The five types of protection are:



1.        Menu Level Control

This application allows you to assign user name/password restrictions by company, by package, and by application.  Each pull-down menu selected can be fully or partially restricted.  If the user does not have access to a menu selection then that section will not be viewable.



2.        Global Security Control

These are default controls for features that are not accessible as a menu choice and for the COP functions of “Create Credit Memo” and “Delete Orders.”


3.        User Global Security Controls

These controls are at the user level and designed to override Global Security controls.



4.        Supervisory Relationships

This establishes an organizational tree by supervisor and allows certain user access rights to flow upward to the supervisor.



5.        Event Security


These security controls apply to Template Maintenance and adding New Event Subscriptions.




When you receive your Elliott software, the system has no passwords.  Passwords may be enabled or disabled at any time.  When the password system is enabled for the first time, a new password file will be created with only one user, SUPERVISOR.  SUPERVISOR is given a blank password and access to all packages in the system.  Initially, only the User Name SUPERVISOR will be allowed to add, change, or delete passwords from the system.  For this reason it is important that you enter a password for SUPERVISOR.  It is also important that the User Name SUPERVISOR and the password be restricted to only those with authorization to maintain passwords until you refine your password system.  If using Multi-Companies, passwords may be assigned to all companies or to individual companies.



By default, only “SUPERVISOR” can access the “Password Setup” function.  As needed, key users may be given the rights to maintain and assign passwords and make themselves as a supervisor equivalent.  

For non-supervisor users, when they access “Password Setup” on the main menu means this user intends to change their password.  A window will pop up that prompts the user for the old and new passwords.  Once the old password is confirmed, the password is changed for the user.



Type and Description

Current Elliott Password

10 alphanumeric characters.   

Enter the current Elliott password.

New Password

10 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the new password. If password policy is enforced, the new password cannot be the same as the current Elliott password and the new password cannot be blank.

Confirm New Password

10 alphanumeric characters.

Re-enter the new password. It must match the previously entered new password.

Run Instructions


Enabling/Disabling Passwords


The Password On and Password Off capabilities are controlled from the Password Setup application in the Util-Setup pull down window.  Select Password Setup from the following screen:


Select Password Setup




From the Password Menu select Password On to enable passwords.




Password Enabled Confirmation



You are now ready to add users and assign rights by User Name.  This User Name may be a department, a specific application, or an individual.  Select Change mode and enter the User Name.  If the User Name is not found, you will be prompted to add this user.  Answer Y to add.  Additionally, you can use the F2 Key to copy from Supervisor to user and as users are added, copy from user to user.  If you are using multiple companies, then the F3 key will allow you to copy password information for a user from one company to another.  The F7 key will bring up a search window.


Next, enter the Company Number that the User Name will be assigned access privileges.  Either a single Company Number may be entered or press RETURN for All companies.  Assign a password associated with this User Name and complete the user profile information (Content Fields).  If no password is required, press RETURN when the prompt is at Password.  This can be changed as often as needed.




                                    Relates to default values set for Event Restrictions in System File Maintenance


Function Keys: 


F1                    Display Next Pkg to which user has rights.  Does not apply in initial user set up.


F2                    Delete User.


F3                    Change Password.


F5                    Policy – allows changes to password policy for this user.


F7                    Display Packages – used to select module for which you want to define passwords.


Up-Arrow         This allows change to the user content fields.


Alt-X                 User level security control for access to Events.  This level overrides Global Security Setup and the “Y” or “N” flag in the user profile information field.


                                                                        Alt-X will be discussed in Event Security.



           NOTE:                            The user SUPERVISOR cannot be deleted from the password system.

                                                                        If you are working in the tutorial company, passwords are never in effect.

Entry Field Descriptions



Type and Description

User ID

10 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the User ID or press F7 to see a list of users.  You may also press F2 here to copy one user’s password records to another user (See COPY USER below).  If the User Name you entered does not exist, the system will prompt you with “User Not Found-Do You Wish To Add User?”.  Answer Y if you wish to add the user.  If you add a new user, you will be allowed to enter a password at that time.  If you are using multiple companies, you can press F3 to copy password information for a user from one company to another.


Enter the company number.  Press RETURN to default to All companies.


10 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the user’s password.  If a user’s password is blank, the operator will not be prompted for a password entry when accessing the system.

NOTE: For increased security, the password field will be masked with asterisks until you access the password field for change.


20 alphanumeric characters.

Enter a name for this user.  A name must be entered and can not be left blank.


20 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the position this person has within the company.  You can leave this field blank.


15 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the department for this user.  You can leave this field blank.


7 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the telephone extension for this user.  You can leave this field blank.

Allow Event By Default?

Y or N 

You can specify the default whether this user should be allowed events.

Salesman No

3 alphanumeric characters.

This field ties the user to a Salesman Number within Elliott.  The code entered will be verified against the AR Salesman File.  You can leave this field blank.

Buyer Code

2 alphanumeric characters.

This field ties the user to a Buyer Code within Elliott.  The code entered will be verified against the PO Buyer Code File.  You can leave this field blank.

User E-mail

60 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the email address for the user.  This email address will appear in the Contact Manager so that users can be emailed quickly and easily.  You can leave this field blank.


Copy User Entry Fields


Type and Description

Copy From User

10 alphanumeric characters.


Enter the user you wish to copy from.  You may press F10 or ESC to stop the copy operation.  The Copy From User must be a valid user.

You may press F7 to sear99ch for a valid user.

Copy To User

10 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the user you wish to copy to.  You may press F10 or ESC to stop the copy operation.  The Copy To User must NOT exist in the Password File.


Copy User Company Entry Fields


Type and Description

Copy From User

10 alphanumeric characters.

Enter the user you wish to copy from.  You may press F10 or ESC to stop the copy operation.  The Copy From User must be a valid user.

You may press F7 to search for a valid user.

Copy From Company

2 numeric characters.

Enter the company you wish to copy from.  You may press F10 or ESC to stop the copy operation.  The Copy From Company must be a valid company and must have password information for the Copy From User.

Copy To Company

2 numeric characters.

Enter the company you wish to copy to.  You may press F10 or ESC to stop the copy operation.  The Copy To Company must NOT have password information for the user.


User Security Policy


In order to activate the Security Policy, you must bring up SUPERVISOR in change mode and press F5.




Once this has been enabled, then you can set the security policy for individual users.


User Password Policy Fields


Type and Description

Use Default Security Policy

Y or N.

By indicating “Y,” Elliott will use the default security policy settings.  The next two fields will be skipped.  A “N” will indicate that you want to specify your own settings.

Password Expired in Days

4 digit numeric from 0 to 9,999.

Enter the number of days before the password expires for this user.

Maximum Password Re-Try

1 digit numeric from 0 to 9.

Enter the number of times the user can try to enter the correct password before the account is locked.  Once the account is locked, an authorized user must change the password for this user.

Date Last Password Changed

Date field 

This is the date the password was successfully changed for this user.


Salesman Security


See the section titled Salesman Security in V7.3.



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