Company Setup is not an application that you will be running frequently. Once you have your system running the way you want, you may never run Company Setup again.
This application allows you to enter some basic information about your company. For example, if you want to have your own company name print at the top of every report, this application allows you to enter the name you want to print on your reports. You can also enter your company’s address so it will print on Statements and other forms.
One of the important decisions you must make during Company Setup is how to structure your G/L account. These accounts are given specific numbers to keep them separate. Elliott uses an account number that is broken down into three parts: a main account number and two sub-account numbers. One sub-account is for profit centers and the other is for departments. The account number maximum is 15 characters with a maximum length of 8 for the main, profit center or department. The main account number is intended to signify the major category of the account, such as assigning a main account number of 5000 to all your Office Expense accounts. The profit center number can be used to designate the department.
A profit center is some portion of your company for which you want to keep a separate record of income and expenses. For example, let us say that your company is large enough to require a separate office staff to handle the sales of two different product lines. You probably will want to keep track of how much income each of these two profit centers, such as 100 for one and 200 for the other, generate. Using the main account number we assigned above to be Office Expenses, the General Ledger account number for profit center 100 would become 5000-100 and for profit center 200 would be 5000-200.
A department is some portion of your company for which you want to track your revenue for separate reporting. An example of this account format may look as follows: A main account number of 5000, a profit center account number of 100, and a department number of 101 would be 5000-100-101.
Different companies are going to be of different sizes and will have different numbers of accounts that they want to track. For this reason, you are provided with the ability to specify how many digits or alphanumeric characters are going to be in the main account number and the two sub-account numbers of your G/L account number.
The account numbers given as examples above would have 4 digits in the main account number, and 3 digits in the two sub-account numbers. If you were a larger company and you expected to need more accounts and profit centers or departments than this scheme would allow, you might specify five digits for main account numbers and five digits for each sub-account numbers.
Later on, in the data entry programs that ask you to enter a G/L account number, the format of the entry will be modified automatically by the programs to match the number of digits you enter in the Company Setup. For example, if you set your G/L account number format as in our first example above, when you enter an account the program would ask for it in the format XXXXX-XXX-XXX. All the programs that print out G/L account numbers will also automatically print them in the format you specify here.
Other information you have to enter in Company Setup defines which Elliott packages you are currently using and on what drive letter the data files are located. Some of these packages are set up to operate all by themselves, if you want to run them that way. But several of them can also transfer data back and forth to provide you with more up-to-date and more complete reporting. Your answers to these questions about which packages you are using will affect what sort of interaction occurs between the packages.
For example: You have both the Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger packages and one of your customers sends in a payment toward something he or she had purchased. The payment would be entered into the package through a program in Accounts Receivable, but some of the accounts in the General Ledger would also be affected by the transaction. This interaction between these two packages would only occur if you had indicated in Company Setup that both packages were being used.
At the Elliott Main Menu à Util_Setup.
¯ If this is the first time you have run Company Setup, the program will ask you to enter data for all of the fields on the screen. However, if you have run Company Setup previously, the data you entered last time will be displayed, and you will be able to change those fields that need changing.
¯ When you have finished entering all the requested data and made any needed corrections, the program will return to the Company Setup first screen. Select eXit to return to the Elliott main menu.
Company Setup Screen #1
Name | Type and Description |
1. Company Report Name | 50 characters of alphanumeric data. This is the name that will be printed at the top of all reports. Center the name within the 50 characters allowed so that the company name will be centered on the reports. The reports will look better this way. |
2. Company Display Name | 30 characters of alphanumeric data. The company name you enter here will display in the upper right-hand corner of all data entry screens. The company name is displayed there so you will know what company you are processing at that time. This field defaults to the Company Report Name. The screens will look better if you right-justify the name in this field. |
3. Address Line 1 4. Address Line 2 5. Address Line 3 | 30 characters of alphanumeric data. These three lines of address information are printed on statements and certain other printed forms. The address lines do not necessarily have to appear on your printed forms. You will be allowed the option of whether or not you want this to be done within each package. |
6. Phone Number | 12 characters of alphanumeric data. This information is not currently used by any of the programs, but it will be presented in the company record if you ever decide that you want to print it on forms or use it in some other way. |
7. Company Date Format | A= American (MM/DD/YY) E= European (DD/MM/YY) |
8. G/L Account Format | 1 digit of numeric data. Level-1 Digits Main Level-2 Digits Profit Center Level-3 Digits Department Enter the number of digits or characters that you want to be in the main account number and the two sub-account numbers of your G/L account number. For example, if you would like your G/L account number to be formatted like this, XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX, enter 5 as the number of level-1 digits, 5 for the number of level-2 digits, and 5 for the number of level-3 digits. The main, or level-1 digits, must be at least one. The profit center and department may have zero digits. You can use up to 8 digits for the main number and 7 digits for the profit center for a maximum of 15 digits total. Throughout this manual, all examples are given in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. If you have defined your G/L account number to be of some different format, the entry screens and reports will still reflect that properly. |
9. Number Of Decimals For Qty ? | 1 digit of numeric data. Must be 0, 1, 2 or 3. Enter the number of digits that you want to have in your Inventory Item Quantity fields. The quantity entry format will be one of the following: 0 Decimal – 999,999,999 1 Decimal – 9,999,999.9 2 Decimal – 999,999.99 3 Decimal – 99,999.999 Refer to Inventory Quantity Fields in the System-Wide Features section of this manual for more information. |
10. Number of Decimals For Accum ? | 1 digit of numeric data. Must be 0, 1, 2 or 3. Enter the number of digits that you want to have in your Inventory item Quantity Accumulator fields. See field above for entry format. |
Company Setup (Screen #2)
Answer Y or N to specify whether or not you are using that package. You will also be asked to enter the drive letter where the data files are located. Data drive letters for the tutorial data directory are ignored as the system assumes the tutorial data directory is located on your current drive.