SYMENU System Manager Introduction 32

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 32

Stock Watch


Stock Watch is an automatic and easy to use feature in Sales Desk that notifies customers when an out of stock item they ordered, or are interested in, has been received into inventory.  In its purest form, all the user has to do is answer Yes or No if the customer wants to be notified and the system handles the rest of the process automatically. 


The level of automation (user input) is determined by the Stock Watch setup.  To use Stock Watch you must first enable it and set your default values.  See System Global Setup (Events Handling) of this manual.

Using Stock Watch


Fully Automatic Setup: In order line entry, when an item has insufficient quantity available (<=0), the user will be asked if the customer wants to be notified when the item is received.  If the customer says yes, Stock Watch will trigger an e-mail to the customer when the item is received into inventory from a Purchase Order and also alert you if the customer does not have an e-mail address in the Customer File. For these No E-Mail situations, you can use Template Variables as discussed in the Advanced Features of Specific Events.


Sales Desk Screen Section – Notify Customer    



Semi-Automatic Using All Features: This gives the user control over the information displayed.  Here the user can verify information and make adjustments as needed.  Setup controls the features and fields appearing in the Stock Watch Confirmation Box below.  Additionally, Setup can include any of the fields below in the text of the e-mail message.




* User Defined Fields w/customer response in the next column



Manually Using Stock Watch: The default value can be set not to prompt the user with the customer notification.  If the customer wants to be notified, the user can press the F5 Options Key, select Stock Watch and process the customer’s request.


Another application of the F5 Options Key is if there is Qty Available > 0, the Qty Ordered creates an Insufficient Quantity Available warning.  The user could then use the F5 Key to select Stock Watch if the customer requires a notification.


Stock Watch is a powerful feature that can greatly improve your Customer Service and returns on Customer Relationship Management.  The default values and setup should be reviewed thoroughly.

Web Stock Watch


You can send the Stock Watch flag through eOrders or eStore to Elliott.  As long as the customer placing the request has an e-mail address in Elliott, then the Stock Watch feature can work for them.


Links & CRM



Application Overview


Links allow you to open any file on your system, as well as going directly to a URL address.  The advantage of links is that they are tied to a master record, which means you do not have to leave your screen (exit your application) to access the document or URL address.


Not only do links make it easier to enhance Customer Relationship Management, they also improve productivity and make life easier for the user.  Some typical examples of applying links are:


Accessing Quotes

Accessing Correspondence

Accessing Contracts

Yahoo Maps

      Pinpoint locations for salespeople

      E-mail the consumer a map for the nearest dealer

Maintain inventory item graphics

      Give a detailed description of the item to the customer

E-mail the customer a graphic of the item

Link to Customer’s Website

      Know the customer better

      See what is new with the customer


Events & CRM



Application Overview



Events are actions that take place in Elliott allowing you to know what is going on or what has happened. As a Customer Relationship Management tool they can serve as the process to contact the customer when something specific to their needs has occurred.


Common CRM events are:


                        Notify customers when an item they are interested in has been received.

                        Notify customers when an order on credit hold has been released.

                        At the time of “Back Room” order entry, notify customers if a backorder situation exists.

                        Alert the customer at the time of “Live – on the phone” order entry when special pricing exists for

an item.

                        Notify salespeople when an order has been placed by one of their customers.


Bottom Line:    Events give you access to anything that is going on within your system.  The use of events is almost unlimited.


User Notes & CRM


Application Overview


Basically, User Notes and Note Types (templates) allow you to build a report and management system based on the information within your Elliott System. 


Popular CRM Uses:


Print pertinent customer information on key documents such as invoices, packing slips, and order acknowledgements to enhance Customer Relationship Management.


Access notes from previous conversations to be better informed and up to date for the customer.


From a marketing standpoint, you could use Note Types as a template for customer surveys and even telemarketing scripts. 


Ticklers & CRM



Application Overview


Ticklers are your management tool for what to do, when to do it, and even how to do it. 


Customers appreciate when you provide a service on their behalf and on time, i.e. it reminds you to keep a promise or to complete a task. 


Bottom Line:    Keeping and completing a promise is what Customer Relationship Management is all about.




File Utilities

Application Overview


The File Utilities application allows you to rebuild corrupted data files, initialize new data files, export Elliott indexed files to ASCII files and import ASCII files to Elliott indexed files.


Run Instructions


At the Elliott Main Menu à Util-Setup à File Utilities.



Util-Setup Pull-Down Menu



The File Utilities Menu


File Utilities Menu Options




When Exporting a file, the system will sequentially read the selected data file and display the number of records being exported.  This will create an ASCII file with the same base name, but an extension of .TXT; i.e., exporting the Customer File will create an ASCII file with the name ARCUSFIL.TXT.  When the Export is complete, press any key to return to the package Export menu.




When Importing a file, the system will sequentially read the selected data file name with a file extension of .TXT and create an indexed Elliott data file, i.e. importing the Customer File is done by reading ARCUSFIL.TXT (an ASCII file) and creating ARCUSFIL.BTR (a Btrieve file).  The number of records imported is displayed in a pop-up window.  When the import is complete, press any key to return to the package Import first menu.


Warning:  The ASCII file (.TXT extension) MUST exist before the file can be imported.  Importing a file, which has no associated .TXT file, will erase all records in that data file.


If you are using Pervasive, then you must make sure you are importing to an initialized file.  If the file contains records, then those records will not be overwritten, even if you choose “C” for “Create.”  If the initialized file does not exist, then you will receive a Btrieve error. 




To fix a corrupted file you can select Rebuild.  If you select Rebuild, a window will appear displaying all of the Elliott packages.  After selecting the package you are working in, a window will appear displaying the files for that package.  Select the files you wish to Rebuild.


If you choose to Rebuild corrupted data files, the system will begin processing that file, displaying the number of records processed.  When the Rebuild is complete, press any key to return to the package Rebuild first menu.  Since no further maintenance is needed, you can now return to the Elliott main menu selecting X for EXIT.


If you are using Pervasive, then this rebuild function is functionless.  We recommend exporting the data file, initializing the Btrieve file and importing from the ASCII.  This will insure that the file is rebuilt according to Pervasive specifications.  You can also use the Rebuild function built into Pervasive.




All necessary system files are initialized during installation.  When you add a new company and tell the system which packages you are installing in Company File Maintenance, the system will initialize the files for you.  If you initialize an existing file, the initialize file process will have no effect.  If you need to clear out a file and start new, rename that file in the correct data directory and then run the initialization process.




NOTE:  If on a network, make sure no one is using the file you are trying to Rebuild, Export or Import as maintenance on a file in use by another user may cause critical file errors.






            Select Export ASCII File from the File Utilities menu bar.


The next screen to appear will be the Export ASCII Files screen that displays all the packages. From this window, select the package that contains the file you wish to Export.




                  Export ASCII Files (Package List)


For example, if you select G/L, the next screen that will appear is the Export G/L ASCII Files menu. You may select any file from this window or use the arrow key to move to the second menu where applicable.


After selecting the file to be exported, you will be prompted with (C)reate File, (A)ppend File, (Q)uit. If you select (C)reate File, the program will delete the existing ASCII text on the hard drive and create a new file.


If you select (A)ppend File, this will add to the end of the existing ASCII text file.


If you select (Q)uit , the program is terminated and you are returned to the window.


The Export process displays the file name and number of records Exported.  When the Export is complete, press any key to continue.  This will take you back to the Export Data Files menu.





Select Import ASCII File from the File Utilities menu bar.


This is the same process as Export:


1.       Select Package

2.       Select File to Import



After selecting the file to be imported, you will be prompted with (C)reate File, (A)ppend File, (Q)uit.  If you are not using Pervasive and select (C)reate File, the program will delete the existing data file and create a new file from the ASCII text file on the system.  If you are using Pervasive, you will need to rename the Btrieve file, initialize the file and then run the import.


If you select (A)ppend File, this will add to the existing data file.


If you select (Q)uit, the program is terminated and you are returned to the window.


The Import process displays the file name and number of records Imported.  When the Import is complete, press any key to continue.  This will take you back to the Import ASCII Files menu.





Select Rebuild corrupted data files from the File Utilities bar menu.


This is the same process as Export:


3.       Select Package

4.       Select File to Rebuild


After selecting the file to be rebuilt, you will be prompted with a “Are You Sure” question.  Answer Y or N.  If you answer Y, the program will begin the Rebuild Process displaying the file name and number of records rebuilt.


When the Rebuild is complete, press any key to continue.



Used to create a new file for a file you have renamed or deleted.  If you initialize this file a second time, there will be no affect on the file and the data it contains.



Click Initialize and from the Drop Down select the package for the file(s) you wish to initialize.





From the First-Menu, Second-Menu, or Third-Menu, (in some cases), select the file individually to initialize. 




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