SYMENU System Manager Introduction 30

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 30

Creating Mass E-Mail Templates


Templates allow you to design a message that you intend to use repeatedly with minor changes at each mailing.  The beauty of Elliott Mass E-Mail Templates is that they let you use data fields from the master record via the use of variables.  Variables are available in each field of each master record.  This lets you use information that is unique to each e-mail recipient and construct a more meaningful message.




Step 1.             From the Elliott Mass E-Mail Processor window à Click Templates à Click New



                                    Enter Template Name:  This should be related to the mailing.


                                    Select Group of eContacts:  What audience is the e-mail designed for.


                                    Enter Subject:  Subject that will appear in your e-mail.  This can be edited as needed.


                                    Attach: Attach documents when necessary.  Attachments can be changed as needed.



Step 2.             Complete Body Text


                                    See next page for Using Variables.


Step 3.             Save


Remember, a template is a basic design that is going to be used repeatedly.  Other than the template name,     it can be edited as needed.                 



Using Variables


Variables allow you to insert master record fields into the Subject Line and text body that personalize and make the mass e-mail unique to each recipient. 


For this example, we will build a template using variables to serve a three-fold purpose:


  1. Enhance Customer Relationship Management
  2. Create an opportunity to sell more product and services
  3. Review Account Balances with customers


Since this e-mail will contain sensitive information, we could filter it to Primary Contact or Position titles, (Field 3 in the Identification screen for eContacts), such as President, Controller, VP Finance, etc.





In the area where you need to insert a variable, right click your mouse to access the master file where the field you need is located.  Since we want to use the eContacts name and not the Primary Contact in the A/R Customer File, we would open the eContact’s master record.



Click the eContacts folder icon to access and open field

names folder.  Find and highlight the contacts name field,

and click Use.  This will insert the name in the space where

you right clicked to access the master files.


(What could have more impact or be more personalized

than seeing your name in the Subject line?)


Variables Used




Although it is not a good idea to e-mail sensitive information, we only selected these fields to show you the power and flexibility of using variables.  Also note, we accessed two master files to get the field names; the eContact file and the A/R customer file.





Test Send E-Mail



Elliott E-mail Processor Versus Default E-Mail Client


  1. Elliott does not support text formatting.


  1. Elliott uses “Bcc” Blind Carbon Copy, which uses 1 address in the email “To:” field and hides all the other addresses.  Not all e-mail programs support this feature.


  1. Using variables for Elliott field names that appear in the e-mail is unique only to Elliott. 



                    The default value is Elliott Email Processor.  Click to use your e-mail client.



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