Elliott gives you the flexibility and power to e-mail a text version (*.txt) of virtually anything you can print in the system. Useful e-mails could be price lists, invoices and statements to customers, purchase orders to vendors, sales reports to managers and salesmen, and even financials to your CPA or banker.
When you are ready to print, select E-Mail from the Print Dialog Box as shown below.
Number of Copies = additional attachments to the e-mail.
Press Okay and the E-Mail Options screen will appear as shown on the next page.
Field | Description |
To: | Recipient(s) |
cc: | Carbon Copy |
bcc: | Blind Carbon Copy: Used for multiple addresses when you do not want all names to appear on the e-mail. |
NOTE: | When you click To:, cc: or bcc:, your operating system takes over and takes you to your default e-mail program to get the address list. |
Subject | Subject of e-mail |
Body text | Insert additional information. The report you are printing (e-mailing) will be attached as a text file. |
Interact with . . . before sending | Takes you to your default e-mail program when you press send. |
Send | Sends e-mail as it appears on the screen |
Request return receipt | Use as needed (May not work with Outlook Express) |
Clear content | Clears the content in the text body area. |
Setup | Allows you to insert signature line |
Clear All | Erases e-mail and returns a blank screen |
Received e-mail with attachment opened
Note: Disregard and just press enter when the print subject requires a form and you are prompted to mount forms
Spooled Report Printing is a total redesign from the V6.x DOS version. It supports the paperless office concept by providing archive and retrieve functions. It has a better user interface and is much easier to operate. Because Windows Spooled Reports List provides more information than the DOS version does, the Windows Spooled Reports catalog is stored in the file SPOOLWIN which is different than DOS’s SPOOLFIL. The SPOOLWIN file is created when a user first spools a report in Elliott.
The naming convention for the spooled file is also different. DOS uses a hard-coded 6-digit spooled report ID for each report. Elliott uses the 8-digit report task id as the spooled report name and marks the extension as W?? where ?? ranges from 01 to 99. For this reason, the reports spooled in Elliott can only be viewed in Elliott while the reports spooled in DOS can only be viewed in DOS. The following is the Spooled Reports Print Screen:
In the list box, you can either use the cursor key for up and down, or press the space key for selection. You may also use the mouse click to make a selection as well. To select multiple reports, you can hold down the shift key and click the mouse button. You can also use the click and drag technique for selecting a range of reports. To unselect a report, you can hold down the control key and press the mouse button (or click and drag for a range of reports).
This screen by default will only show the reports that belong to the current user. You can optionally see other users reports if you have the security clearance (V6.7 and Elliott users only). Additional information like number of pages and the name of the report are added for easy reading.
If for some reason, SPOOLWIN file is corrupted, you may re-initialize it by simply deleting it from the data directory. The next time you spool another report to disk, the file will be created automatically. However, after you initialize the SPOOLWIN file, you will not see previously spooled reports in the list box, even though they are physically on your hard disk, because they are not in the SPOOLWIN catalog file. To view previously spooled reports, you can click the “Option” button, and check “Show All Users”, box (if you have the security clearance). Security clearance is setup in V6.7 Main Menu -> “Util-Setup” -> “Enhancement Setup” -> “System” -> “Printing Enhancement”. By requesting to see all users, the Spooled Report Manager will show all files in the data directory (or current directory) with a W?? extension. The report name and user ID will not display since that information has to come from the SPOOLWIN file.
Elliott 7.4 has added a new description column to the Print Spooled Report Manager. The data in this description column comes from the Deferred Processing Description or a manual entry by the user for each spooled report.
This feature will make the Print Spooled Report Manager easier to use since it now offers more information about a spooled report. For example, you may want to spool a Commission Due report for each salesman and email it to them. In the past, all of the spooled report entries would show up as “Commission Due Report,” but you didn’t know which report was for which salesman. With Elliott V7.4, you have the option to specify which salesman the Commission Due Report is for upon setting up the deferred report or when you spool the report to disk.
To enable the description prompt when spooling a report to disk, each user can go to Setup Preference on the toolbar, choose the Print tab and turn on the “Enter descriptions for spooled reports” check box. Once this is done, each time the user spools a report to the disk, the system will prompt for the description of the report.
By selecting one more spooled report, you can click the “Print” button and print the selected reports to your desired printer:
This screen is very similar to the Print Options Windows except that you do not have the choice to print to screen, disk or defer. You do, however, have the option to delete the spooled report after printing it.
Elliott will use the default editor (notepad) to view your spooled reports. This is identical to printing a report to screen. You can change your preferred editor by clicking on the preference setup toolbar button.
By design, each type of spooled report (i.e. COP Sales Journal) can spool up to 99 copies. If you post COP invoices every day and spool to disk, after 3-4 months, you will run out of space for further spooling. If you continue to spool, it will override your existing spooled reports. Three to four months is not sufficient for users who wish to store reports on disk for historical auditing. Your auditor may audit your books once per year and when the IRS audits you, they can ask for up to three years of information. For these reasons, users would still need to print the hard copy of the posting journal and store it for future audits.
The Archive function was developed to make the paperless office concept possible. What we envision is at the end of each month (during month end processing), you will select all the spooled posting journals for this month and archive them to either (1) a network directory, or (2) a local storage device. This will remove the spooled reports from your spooled report list. However, they can still be retrieved by simply pointing to the archive directory with the “Option” button. This way, archiving is possible without printing the spooled reports, but instead storing an electronic copy of the reports on the storage device.
When you choose the Archive function, the system will prompt you for the drive and directory that you wish to archive to. You can use the browse function if you are not sure of the drive or directory. The archive function does not allow duplicate reports to be archived into the same directory. Therefore, you should choose a different directory or use a different removable media next month when you archive again.
You can highlight one or more reports and click the “Delete” button to delete them.
The “Option” button allows you to change the sorting sequence of the spooled reports, choose to see other users’ reports if security clearance is allowed (security control applies to V6.7 or higher users only), or retrieve spooled reports from a different directory (retrieve archived reports).
For V6.7 and higher, if you are setup as a spooled reports supervisor in the Elliott global security, then you will be able to check the “Show All Users” box. Otherwise, the check box will be grayed out and you will not have the opportunity to see other users’ reports.