SYMENU System Manager Introduction 14

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 14

Run Instructions: Salesman Notification

Scenario: We need to create an action to notify a salesman when an order is created for one of his customers so that he can follow up with a “Thank You” or take other actions such as to increase the order quantities, discuss new items, etc.

Before proceeding, you should be familiar with writing General Event actions.

Step 1. From The A/R Maintenance Menu open the Salesman File and select Change Salesman; in our scenario we are using Salesman # 320. Program is ARSLMMNT.

Click on the Special Events Icon or press Ctrl E. The Subscription List (Subscribe To) will be empty since a Special Event has not been associated with this salesman yet.

Step 2. Press F5 to open Event Search window. Find CP0101 Add Orders for Salesman, highlight and select it to open the Event Action Request Window.

Step 3. General Window


Action type = e-mail

Disposition = Recurring request

Details = Consolidate duplicates in same batch

(Does not apply, add new orders is not a batch process)

Restrictions = Does not apply

(Salesman needs notification whenever an order is entered)

Expiration = Not applicable to this case

Step 4. Select Filters Tab

Synopsis: After the E-mail message has been created, the event will now be setup to trigger the e-mail when new orders are added and Sales 320 is the Salesman of Record in Customer Order Processing.

Field Name Rule Value(s)

Salesman: If this were an event where a Sales Manager or District Manager is tracking productivity, several salesmen could be entered here, e.g., 100 200 300 320.

Customer No: When the Operator is blank, it includes all. If the salesman was tracking key customer(s), he could enter those customers here.

Ship To: Could be used to track new orders to a specific Ship-To location.

Bill-To: Same as above.

Ship-To Name: Same as above.

Cust PO No: If a salesman enters the Customer’s PO Number, he could be notified when that order has been entered. Useful for that special or exceptionally large order.

Cust Ord No: This shows up here because it is part of the Event Literal and Variable sets that you can use in the e-mail message. Using this variable in the e-mail will let the Salesman know the order number.

Step 5. Click on E-Mail Folder and Create E-Mail Message


In Template window click New and create your template.

Completed Template Example:

Right click the mouse to access literals and variables. Wherever you click, the literal or variable selected will be inserted.

Save Template

After we create the e-mail message, we will show you how to create a new event for a different salesman using the above template.

Step 5. Click on E-Mail Folder and Create E-Mail Message

Click on Template Radio Button

Highlight New Orders Template and Click Use Template radio button. This will take us back to the E-Mail Folder, next page.

Complete To: E-Mail Address and Save

Event Triggered and E-Mail Notification Received

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