SYMENU System Manager Introduction 10

SYMENU System Manager Introduction 10

General Events


Application Overview


Elliott General Events add a new dimension to in-house systems management, functionality and auditing procedures.  A general event can be defined as something that takes place within Elliott when a program is executed, such as a menu being accessed or a print function.  Based on the event, you can trigger notification actions such as e-mail, screen messages or ticklers when the event takes place.  Additionally, when the event takes place it can be set to trigger another event or action.


Normally general events occur at a higher level than specific events, which go below the general menu level to a specific file and record.  The best way of helping you understand General Events is to give you examples of what can be done.  Many of the functions and features are presented as we proceed from scenario to scenario, not because they are complex, but rather that they are extremely flexible and can be applied to many different situations.  Once you are aware of what can be done, the flexibility and power of using General Events are yours.



Three simplified examples of General Events are:


  1. Be notified via an e-mail or tickler when someone accesses the Employee File in Payroll. 


  1. Display a message in a popup window regarding Policies & Procedures when doing Inventory Item File maintenance.


  1. Be notified via an e-mail or tickler when an Aging Report or Cash Projection Report is printed.



The figure below displays the basic setup to trigger actions for an event.  All options and features will be discussed as we progress through General Events, Specific Events and Advanced Features.




               Event Action Request Window



Programs Vs. Events


A program launches an application whereas an event triggers an action based on the program.  Elliott programs are loaded, (Registered), in the event file the first time they are executed.  This is explained in greater detail for Specific Events where it takes on a greater significance.  As we proceed with Event examples, this will become much clearer.  In the lower right hand bottom of the screen of the screen below, you will see IM0101.  This is a Help Program ID, but can also be used to identify the program you are currently running. 






Help ID Program = Program = Event





 Print Function (Task) is a Print Aging Report


Run Instructions: E-Mail Actions


We will help you create a General Event by example for an event that triggers an e-mail notification when someone accesses the Employee File in Payroll.  The steps used are basic to all General Events of this action type.




Employee File Menu (EMPMNT = Program/Event Name)



Step 1.


From the Employee File screen select the General Events Icon from the menu tool bar or press “Ctrl-G.” (We are only in the Employee File screen to get the menu name EMPMNT.  If you already know the name, you can create a General Event action from anywhere within Elliott.)





After selecting the General Events Icon or pressing Ctrl-G, you will be taken to the Event Request Window listing all the General Events you have set up (Subscribed To).  See next page. 

General Event Subscription List


          Empty Subscription List – Nothing Created Yet



Create Subscription


Step 2.


In the Event Request Window List, press F5 to find EMPMNT.  Place the cursor on the event to highlight and then press <Enter> or double click the mouse to insert.




Once selected, the system takes us to the Event Action Request Window, see next page.

Step 3.             Event Action Request Window




This window has 6 Tabs:


1.                   General                               = Shared by General and Specific Events

2.                   E-Mail/Msg Box       = Define e-mails or message box text for General and Specific Events

3.                   Tickler                                 = Define ticklers for General and Specific Events

4.                   Filters                                 = Used By Specific Events Only

5.                   Alert                                   = Define Alert messages  (General and Specific Events)

6.                   Expire                                 = Define Expiration messages  (General and Specific Events)


Accessing Folders 2 - 6 is determined by what you setup in the Action Type and Expiration Boxes.  The top section of the General Window is for information/reference purposes only.  The radio button Subscribe To All applies only to Specific Events.




Step 4.


1.                   Action Type Option


a.       e-mail to send e-mail notification the event occurred

b.       Msg Box is to have a user defined message appear in popup window the event occurs

c.       Tickler is to create a tickler in Notes the event occurs

d.       Cobol Only is to trigger another Cobol program when the event occurs

(Requires entry in the Detail Fields Cobol Pgm and Passing)

e.       User Defined is to trigger any application you define when the event occurs


(When The Event Occurs = When a user accesses the Employee File)



2.   Select Action Type E-Mail



Step 3.


1.                   Select Disposition Option


a.                   One-time Request

                        b.         Recurring         


Select Recurring for repeated usage





Self-explanatory when you open the Restrictions window.  This feature is better used with Specific Events where we give usage examples.




                            Event History Window




Step 6.             Details


1.                   Cobol Program:  Applies only to programmers and developers

2.                   Passing:  Related to above, Cobol Program

3.                   Consolidate duplicates in same batch: Applies only Specific Events



Step 7.             Select Expiration Method


1.       Never Expires                      = Perpetual until manually deleted.

Expiration Date        = See Scenario Variations at the end of this example.



Alert                       =  Allows the user to create a notification that the event is due to expire.

Expiration              = Allows user to set an expiration date for the event.  See Scenario Variations at the end of this example.


Step 8.             Select E-Mail Folder And The Following Window Appears




Complete E-mail Message



 System Variables:        Right click mouse in e-mail subject line or text body to access fields available.      


                                                            TRG-ID             =  Triggered by (User ID)

                                                            SYSDATE         =  Date event triggered

                                                            SYSTIME          =  Time event triggered


Save à            Next time a user accesses the Employee File, addressee or addresses of the e-mail will be automatically notified via e-mail.


Note à            If we wanted more detailed specifics as to what record or field was accessed, changed, or modified we could set up a Specific Event.


IMPORTANT:    General Events Do Not Work Immediately For All Users


For faster processing and quicker response, all General Events are loaded into Cache memory.  If you create or modify a general event, the current users in Elliott will not have access to it until they refresh their Cache by restarting Elliott and load new or modified events and actions into memory. 


NOTE:  Cache memory processing does not apply to Specific Events.







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