Revised Date: 03/15/22
Version: 8.5 & Up
Positive Pay can send printed check information to the bank to prevent fraudulent checks (invalid check number or check amount) from being cleared by the bank. Elliott currently supports "Positive Pay" in the Accounts Payable (AP) module by going to AP -> Report -> Check History Report -> Export.
Bank Book Module
You need to use Elliott's Bank Book module together with Positive Pay. In Bank Book, under Bank File Maintenance, you need to cross-reference the Elliott GL account with the bank account which is required in the exported CSV file.
Three Supported CSV Format
Elliott currently supports three CSV file formats:
- Regular Format
- Cole Taylor Bank Format
- First Bank Format
See sample screen below:
If your bank does not use any of these formats, you can either contact us for programming enhancement, or you can transform the exported CSV file in Excel -- either manually or through a macro -- to your desired format. The following is a list of details for these three formats:
Regular Format (With Header Row)
- Account# (your bank account number)
- Check#
- Amount (show zero amount if action is to void)
- Date (check date in MM/DD/YYYY format -- if voided, use void date)
- Action (e.g., V=Void, Blank=Regular, I=Manual Check)
- Payee (i.e., vendor name)
Cole Taylor Bank Format (No Header Row)
- Account# (your bank account number)
- Check#
- Amount (show zero amount if check will be voided)
- Date (check date in MMDDYYYY format -- if voided, use void date)
- Action (e.g., V=Void, Blank=Regular, I=Manual Check)
- Payee (i.e., vendor name -- replace comma symbol "," with space)
First Bank Format (No Header Row)
- Account# (your bank account number)
- Check#
- Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format)
- Amount (no decimal -- e.g., amount 123.56 will be shown as 12356)
Note - At the moment, Elliott does not have the Positive Pay feature in the Payroll module.