STMNTMNU Select and Print Financial Statements 2

STMNTMNU Select and Print Financial Statements 2

Financial Statement Printing

The second process prints Standard or Custom statements that were specified in the previously discussed applications.

Print Standard Statements

In Print Standard Statements you will first enter the appropriate range of starting and ending dates for the period in which the statements are to be printed. Then the net income figures and account balances accessed by the financial statement programs are automatically calculated. Once this process is complete, your statements are printed according to the selections made in the Standard Specifications application.

When you enter the start and end dates the program looks up the dates entered to see if they have been entered in the last run. If both dates are the same, a question is also asked whether you have posted entries since last printing statements. If no new transactions have been posted to the General Ledger Transaction file there is no need to recalculate account balances.

Budgets or comparatives will not be calculated or printed on any financial state­ment, even if requested, if you are running the statements for a set of start and end dates which are not contained in the Period File.

The net income balances for the whole company and for each profit center are calculated, as well as the balances for every account. These are written into a Period work file. These balances are derived from the values that are reflective of the Period Account Balance File for each account. The balances are for current period (within the dates selected), year‑to‑date (from the beginning of the year up to and including transactions dated on the ending date selected), and a final balance derived from all trans­actions on the General Ledger Transaction file date on or before the ending date selected. These total balances for each account can then be used for any financial statement in which the accounts might appear.

Needlessly answering yes to the recalculate question will slow down processing time in getting the first financial statement. It will only be necessary to recalculate the balances if you run statements for a different period than the previous run or if new transactions have been added since the balances were last calculated.

The application will process all the financial statements from the specifications you have selected to print for the run.

Print Custom Statements

When you are ready to Print Custom Statements select the appropriate option from Select And Print Financial Statements menu bar. The resulting custom financial statement is then calculated according to the accounting periods of your Period File, and reflects the bucket or period account balance of each account.

Please Note: The period work is recalculated prior to printing each custom financial statement. This is due to the ability to custom select period and year-to-date information on each custom financial statement. Generally speaking, custom financial statement printing will most likely run longer than standard statement printing. You will not be asked for the date range when printing custom statements. The current period in the Accounting period file is the date range that will print.

Run Instructions

Select Select And Print Financial Statements from the pull down G/L Processing window. The following screen will then be displayed:

Select and Print Financial Statements Entry Screen

The following options are available:

* Select the desired mode from the Select And Print Financial Statements menu bar

* Enter the data requested on the screen

* To exit press the ESC or F10 key when the cursor is positioned for entry of the first field on the screen

To return to the menu Bar, press the ESC or F10 key. To leave this application, press X for EXIT when positioned at the menu Bar.

Entry Field Descriptions

Standard Specifications


Type and Description

1. Specification No

3 numeric digits. This identifies the specification.

Press the RETURN key in the change or delete mode for next specification on file or press the F7 key in the change or delete mode for specification search by number.

2. Layout No

3 numeric digits. In order to use this application you must first define an appropriate layout in the Statement Layout File application.

When you enter a specific layout number this application defaults to the description and settings that define the layout.

Press the F7 key in add, change, or delete modes to search for a layout.

3. Financial Entity

5 alphanumeric characters. The entity must already be on file in the Financial Entityfile. Entry of a non‑blank financial entity will override any entry of an individual profit center in the next field.

See also the description in 4 below, which is applicable to financial entities as well as profit centers.

Press the F7 key in add, change, or delete modes for search for financial entity.

4. Profit Center

A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format. The profit center must have a record defining it in the Chart of Accounts file. Press the RETURN key to default to All profit cen­ters.

Selection of a profit center is allowed in order to reduce the number of layouts that are required to be on file. A single layout may be created that includes all accounts for a parti­cular statement type ("P", for instance). If you wish that lay­out to be printed with all accounts ignored except those for a specific profit center you may do so by specifying here the pro­fit center that is to be printed. You may print a consolidated pro­fit center statement by pressing the RETURN key for a default to All profit centers.

Profit Center (continued)

When a specific profit center is entered, only those accounts in the layout with a num­ber matching the profit center are considered during the printing of the financial statement.

The financial statements program will print a special legend whenever it encounters a legend code in the Statement Layout file. This legend will identify the profit center. For consolidated statements there will be no such special legend.

A specification may be created in the Statement Layout File for each version of a particular lay­out that you might routinely select. For example, the layout for your Profit and Loss Statement contains all accounts. You may define one specification for the consolidated statement ("All" pro­fit centers) and one additional specification for each of the profit centers represented in the layout. You must then select which of these specifications is to be considered during the next financial statement run by answer­ing Y to the question PRINT NEXT RUN ? associated with each specification.

5. Show Current?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to Y.

If you answer Y to this ques­tion, figures for the current period will be shown on the finan­cial statement. This only applies to the Profit and Loss Statement and its supporting schedules.

An entry for this field will not be requested if the layout is not a P&L format.

6. Show Ytd ?

Y or N. Press RETURN to default to Y.

This question only applies to P&L format layouts. See the descrip­tion for the Show Current? field above.

7. Show Budgets?

Y or N. Enter Y to show budgets or N to decline.

8. Budget Year/Revision?

2 alphanumeric characters. If you entered Y in the previous field, specify the budget year and revision number. This field defaults to CY for the current year, and no default for the current budget. CY is assigned by the system to be equal to the last year of the last period in the period file.

9. Show Budget Variance ?

Y or N. If you answer Y to this field, the statement will display the difference between the amount you entered in the Budget File, and the actual amount present in the General Ledger File.

10. Show Comparatives ?

Y or N. Enter Y to show comparatives or N to decline.

11. Comparative Year

2 numeric digits. If you entered Y in the previous field enter a year between 00 and 99 that you want to compare, or PY to indicate the previous year.

If your fiscal year differs from the calendar year, calculate the previous year by subtracting one from the last period in the Accounting Period File. If the last period in the file is in the year 1991, the previous year will be assigned a year of 1990.

12. Show Comparative Variance ?

Y or N. If you answer Y to this field, the statement will display the difference between the period balance amounts present in the Comparative File, and the actual amount in the General Ledger File.

13. Show Ratios ?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to N.

Your response to the Show Ratios ? question will determine whether or not ratios are to be printed on the financial statement that is defined for the layout number you entered.

Ratios are a feature of the Profit and Loss Statement and the P&L Supporting Schedules only, so if ratios are requested for any other type of statement, the request will be ignored when the statement is printed.

For a complete explana­tion of what ratios are and what effect they have on the financial statements, refer to the documen­tation for the Statement Layout File.

14. Print `$' Sign ?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to Y.

The answer to the Print '$' Sign ? question determines if dollar signs will be printed on the selected financial statement.

15. Bracket Non-Typical Balances?

Y or N. Enter Y to place brackets around non-typical balances, or N to decline.

16. Print Formatted Numbers?

Y or N. Enter Y to print formatted numbers or N to decline.

For example, if you answer Y to this question a formatted number (99,999,999.99) will appear. If you answer N the same number would print without the formatting attributes such as 99999999.99.

17. Rounding Option?

1 alphabetic character. Enter one of the following to delineate a rounding option.

N = No Rounding

D = To Dollar

T = To Thousand

M = To Million

This field defaults to N that indicates no rounding.

18. Print Zero Balances?

Y or N. Enter Y if you want to print PAT or SUB accounts with zero balances. Enter N to decline.

19. Print Next Run?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to N.

The answer to the Print Next Run? question determines if this specification will be consulted the next time financial statements are run. If the answer is Y then a statement will be printed for the layout and financial entity or profit center specified and ratios and budgets or comparatives will be shown as the instructions dictate.

When you select to print financial statements there will be a statement printed for each speci­fication, which has a Y in this field. It is for this reason that we provide three easy means of changing the field's value. In addition to utilizing change mode, you may select the CLEAR option which sets the print answer for all specifications to N or Generalized Statement Selection which sets the print answer for certain specifications to Y. See the Application Overview of this application for more informa­tion about these features.

20. Profit Center/Entity Pos

3 numeric digits. Enter the starting print position of the Profit Center or Entity name. This option is only applicable when printing for a specific Profit Center or Entity and printing the legend using the LEG command on the financial statements. If 0 is entered, the name will float above the columns. If 1 is entered, the name will be one position from the left of the report. A 2 will position the name two spaces from the left, and so on.

Generalized Statement Selection


Type and Description

1. Starting Specification No

3 numeric digits. Enter the starting specifications no. range, or press RETURN to default to All specifications.

2. Ending Specification No

3 numeric digits. Enter the ending specifications no. range, or press RETURN to default to the same value as entered for the starting specification number.

3. Select Consolidated Statements?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to N.

For purposes of this accounting package, a consolidated statement is understood to be a statement for which all accounts, regardless of profit center or financial entity designation, are included. This would be the statement for the entire company.

When the question Select Consolidated Statements? is answered Y, specifications for which All profit centers have been chosen are selected to be printed on the next run. Conversely, if the question is answered N, any specification with All for the profit center designation will be passed over. This feature allows you to very quickly select from the specifica­tions you have on file those that pertain to consolidated company activity.

4. Select Statements For Financial Entity

5 alphanumeric characters. Press the RETURN key to default to All financial entities (i.e., all specifications within a non‑blank entity).

The financial entity is looked up on the Financial Entity file, and the description is automatically displayed. The entry will not be allowed if the entity is not on file.

Similar considerations apply here as do for the entry for 5 below.

5. Select Statements For Profit Center

A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format. Press the RETURN key to default to All profit centers.

If you wish to select statements for a specific profit center, enter the number of that profit center here. All specifications within the range that you entered with that profit centers designa­tion will be selected.

For example, if you wish to print out all statements and supporting schedules for profit center 0010, you must enter 0010 in this field. In order for the entry to be accepted, profit center 0010 must be defined in the G/L Account File. Refer to the Run Instructions for G/L Account File Maintenance if you are not sure how to do this.

Pressing the RETURN key here defaults the entry to All. This means that all specifications with the designation of a particular profit center will be selected.

This is not to be confused with the selection of consolidated statements. For instance, there are specifications on file for three profit centers (00100, 00200 and 00300) as well as specifications for consolidated statements. All specifications for profit centers 00100, 00200 and 00300 would be selected. Specifications for consolidated statements (All profit centers) would be ignored, as well as specifications for specific financial entities.

This feature allows you to select from the file of Statement Speci­fications each and every financial statement and supporting schedule that pertains to a specific profit center without requiring you to step through the entire file in change mode to set the Print Next Run ? response to Y for the desired specifications.



Type and Description

1. Starting Specification No

3 numeric digits. Enter the starting specifications range or press RETURN to default to All specifications.

2. Ending Specification No

3 numeric digits. Enter the ending specifications range or press RETURN to default to the same value as entered for the starting specification number.

3. For Financial Entity

5 alphanumeric characters. Press RETURN if you wish to print all specifications in the above range regardless of financial entity.

If a financial entity is entered, it must exist on the Financial Entity file.

4. Show Selected Specs

Only ?

Y or N. RETURN defaults to N.

If you answer Y to the question Show Selected Specs Only? the report will show only those speci­fications for which the answer to Print Next Run ? in the Statement Specifications file is Y. This allows you to see very easily which specifications will be considered on your next financial statements run.

Custom Specifications

First Screen


Type and Description

1. Custom No

3 numeric digits. This identifies the custom specification.

Press the RETURN key in the change or delete mode for next specification on file or press the F7 key in the change or delete mode for specification search by number.

Note: You are not permitted to enter a valid standard specification number.

2. Layout No

3 numeric digits. This identifies the layout that corresponds to this specification. The custom layout must already be on file.

Press the F7 key in add, change, or delete modes for search for layout.

3. Financial Entity

5 alphanumeric characters. The entity must already be on file in the Financial Entityfile. Entry of a non‑blank financial entity will override any entry of an individual profit center in the next field.

See also the description in 4 below, which is applicable to financial entities as well as profit centers.

Press the F7 key in add, change, or delete modes for search for financial entity.

4. Profit Center

A standard profit center number in the standard profit center number format. The profit center must have a record defining it in the Chart of Accounts file. Press the RETURN key to default to All profit cen­ters.

Selection of a profit center is allowed in order to reduce the number of layouts that are required to be on file. A single layout may be created that includes all accounts for a parti­cular statement type ("P", for instance). If you wish that lay­out to be printed with all accounts ignored except those for a specific profit center you may do so by specifying here the pro­fit center that is to be printed. You may print a consolidated pro­fit center statement by pressing the RETURN key for a default to All profit centers.

When a specific profit center is entered, only those accounts in the layout with a num­ber matching the profit center are considered during the printing of the financial statement.

The financial statements program will print a special legend whenever it encounters a legend code in the Layout file. This legend will identify the profit center. For consolidated statements there will be no such special legend.

A specification may be created for each version of a particular lay­out that you might routinely select. For example, the layout for your Profit and Loss Statement contains all accounts. You may define one specification for the consolidated statement ("All" pro­fit centers) and one additional specification for each of the profit centers represented in the layout. You must then select which of these specifications is to be considered during the next financial statement run by answer­ing Y to the question Print Next Run? associated with each specification.

5. Print `$' Sign?

Y or N.  RETURN defaults to Y.

The answer to the Print '$' Sign? question determines if dollar signs are allowed on the selected financial statement.

6. Bracket Non-Typical                 Balances

Y or N. Enter Y to place brackets around non-typical balances, or N to decline.

7. Print Zero Balances

Y or N. Enter Y if you want to print accounts with zero balances or N to decline.

8. Print Variance Percents

Y or N. Enter Y to print percents with variance amounts on the financial statement or N to decline.

9. Print Next Run?

Y or N.  RETURN defaults to N.

The answer to the Print Next Run? question determines if this specification will be consulted the next time financial statements are run. If the answer is Y then a statement will be printed for the layout and financial entity or profit center specified and ratios and budgets or comparatives will be shown as the instructions dictate.

When you select to print financial statements there will be a statement printed for each speci­fication, which has a Y in this field. It is for this reason that we provide three easy means of changing the field's value.

In addition to utilizing change mode, you may select Clear Statement Selectionswhich sets the print answer for all specifications to N or Generalized Statement Selection which sets the print answer for certain specifications to Y. See the Application Overview of this application for more informa­tion about these features.

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