Q - Some of our users do not see the F3=Detail and F5=Order Prod options in the Plus Work Order inquiry screen. But other users have it. See sample screen:
I presume this is due to security settings. But I can't find the security flags to control this behavior. Please advise.
A - If there is an operator ID associated with the user login, the program will look at field 22 in the operator file. See sample screen below:
For a user that does not have an operator assigned in password setup, that user is assumed to have the right to inquire in all areas with Plus Work Order features without any right to make changes. The following are specific rights a user will have if the Operator ID is blank:
- 14. Work Center Time Clock? (Y or N) - N
- 15. Department Time Clock? (Y or N) - N
- 16. Work Order Time Production? (Y or N) - N
- 17. Work Center Operation? (Y, N, I or C) - I
- 18. Department Operation? (Y, N, I or C) - I
- 19. Production Detail? (Y, N, I or C) - I
- 20. Operator Time Clock? (Y, N, I or C) - I
- 21. Production Activity? (Y, N, I or C) - I
- 22. Production Inquiry of WO? (Y, N or C) - Y
Keep in mind that you could set up an operator with value "N" for all the above flags. Then when you assign a user with that Operator ID, it will cause that user to have less rights than a user who does not have the operator ID assigned. On the other hand, you could set up a "SUPERVISOR" operator ID that has all the flags above set to "Y" and assign a user with this "SUPERVISOR" operator ID. That user will have all rights associated with Work Order Plus, which is more than if a user does not have the operator ID assigned.
In short, assigning an operator ID to a user will allow more precise security control with Work Order Plus features. For most of the users who are not involved in production, you can leave the Operation ID blank, which will give them the inquiry right to WO+, which is higher than the minimum right.