Report Desk Tables

Report Desk Tables

Release Date: Same as V8.6 general release
Modified Date: 05/10/2024
Version 8.6

Elliott Report Desk, initially released in Elliott v8.6, relies on a series of database tables that reside in the Root directory.  Following is a list of the files and a description of their usage:

  • SYRDCOLB: This table is a list of Elliott table/columns that have been identified as a special type, like CustNo -- not a default type like String or Number.  Whenever a column is dragged to the Report Columns list, the software will check here to see if it has already had a special type associated with it.  If so, that is used instead of the default type.  Whenever a Netcellent developer indicates a special type to associated with a column in the report columns list, and the report is saved, the entry in this table is changed or a new one is added.  Note:  Only Netcellent developers update this table.  The unique key for this table is table and column.
  • SYRDCOLE:  This table is just like SYRDCOLB except that is only updated by Enhancement developers.   The unique key for this table is table and column.
  • SYRDDOCB: This table contains the abstract for a Base report nad the HYML-based documentation for it.  The unique key for this table is the full report-id.
  • SYRDDOCE: This table is the same as SYRDDOCB except that is applies to Enhancement reports instead of Base reports.
  • SYRDDOCC: This table is the same as SYRDDOCB except that is applies to Custom reports instead of Base reports.
  • SYRDPRTO:  When a Report Desk report is run, the output parameters are saved here for the particular user/report so that the next time it is run by the same user, it will default to the same settings.  It optionally can be used when recording an input parameters template (next table) to save the output parameters with the input parameters.  The unique key for this table is login, company number, report and sequence number.
  • SYRDTTLB:  Whenever a user drags a column to the Report Columns list, it first looks here for the most popular column title recorded and uses that if available.  The top ten titles are shown in a drop down list.  If any of those titles don't work well, a new column title can be entered.  The unique key for this table is table, column and title.
  • SYRDTYPB:  This table defines the special types known to Elliott Report Desk.  This table does not change very often.  It contains information like the length of the field, whether a type is upper case only, any reformatting is needed after entry, etc.  The unique key for this table is type.
  • SYRDUDRB:  This table contains the bulk of information to define a report, including WHERE parameters, sort order if allowed, report columns and some additional information.  Netcellent defines the entries in this table.  The unique key for this table is report-id, origin, template number, sequence number and variation.
  • SYRDUDRC:  When a customer changes a Netcellent report or an Enhancement report, the details are saved here, and they override the base or enhancement version of the report.   The unique key for this table is report-id, origin, template number, sequence number and variation.
  • SYRDUDRE:  This table is just like SYRDUDRB except that it is only updated by Enhancement developers.   The unique key for this table is report-id, origin, template number, sequence number and variation.
  • SYRDUDTB:  This table contains the most basic data about a report, namely the Primary table and the basic SELECT statement for running the report.  Optionally, user functions can be defined here that can be used as report columns in the report designer.  This table can only be updated by Netcellent developers.  An important reason for this is that SELECT statements sometimes have to be declared in a specific way to maximize performance.   The unique key for this table is report-id and template number.
  • SYRDUDTC:  Whenever a customer creates a new report from a base report or an enhanced report, the corresponding SYRDUDTB or SYRDUDTE is copied here so that its definition is preserved, even if Netcellent changes the original.   The unique key for this table is report-id and template number.
  • SYRDUDTE:   This table is just like SYRDUDTB except that it is only updated by Enhancement developers.   The unique key for this table is report-id and template number. 
  • SYRDRLGB:  When Netcellent updates a base report, they have the opportunity to log the change and a description of the change to this table, which is used by our customers to manage the effect of these changes on their customized reports.
  • SYRDRLGE:  This is the equivalent of SYRDRLGB except that it exists for reports created by outside developers.
  • SYRDRLGC:  This is the equivalent of SYRDRLGB and SYRDRLGE except that it tracks changes the customers make to their reports.
  • SYRDTLGB:  This table contains information about changes to templates that Netcellent or other developers make.  It is used by our customers to manage the effect of changes to templates that their customized reports use.
  • SYRDTLGE:  Like SYRDTLGB except that it applies to changes to templates that outside developers make.
  • SYRDTCHG:  This table is used by customers to track whether or not they have accepted template changes for reports that they have customized from a previous version of a template.
  • SYRDUSRS:  This table is used to restrict access to specific reports to specific users.
  • SYRDTASK:  This table is internally maintained and may be used in the future for a more robust security mechanism to  control who can run which reports. As of 5/10/2024, this table is deprecated. 
  • SYRDPLOG:  This table contains a record for every Report Desk report that users run.  It contains typical logging data, like date-and-time, user, workstation, etc., plus information for analyzing performance, such as the SQL SELECT statement, and the timings for various processing of the report.

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