Release Date: 4/28/23
Version: 8.6
Each time a Report Desk report is executed, a log record is added to a table in the database to record the details of that execution. In particular, the execution times for different parts of the process are recorded for later analysis. This document describes the Elliott Report Desk: Report Performance Inquiry.
From the Control Center menu, select System Utilities / System Files Setup and then select Reports / Report Desk Inquiry:
The form first appears as follows:
- Tabs: Across the top are four tabs that represent the four possible statuses for a report. Select a tab to display only those reports that have a matching status.
- Record Limit: This sets a maximum number of records that you want to view, starting with the most recent ones. If you change this number, the grid below will be refreshed accordingly and the new record limit will be saved for the next time you run this inquiry.
- Report Timings Grid: Here is a list of reports that match the status indicated on the Tab. You can select multiple rows on this grid if desired.
- Details Grid: The rows in this grid show additional details for the corresponding selected row(s) above.
Report Timings Grid Columns
- Comp: Company number.
- User: The Elliott User ID.
- Report ID: The full Report ID.
- Start Time: The time the report was started.
- Format: The output format of the report -- PDF, CSV or XLSX.
- Subreport: Indicates whether or not the report contains one or more subreports. Subreports require an additional SQL SELECT statement for each record in the main report and so can greatly increase the overall elapsed time of the report.
- Records: The number of records in the main report.
- Prep Time: The startup time for the report, including counting the number of qualifying records and calculating the optimal font size. All times in seconds.
- 1st SQL Time: The time to execute the SQL SELECT statement for the main report.
- Process Time: The time it takes to process through all records and subreports.
- Format Time: The time it takes to format the report. PDF takes longer than CSV and XLSX.
- Other Time: The amount of time left after subtracting all the other times from Total time.
- Total Time: The time between when the report starts and when it stops.
Report Details Grid Columns
- Workstation: The Elliott Workstation value.
- Computer: The name of the computer from which the report was initiated.
- Login: The Windows login on the computer that ran the report.
- HelpID: The Elliott program from which the report was selected.
- SQL SELECT: The first SQL SELECT statement for the report -- it does not include any subreport SELECT statements.
- More Information: Additional information in XML format that specifies the connection string, the destinations, any exceptions encountered, etc.
Analyzing a Report
If you grab the column header for Report ID and drag it to the group area right above it, you will see the grid grouped by Report ID:
You will see a summary line (second red rectangle) that provides the average record count, SQL time and total time for that report.
Exporting Selected Reports
After selecting one or more reports in the upper grid, you can right click on one of the rows and choose to export those rows to a CSV ro XLSX file:
This will create a CSV or XLSX file in your %Temp% directory with a row for each selected report, including the data in both grids. You can then save that file to any location of your choosing.