Release Date: 9/22/2022
Elliott Versions: V8.6 and Up
Like Elliott legacy reports, designated Supervisor users are able to specify Disk and/or Email output settings that all other Elliott users are restricted to. This is especially useful for PDF PostOffice processing, but can also be helpful in non-PostOffice reports. For example, the Supervisor user can specify that each report containing sensitive data always be sent to Disk for auditing purposes.
Specifying Supervisor Users
The same process that specifies Supervisor users for enforcements in Elliott legacy reports also specifies the users that can create enforcements in Report Desk, Read about this in the Overview section of the following Knowledge Base article:
Specifying a Destination to be Enforced
After logging in as SUPERVISOR or one of the Supervisor users, that user can go to the Disk and/or Email tab and select the Destination Enforced check box:
When the Destination Enforced check box is set, the check box in the current tab is also set and disabled, indicating that this destination will be enforced. If the Destination Enforced check box is unset, the check box on the current tab will be enabled again, and no enforcement will be saved for that destination.
On the Email tab, selecting the Destination Enforced button also unsets and disables the Clear recipients after sending and Interactive email check boxes, because they would enable the user to circumvent the enforcement:
Saving Enforcements
The Supervisor user can save the specified enforcement options by pressing the Save Enforcement button. Also, if any changes are made to enforcement options and the Go button is pressed before pressing the Save Enforcement button, the user will be asked if the enforcement changes should be saved before continuing to run the report.
Running Reports with Enforced Destinations
When a non-Supervisor user runs a report with enforced destinations, any destination that is enforced will have its tab checked and disabled and all options on the tab disabled. When a destination is enforced, the user cannot unset that destination or change any parameters on that tab. Each input field and checkbox will be filled as specified by the Supervisor user. They will be disabled and appear grayed out. Additionally, it is not possible to change the output format (PDF in this example):
It is possible for the non-Supervisor user to specify additional output destinations, such as Printer or Screen.
Removing Enforced Destinations
The Supervisor can remove all enforced destinations simply by unchecking both Destination Enforced buttons, one on the Disk tab and one on the Email tab, and then pressing Save Enforcement.
Overriding Enforced Destinations
Individual users may be granted the ability to override any enforced destination they encounter. To grant this ability, go to Password Setup from the System Utilities group on Control Center. From there, select Global Security, then User Global Security. Select Change and enter the User ID and Company. On the sixth page, set item 15 to Y:
The selected user will then have the ability to ignore the enforced destinations when they run reports.
Program: ReportOutput.vb